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The role of the PS/SPD in the trigger

The role of the PS/SPD in the trigger. Míriam Calvo , Hugo Ruiz. 5 October 2010. Introduction. Are the PS/SPD necessary in the LHCb Upgrade ? Now , their role at L0 is :

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The role of the PS/SPD in the trigger

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  1. The role of the PS/SPD in thetrigger Míriam Calvo, Hugo Ruiz 5 October 2010

  2. Introduction • • Are the PS/SPD necessary in theLHCbUpgrade? • Now, their role at L0 is: • Confirm ECAL clusters as electromagnetic (PS) • Distinguish/e (SPD) • Photonconversion ~40% (with M1) • SPD multiplicity as GEC, luminosity monitor, ... • Fortheupgrade, thecurrent plan isto use aninteractiontriggerwithout PS/SPD. • Whatwouldbelosingbydoingthat? • Stillusefulfor PID? (notcovered in thistalk)

  3. MC samples • MC 2010 • Upgrade ML 2.1 • (Stillincludes M1) • 7 TeV per beam • MagDown, 25 ns • Lumi 2, 5, 10, 20 (·1032 cm-2s-1) • Non-empty BX frequency ~12, 22, 28, 30 MHz • 100k MinBias, 35-50k Bs2PhiGamma, 35-50k Bd2Kstareeevents per luminosity • Strippingselectionsusedforsignalsamples • pT ()>2 GeV • pT (e)>300 MeV

  4. Rate MinBias 4 Lumi 2 (12 MHz of vis. X-sings) Lumi 5 (22 MHz) SPD/PS OFF em SPD/PS ON em SPD/PS ON electron SPD/PS ON photon off em e  Lumi 20 (30 MHz) Lumi 10 (28 MHz)

  5. Use of aninteractiontrigger (provideseedsfor HLT algorithms) to reduce the input of the EFF to 5 MHz. • Reduce electromagneticcandidatesto 1 MHz (whichistheacceptablerate?). • Withoutelectron/photondistinction. • Thisispossiblewith a cut of ETfor ECAL clusters (e.g. 3 GeV at 1033 cm-2s-1). ~50% increase of ratewithout PS/SPD Thus, number of T-stationsconfirmationneeded in HLT Ratio rateem OFF/ON (~sameforanyL) Anotherpoint of view, PS rejects 1/3 of ECAL clusters (hadrons, somephotons?)

  6. Rate vs luminosity Rate ECAL candidates (SPD/PS em OFF) Rateemcandidates (SPD/PS em ON) ET>2GeV 2.5 3 3.5 4 ET>2GeV 2.5 3 3.5 4 i.e.without SPD/PS i.e.with SPD/PS Lowerrateswith more loose ETcuts

  7. Number of candidatesper acceptedevent 7 lumi2 lumi5 SPD/PS ON electron SPD/PS ON photon SPD/PS ON em SPD/PS OFF em lumi20 lumi10

  8. As shown, increasedtriggerrateduetoincreasedrate of visible collisions at highluminosity, as expected. • Butnumber of candidates per eventapproximatelythesame at high ET. Ratio em OFF/ON ET>2GeV 2.5 3 3.5 4 without SPD/PS Increase of thenumber of candidates per acceptedevent <5% without PS/SPD Number of candidates vs L is flat at high ET

  9. Bs

  10. 10 Efficiency, photons Bsfg lumi2 5.2% of generated events accepted by the stripping selection lumi5 5.0% evts off em  e Efficiency of L0 onstrippedevents (pT()>2 GeV) lumi10 lumi20 4.6% evts 4.0% evts

  11. 11 Efficiency, photons Bsfg lumi5 SPD/PS OFF em SPD/PS ON em SPD/PS ON electron SPD/PS ON photon lumi2 photons Convertedphotons Using only ECAL clusters matched to MC signal g(< 60 cm) lumi10 lumi20

  12. PS kills 20% of em (photon) clusters (higherefficiencywith no PS requirement) Ratio efficiencyem OFF/ON Bsfg MC matchedclusters Ratio efficiencyphoton/em SPD identifies as photon 55-60% of keptemclusters (slightlylower at lumi 2·1033, probablyduetohigher pile-up)

  13. Efficiency (photons) vs rate 13 lumi2 lumi5 2 GeV off 2.25 GeV em  Highestefficiencywithout PS/SPD for a givenrate lumi10 lumi20 3 GeV 2.5 GeV 3.75 GeV 3.25 GeV 2.5 GeV

  14. Current L0 photontrigger can beimproved (for non-convertedphotons) if SPD=0 and no requirementonthe PS energy Fordifferent PS energycuts, withoutthe <=2 cellsrequirement off em PS energy in MeV when SPD=0, higherefficiencyif PS>=0 ~ currentvalue (10 MIPs) 

  15. Photon candidates/second vs efficiency 15 lumi2 lumi5 off 1 M em  Lesscandidates per second at a givenefficiencywithout PS/SPD lumi10 lumi20 2.5 GeV 2 GeV 3 GeV

  16. B0K*e+e-

  17. Efficiency, electrons 17 B0 K*e+e- lumi2 lumi5 5.2% of generated events accepted by the stripping selection 5.1% evts em off e  Photontriggers (notrelatedtosignalelectronsclusters) pT(e)>0.3 GeV in stripping lumi20 lumi10 3.6% evts 4.6% evts

  18. Efficiency, electrons 18 B0 K*e+e- SPD/PS OFF em SPD/PS ON em SPD/PS ON electron SPD/PS ON photon lumi2 lumi5 off e em  Using only ECAL clusters matched to MC e (< 60 cm)  photontriggersdisappear lumi20 lumi10

  19. Ratio efficiencyem OFF/ON PS kills 5% of eventswithem (electron) clusters B0 K*e+e- MC matchedclusters SPD identifies as electron 99% of remainingsignalelectronclusters Ratio efficiencyelectron/em

  20. Efficiency (electrons) vs rate 20 lumi2 lumi5 em off e 2.25 GeV Highestefficiencywith PS/SPD for a givenrate lumi20 lumi10 2.25 GeV 2.5 GeV 3 GeV 3 GeV 3.25 GeV 3.75 GeV

  21. Electroncandidates/secondvs efficiency 21 lumi5 lumi2 off 1 M em e Lesscandidates per second at a givenefficiencyfor L0 electronswith PS/SPD lumi10 lumi20 3 GeV 2.25 GeV

  22. Conclusions • Results are similiar at anyluminosity. • Maindifferenceistherate of visible ppcollisions. • Usingthe PS/SPD toconfirmelectromagneticclusters reduces therateby a factor 1/3 for a given ETcut. • Photons: • Higherefficiencywithoutthe PS/SPD (withhigher ETcuttokeepsamerate). • PS rejects 20% of emclusters. • Forphotons, itisbetterthe case withoutany PS requirement. There are photonsthatdepositenergy in the PS belowthecurrentthreshold. • SPD rejects 40% of remainingclusters. • Convertedphotons are triggered as electrons. • Without M1, lessphotonconversions, theperformace of thecurrent L0  shouldbebetter. • Electrons: • PS/SPD electronprovideshighersignalefficiencywith a lower ETcut at a givenrate. • Therate can bereducedwithout PS/SPD by a harder ETcut. • Drawback: relativeloss of efficiencyaround 20% forsignalelectrons. • Acceptableorrecoverablethroughthehadronicpart of thedecay? • WhatabouttheeffectonParticleIdentificationwhenremovingthe PS/SPD?

  23. SPARES

  24. em off electron photon B0 K*e+e- EPS (MeV) of thefour PS cells Threshold at ~10 MIP L0 electronif2 cellsabovethreshold & SPD = 1 feweventsrejected

  25. em off electron photon Convertedphotons 20% eventsrejected Bsfg There are photonsthat do notdepositenoughenergy in PS, thusdiscarded Threshold at ~10 MIP L0 photonif2 cellsabovethreshold & SPD=0

  26. Bsfg Fordifferent PS energycuts Withoutthe <=2 cellsrequirement Higherefficiencyif PS/SPD OFF PS energy in MeV when SPD=0, higherefficiencyif PS>=0

  27. B0 K*e+e- Fordifferent PS energycuts Withoutthe <=2 cellsrequirement Thecurrent L0 electrontriggersettingisclosetotheoptimalone

  28. MinBias # interactions/event lumi2 lumi5 lumi10 lumi20

  29. SelBd2eeKstar Strippingselections # DiLepton (e+e-) DiLeptonForBd2LLKstar.InputLocations = ["StdLooseElectrons"] DiLeptonForBd2LLKstar.DecayDescriptor = "J/psi(1S) -> e+ e-" DiLeptonForBd2LLKstar.DaughtersCuts = {"e+": "(PT>300*MeV) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)>1)" } DiLeptonForBd2LLKstar.CombinationCut = "AM<5500*MeV" DiLeptonForBd2LLKstar.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<25)" # Kstar Kstar2KPiForBd2LLKstar.InputLocations = ["StdTightPions", "StdTightKaons"] Kstar2KPiForBd2LLKstar.DecayDescriptor = "[K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-]cc" Kstar2KPiForBd2LLKstar.DaughtersCuts = {"K+": "(PT>350*MeV) & (P>3000*MeV) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)>3)", "pi-": "(PT>300*MeV) & (P>3000*MeV) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)>3)" } Kstar2KPiForBd2LLKstar.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('K*(892)0')<200*MeV)" Kstar2KPiForBd2LLKstar.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<25)" # Bd-> eeKstar PreselBd2Kstaree.InputLocations = ["DiLeptonForBd2LLKstar", "Kstar2KPiForBd2LLKstar"] PreselBd2Kstaree.DecayDescriptor = "[B0 -> K*(892)0 J/psi(1S)]cc" PreselBd2Kstaree.DaughtersCuts = {"K*(892)0": "ALL", "J/psi(1S)": "ALL"} PreselBd2Kstaree.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B0')<1200*MeV)" PreselBd2Kstaree.MotherCut = "(BPVIPCHI2()<64) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<(36.0/4.0)) & (BPVVDCHI2>9) & (BPVDIRA>0.999)" # final selections hardee = "(INTREE( (ID=='J/psi(1S)') & (BPVVD>1.0*mm) ))" hardKstar = "(INTREE( (ABSID=='K*(892)0') & (ADMASS('K*(892)0')<130*MeV) & (BPVIPCHI2()>1.0) & (BPVVDCHI2>1.0) ))" hardB = "(ADMASS('B0')<1000*MeV) & (BPVIP()<0.05*mm)“ from Configurables importFilterDesktop SelBd2eeKstar = FilterDesktop("SelBd2eeKstar") SelBd2eeKstar.InputLocations = ["PreselBd2Kstaree"] SelBd2eeKstar.Code = hardee + " & " + hardKstar + " & " + hardB

  30. Bs2PhiGamma defcombineBs(self, name = "MakeBs2PhiGamma" ): """ Define the Bs """ _stdPhi4Bs = DataOnDemand(Location = "Phys/StdLoosePhi2KK") _phi4BsFilter = FilterDesktop ("PhiFilterFor"+name) _phi4BsFilter.Code = "(MINTREE(ABSID=='K+', MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY))> %(TrIPchi2Phi)s) & (ADMASS('phi(1020)') < %(PhiMassWinT)s*MeV) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(PhiVCHI2)s)" % self.getProps() Phi4Bs = Selection ("Phi2KKFor"+name ,Algorithm = _phi4BsFilter ,RequiredSelections = [_stdPhi4Bs]) _stdgamma = DataOnDemand(Location = "Phys/StdLooseAllPhotons") _gammaFilter = FilterDesktop("GammaFilterFor"+name) _gammaFilter.Code = "(PT> %(photonPT)s*MeV)" % self.getProps() Gamma = Selection ("GammaFor"+name ,Algorithm = _gammaFilter ,RequiredSelections = [_stdgamma]) _Bs2PhiGamma = CombineParticles ( name ,DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> phi(1020) gamma" ,CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0')<%(BsMassWin)s*MeV)" % self.getProps() ,MotherCut = "(acos(BPVDIRA) < %(BsDirAngle)s) & (BPVIPCHI2() < %(BsPVIPchi2)s)" % self.getProps() ,ReFitPVs = True) Bs2PhiGamma = Selection ( "Sel"+name ,Algorithm = _Bs2PhiGamma ,RequiredSelections = [Gamma, Phi4Bs]) return Bs2PhiGamma

  31. class StrippingB2XGammaConf(LHCbConfigurableUser): """ Definition of B -> X Gamma stripping """ __slots__ = { 'TrIPchi2Phi' : 10 # Dimensionless ,'TrIPchi2Kst' : 10 # Dimensionless ,'PhiMassWinL' : 40 # MeV ,'PhiMassWinT' : 15 # MeV ,'KstMassWinL' : 200 # MeV ,'KstMassWinT' : 100 # MeV ,'KstMassWinSB' : 200 # MeV ,'BsMassWin' : 1000 # MeV ,'B0MassWin' : 1000 # MeV ,'BMassWinSB' : 2000 # MeV ,'BsDirAngle' : 0.02 # radians ,'B0DirAngle' : 0.02 # radians ,'BDirAngleMoni' : 0.06 # radians ,'BsPVIPchi2' : 15 # Dimensionless ,'B0PVIPchi2' : 15 # Dimensionless ,'photonPT' : 2000 # MeV ,'PhiVCHI2' : 15 # dimensionless ,'KstVCHI2' : 15 # dimensionless }

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