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Index. T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9. The WMO Core Profile Jean-Pierre Aubagnac Météo-France DSI/DEV jean-pierre.aubagnac@meteo.fr. General

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  1. Index T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 The WMO Core Profile Jean-Pierre Aubagnac Météo-France DSI/DEV jean-pierre.aubagnac@meteo.fr General What is Metadata ? The ISO 191xx series ISO 19115 The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 References Appendix 1 – Minimum Compliant Metadata Record Appendix 2 – GTS Metadata Instance

  2. General T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • WIS • The future WMO Information System (WIS) will provide «a single coordinated global infrastructure for the collection and sharing of information in support of all WMO and related international programmes». • Central to the WIS are logical metadata catalogues, including the catalogue of Discovery Access and Retrieval (DAR) Metadata, which will provide a global view of all data and products avaliable from WMO Programmes and related international programmes. • All WIS functions concerned by DAR metadata (Global Information Service Centres (GISC), Data Collection and Production Centres (DCPC), National Centres (NC)) • (More on WIS in Appendix 1…) • Why ? • Qualified decisions need information – geographic information an important part • (Heterogeneous) Geographic Information from various sources needs to be integrated and interoperable • Geographic information needs to be discovered, used - and reused • Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) provide an unified approach to these issues: «framework of spatial data, metadata, users and tools that are interactively connected in order to use spatial data in an efficient and flexible way» or «technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data» • Standards are an essential and necessary part

  3. General T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • Interoperability between systems has several aspects: • a) Network Protocol interoperability describes basic communication between systems. Communication occurs on • two levels. At the higher level, there is the communication between applications. The lower level describes the • transmission of signals. Interoperability is required at this level to ensure signals can be sent and received, • signals are timely, networks are expandable, and security is intact. • b) File System interoperability requires that a file can be opened and displayed in its native format on another • system. This includes interoperability for transfer and access of files, as well as naming conventions, access • control, access methods and file management. • c) Remote Procedure Calls refer to a set of operations that execute procedures on remote systems. This form of • interoperability standardizes how programs run under another operating system. • d) Search and Access Databases provide the ability to query and manipulate data in a common database that is • distributed over different platforms. Interoperability challenges include the location and access to the stored • data. • e) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are specific to the geographic community. Interoperability between GIS • implies transparent access to data, the sharing of spatial databases and other services regardless of the • platform. To achieve interoperability between GIS, a geodata model, service model, and information • communities model must be utilized. Syntactic interoperability refers to the ability for different systems to • interpret the syntax of the data the same way. • f) Application interoperability refers to the ability for different GIS applications to use and represent data in the • same manner. To do this, semantic interoperability is required. Semantic interoperability refers to applications • interpreting data consistently in the same manner in order to provide the intended representation of the data. • Semantic interoperability may be achieved using translators to convert data from a database to an application. • The schemas and implementations described in the ISO 19100 series of standards support this level of • interoperability. • Interoperability (as defined by ISO 19101) • «ability of a system or system component to provide information sharing and inter-application co-operative process control» • ability to find, understand and employ information and processing tools when they are needed, independent of physical location. • Several aspects: • Network Protocol Interoperability (transmission of signals, communication between applications) • File System Interoperability (transfer and access of files, file naming conventions, access controls, etc) • Remote Procedure Calls • Search and Access Databases (ability to query & manipulate data in a database distributed over different platforms) • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) interoperability (data sharing and transparent access to data, syntactic interoperability) • Application interoperability (consistently using and representing data, or semantic interoperability)

  4. General T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • Relevant international Initiatives: • Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10 year plan of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) to «connect the producers of environmental data and decision-support tools with the end users of these products, with the aim of enhancing the relevance of Earth observations to global issues. The end result is to be a global public infrastructure that generates comprehensive, near-real-time environmental data, information and analyses for a wide range of users» • Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), joint initiative of the EU and European Space Agency (ESA) to «rationalize the use of multiple-sources data to get a timely and quality information, services and knowledge, and to provide autonomous and independent access to information in relation to environment and security». Based on 4 pillars: space component, in-situ measurements, data harmonization and standardization and services to users. • Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) «aims to create a European Union (EU) Spatial Data Infrastructure. This will enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations and better facilitate public access to spatial information across Europe» • Etc. • GEOSS with a long term goal to «increase interoperability and inter-connectivity of the different observation systems, in order to facilitate the exchange and   accroître l’interopérabilité et l’interconnectivité des différents systèmes d’observation constituants, de manière à faciliter l’échange et la mise en commun des données et informations selon des normes établies d’un commun accord GMES Based on 4 pillars: space component (observation satellites and associated ground segment with missions observing land, atmospheric and oceanographic parameters), in-situ measurements (ground-based and airborne data gathering networks providing information on oceans, continental surface and atmosphere), data harmonization and standardization, and services to users Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) : «framework of spatial data, metadata, users and tools that are interactively connected in order to use spatial data in an efficient and flexible way» or «technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data»

  5. What is metadata ? T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • «data about data» • «Meta» is greek for «that which takes over or includes an object or a science». • Metadata are required for various purposes, for example for the use of the data (e.g. sensor types used at an observing station) or for the discovery of the data (what, where, when, who).

  6. What is metadata ? A: Application Metadata: how can the data be used ? B: Browse Metadata: generic complete metadata, includes semantic, summary of syntactic (S), excludes discipline specific (E) A S D B C: Citation for documentation E D: Discovery Metadata: discover available data of interest. E: Extra Metadata: discipline specific C Q Q: Query Metadata: schema defining supported queries on A, B, C, D D S: Summary Metadata: subset of A, B & D sufficient to at least fully identify the data T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • «one man’s metadata is another man’s data» Metadata has different meanings in different circumstances. This Taxonomy proposes possible relationship between Summary (possibly only identification information), Discovery, Browse (extended description) and Application Metadata (how to use the data). Confusion can arise when different uses of metadata are confounded. BOF • IPET-MI 1 quotes the NDG Metadata Taxonomy as an example (NDG is UK’s National Environmental Research Council Data Grid)

  7. What is metadata ? T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • «one man’s metadata is another man’s data» • ISO 19115, and the WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 mainly address discovery, i.e. search for parameter and keyword, geographical and time search, directory browsing. • Identification Information • Title, description, reference dates, version, abstract, involved parties • Extent of the data • Possible uses of the data • Applicable legal or security constraints • Content description • Coordinate system • Geo-Localization • Information on the data geo-localization and organization • Quality information • Quality measures: geometric, temporal or semantic accuracy, sufficiency: how comprehensive the data is, logical consistency… • Genealogy information: data sources, measurement / collection procedures, applied processing… • Practical details • How can / should the data / metadata be displayed / distributed / maintained Ce qu’il y a dans l’ISO 19115

  8. The ISO 191xx series T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • Who is ISO ? The International Standardization Organization (ISO) is a non-governmental organization aiming at producing international standards covering industrial or commercial domains. Created after WWII in 1947 as a worldwide federation of over 20 national standardization institutes including the american ASA, french AFNOR or british BSI. 158 countries are represented on the basis of one member per country. Work is organized in 200 or so Technical Committees (TC). • Who is ISO Technical Committee TC 211 ? TC 211 is tasked with «Geographic Information / Geomatics». Created in 1994, TC 211 has produced 47 norms. Includes 32 participating countries and 30 observing countries. Work is organized in 6 Working Groups. Multiple external liaisons (FAO, ICAO, etc) including WMO, internal liaisons with other ISO TCs. 36-39 months from the proposal of a new Work Item to its integration in the International Standard.

  9. The ISO 191xx series T h e W M O C o r e P r o f i l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • What is the ISO 191xx series ? ISO’s series of standard for defining, describing and managing geographic information Developed and maintained by ISO TC 211 A «structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth» «Specifying methods, tools and sevices for management of geographic information»

  10. The ISO 191xx series T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO 19101 – Geographic Information – Reference Model • Conceptual Modelling used to: • rigorously describe geographic information, • define services for transformation and exchange of geographic information, • describe specializations of the ISO 191xx standards for particular purposes The Architectural Reference Model describes the general types of services provided by computer systems to manipulate geographic information, and lists the service interfaces accross which they must interoperate. BOF The Domain Reference Model provides a high-level representation and description of the structure and content of geographic information.It describes the scope of the standardization addressed by the 191xx series. Profiles and functional standards combine different standards in the series and specialize the information in these standards in order to meet specific needs.

  11. The ISO 191xx series …in a defined logical structure… …delivered through services… …and described by metadata. A geospatial dataset… …consists of features and related objects… T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO 19101 – Geographic Information – Reference Model « At the Core of the model is a geospatial Dataset. A Dataset contains Feature instances and related objects, and is described by Metadata. Geographic Information Services operate on a Dataset, while the logical structure and semantic content of a Dataset is described through an Application schema » High level view of the ISO 19101 Domain Reference Model

  12. The ISO 191xx series T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 ISO 19101:2002 - Reference model ISO/TS 19101-2:2008 – Reference Model – Imagery and Gridded Data ISO/TS 19103:2005 - Conceptual schema language ISO/TS 19104:2008 - Terminology ISO 19105:2000 - Conformance and testing ISO 19106:2004 - Profiles ISO 19107:2003 - Spatial schema ISO 19108:2002/Cor 1:2006 - Temporal schema ISO 19109:2005 - Rules for application schema ISO 19110:2005 - Feature cataloguing methodology ISO 19111:2007 - Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19111-2:2009 – Spatial referencing by coordinates – Part 2: extensions for parametric values ISO 19112:2003 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113:2002 - Quality principles ISO 19114:2003 - Quality evaluation procedures ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006 – Metadata ISO 19115-2:2009 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19116:2004 - Positioning services ISO 19117:2005 – Portrayal ISO 19118:2005 - Encoding ISO 19119:2005/Amd 1:2008 – Services ISO/TR 19120:2001 - Functional standards ISO/TR 19121:2000 Imagery and gridded data ISO/TR 19122:2004 - Qualifications and certification of personnel ISO 19123:2005 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO/RS 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components ISO 19125-1:2004 - Simple feature access – Part 1: Common Architecture ISO 19125-2:2004 - Simple feature access – Part 2: SQL Option ISO/FDIS 19126 - Profiles for feature data dictionary registers and feature catalogue registers ISO/TS 19127:2005 - Geodetic codes and parameters ISO 19128:2005 - Web Map Server Interface ISO/TS 19129:2009 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO/CD TS 19130 - Sensor and data model for imager and gridded data ISO 19131:2007 - Data product specification ISO 19132:2007 - Location based services possible standards ISO 19133:2005 - Location based services tracking and navigation ISO 19134:2007 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO 19135:2005 - Procedures for registration of geographic information items ISO 19136:2007 – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO 19137:2007 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO/TS 19138:2006 – Data quality measures ISO/TS 19139:2007 - Metadata – Implementation specifications ISO 19141:2008 - Schema for moving features ISO/DIS 19142 - Web Feature Service ISO/DIS 19143 – Filter Encoding ISO 19144-1:2009 – Classification Systems – Part 1: Classification system structure ISO/CD 19144-2 – Classification Systems – Part 2: Land cover classification system ISO/CD 19145 – Registry of representations of geographic point location ISO/DIS 19146 - Cross-domain vocabularies ISO/CD 19148 - Location based services -- Linear referencing system ISO/CD 19149 - Rights expression language for geographic information -- GeoREL ISO/NP 19151 - Dynamic position identification scheme for Ubiquitous space (u-position) ISO/CD 19152 - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) ISO/WD 19153 - Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM) ISO/NP 19155 - Place Identifier (PI) Architecture ISO/CD 19156 - Observations and measurements ISO/NP 19157 - Data quality ISO/NP TS 19158 - Quality assurance of data supply

  13. The ISO 191xx series • Standards in development • NP = New Work Item Proposal • CD = Committee Draft • or PAS = Publicly Available Specification • DIS = Draft International Standard • or TS = Technical Specification • or TR = Technical Report (non-normative) • FDIS = Final Draft International Standard • (no prefix) = International Standard • :200x = published in 200x • Cor = Corrigendum • Amd = Amendment T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 ISO 19101:2002 - Reference model ISO/TS 19101-2:2008 – Reference Model – Imagery and Gridded Data ISO/TS 19103:2005 - Conceptual schema language ISO/TS 19104:2008 - Terminology ISO 19105:2000 - Conformance and testing ISO 19106:2004 - Profiles ISO 19107:2003 - Spatial schema ISO 19108:2002/Cor 1:2006 - Temporal schema ISO 19109:2005 - Rules for application schema ISO 19110:2005 - Feature cataloguing methodology ISO 19111:2007 - Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19111-2:2009 – Spatial referencing by coordinates – Part 2: extensions for parametric values ISO 19112:2003 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113:2002 - Quality principles ISO 19114:2003 - Quality evaluation procedures ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006 – Metadata ISO 19115-2:2009 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19116:2004 - Positioning services ISO 19117:2005 – Portrayal ISO 19118:2005 - Encoding ISO 19119:2005/Amd 1:2008 – Services ISO/TR 19120:2001 - Functional standards ISO/TR 19121:2000 Imagery and gridded data ISO/TR 19122:2004 - Qualifications and certification of personnel ISO 19123:2005 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO/RS 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components ISO 19125-1:2004 - Simple feature access – Part 1: Common Architecture ISO 19125-2:2004 - Simple feature access – Part 2: SQL Option ISO/FDIS 19126 - Profiles for feature data dictionary registers and feature catalogue registers ISO/TS 19127:2005 - Geodetic codes and parameters ISO 19128:2005 - Web Map Server Interface ISO/TS 19129:2009 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO/CD TS 19130 - Sensor and data model for imager and gridded data ISO 19131:2007 - Data product specification ISO 19132:2007 - Location based services possible standards ISO 19133:2005 - Location based services tracking and navigation ISO 19134:2007 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO 19135:2005 - Procedures for registration of geographic information items ISO 19136:2007 – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO 19137:2007 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO/TS 19138:2006 – Data quality measures ISO/TS 19139:2007 - Metadata – Implementation specifications ISO 19141:2008 - Schema for moving features ISO/DIS 19142 - Web Feature Service ISO/DIS 19143 – Filter Encoding ISO 19144-1:2009 – Classification Systems – Part 1: Classification system structure ISO/CD 19144-2 – Classification Systems – Part 2: Land cover classification system ISO/CD 19145 – Registry of representations of geographic point location ISO/DIS 19146 - Cross-domain vocabularies ISO/CD 19148 - Location based services -- Linear referencing system ISO/CD 19149 - Rights expression language for geographic information -- GeoREL ISO/NP 19151 - Dynamic position identification scheme for Ubiquitous space (u-position) ISO/CD 19152 - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) ISO/WD 19153 - Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM) ISO/NP 19155 - Place Identifier (PI) Architecture ISO/CD 19156 - Observations and measurements ISO/NP 19157 - Data quality ISO/NP TS 19158 - Quality assurance of data supply

  14. The ISO 191xx series T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 ISO 19101:2002 - Reference model ISO/TS 19101-2:2008 – Reference Model – Imagery and Gridded Data ISO/TS 19103:2005 - Conceptual schema language ISO/TS 19104:2008 - Terminology ISO 19105:2000 - Conformance and testing ISO 19106:2004 - Profiles ISO 19107:2003 - Spatial schema ISO 19108:2002/Cor 1:2006 - Temporal schema ISO 19109:2005 - Rules for application schema ISO 19110:2005 - Feature cataloguing methodology ISO 19111:2007 - Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19111-2:2009 – Spatial referencing by coordinates – Part 2: extensions for parametric values ISO 19112:2003 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113:2002 - Quality principles ISO 19114:2003 - Quality evaluation procedures ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006 – Metadata ISO 19115-2:2009 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19116:2004 - Positioning services ISO 19117:2005 – Portrayal ISO 19118:2005 - Encoding ISO 19119:2005/Amd 1:2008 – Services ISO/TR 19120:2001 - Functional standards ISO/TR 19121:2000 Imagery and gridded data ISO/TR 19122:2004 - Qualifications and certification of personnel ISO 19123:2005 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO/RS 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components ISO 19125-1:2004 - Simple feature access – Part 1: Common Architecture ISO 19125-2:2004 - Simple feature access – Part 2: SQL Option ISO/FDIS 19126 - Profiles for feature data dictionary registers and feature catalogue registers ISO/TS 19127:2005 - Geodetic codes and parameters ISO 19128:2005 - Web Map Server Interface ISO/TS 19129:2009 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO/CD TS 19130 - Sensor and data model for imager and gridded data ISO 19131:2007 - Data product specification ISO 19132:2007 - Location based services possible standards ISO 19133:2005 - Location based services tracking and navigation ISO 19134:2007 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO 19135:2005 - Procedures for registration of geographic information items ISO 19136:2007 – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO 19137:2007 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO/TS 19138:2006 – Data quality measures ISO/TS 19139:2007 - Metadata – Implementation specifications ISO 19141:2008 - Schema for moving features ISO/DIS 19142 - Web Feature Service ISO/DIS 19143 – Filter Encoding ISO 19144-1:2009 – Classification Systems – Part 1: Classification system structure ISO/CD 19144-2 – Classification Systems – Part 2: Land cover classification system ISO/CD 19145 – Registry of representations of geographic point location ISO/DIS 19146 - Cross-domain vocabularies ISO/CD 19148 - Location based services -- Linear referencing system ISO/CD 19149 - Rights expression language for geographic information -- GeoREL ISO/NP 19151 - Dynamic position identification scheme for Ubiquitous space (u-position) ISO/CD 19152 - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) ISO/WD 19153 - Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM) ISO/NP 19155 - Place Identifier (PI) Architecture ISO/CD 19156 - Observations and measurements ISO/NP 19157 - Data quality ISO/NP TS 19158 - Quality assurance of data supply • Standards related to… • organization, • education, • content (data), • access and services

  15. ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO 19115 is an abstract content standard ISO 19115 defines and organizes in Classes and «Packages» or «Leaves» all types of content information that can be made available to describe geographic data. ISO 19115 is abstract: defined independently of an implementation / encoding. A reference for the geographic information community, ISO 19115 has two main assets: its modularity and extensibility. Identification info: information to uniquely identify the data Constraint: restrictions placed on data Data Quality: general assessment of the quality of the dataset Maintenance: info about the scope and frequency of updating data Spatial repr info: info concerning the mechanisms used to represent spatial info in a dataset (grid, vector, georectified, georeferencable) Reference system: desc. Of the spatial and temporal reference system(s) used in a dataset Content info: info identifying the feature catalogue used and / or info describing the content of a coverage dataset Portrayal catalogue: info identifying the portrayal catalogue used (to display the data) Distribution: info about the distributor of a resource and options for obtaining a resource Metadata extension: info about user specific extensions Application schema: info about the application schema used to build a dataset «DataType» stereotypes: EX_Extent, CI_Citation Other stereotypes: Type, Enumeration, CodeList, Union, Abstract, Metaclass, Interface, Package, Leaf Annex A: UML diagrams (normative) Annex B: data dictionary (normative) Annex C: Metadata extensions and profiles Annex D: abstract test suite Annex E: comprehensive dataset metadata application profile Annex F: Metadata extension methodology Annex G: Metadata implementation Annex H: hierarchical levels of metadata Annex I: Implementation examples Annex J: Multilingual support for free text metadata elements ( How about browsing the ISO 19115 standard…) Metadata for describing geographic data is defined using an abstract object model in the Unified  Modelling Language (UML).

  16. ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO 19115-2 extension to imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2 introduces an UML Package for Acquisition Information. ISO 19115-2 extends the Lineage Information for a finer description of production processes. ISO 19115-2 extends the Data Quality Information BOF

  17. ISO 19115 CI Citation (ISO 19115) DQ Data quality (ISO 19115) DS Dataset (ISO 19115) EX Extent (ISO 19115) LI Lineage (ISO 19115) RS Reference System (ISO 19115) GM Geometry (ISO 19107) GR Graph (ISO 19107) TM Temporal (ISO 19108) GF General Feature (ISO 19109) SC Spatial Coordinates (ISO 19111) SV Services (ISO 19119) MD Metadata (ISO 19115) T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO 19115 makes use of many other standards in the ISO 191xx series as UML Packages. «Two letter abbreviations are used to denote the Package that contains a Class. Those abbreviations precede Class names, connected by a “_”.» 19103 (Conceptual Schema Language): Date, DateTime, Distance, Angle, Measure, Number, Record, RecordType, Scale, UnitOfMeasure, UomLength, Set, Sequence, AttributeName, GenericName, MemberName 19107 (Spatial Schema): GM_Point, GM_Object 19108 (Temporal Schema): TM_PeriodDuration, TM_Primitive 19109 (Rules for Application Schemas): GF_AttributeType, GF_FeatureType, GF_PropertyType • ISO 19115 also refers to other ISO standards. ISO 639, Code for the representation of names of languages, ISO 3166, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions, ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies and funds, ISO 8601, Codes for the representation of date and time, Etc.

  18. ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • MD_Metadata Entity (Class) in the Metadata Entity Set Package (UML graph in Annex A): ( More in Appendix 1 - Minimum ISO 19115 compliant Metadata Record - Mandatory, Conditional and a few Optional elements) MD_Metadata Class (in corrigendum ISO 19115:2003/Cor1:2006) 

  19. ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO 19115 provides rules (Annex C) and methodology (Annex F) for metadata extension and Community Profiles • Possible extensions: • Adding a new metadata section (UML Package) • Replacing a codelist with a «free text» domain value with a new metadata codelist • Expanding an existing codelist • Adding a new metadata entity (UML Class) • Adding a new metadata element (UML attribute) • Imposing a more stringent obligation on an existing metadata element (UML attribute) • Imposing a more restrictive domain on an existing metadata element (UML Class) Stereotypes: <<Enumeration>> data type whose instances form a list of named literal values. Both the enumeration name and its literal values are declared. Enumeration means a short list of well-understood potential values within a class. <<CodeList>> used to describe a more open enumeration. <<CodeList>> is a flexible enumeration. Code lists are useful for expressing a long list of potential values. If the elements of the list are completely known, an enumeration should be used; if the only likely values of the elements are known, a code list should be used. • Impossible: • Permitting something that the standard forbids • Using extension to change the name / definition or of a metadata element (UML attribute) • Expanding an existing enumeration • Etc. Community Profile (more in ISO 19106 – Profiles) recommended if « the information to be added is extensive, involving the creation of many metadata elements within a metadata entity, specific to a discipline or application » A Community Profile of ISO 19115 and its relation to the Core  set of metadata components and the complete set

  20. ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO/TS 19139 specifies the implementation of ISO 19115 as XML Schema ISO 19115 is an abstract (encoding-independent) content standard Encoding rules (ISO 19118 – Encoding) are too loose to avoid inconsistant implementations of ISO 19115 Stereotypes referring to the implementation (e.g. xs:choice, xs:complexType, xs:simpleType, xs:simpleContent (complex type with simple content), xs:attribute XCT (XML Class Type), XCPT (XML Class Property Type), XCGE (XML Class Global Element) In ISO 19115 annex J: informative discussion of multi-lingual support Multilingual support in W3C XML (attribute xml:lang) is not sufficient for the expression of geographic metadata (case of an element with a max cardinality of 1 needed in several languages) Schémas: Classe X: - attribut dans une autre classe a le type: X_PropertyType, - xs:complexType name=X_Type (XCT), qui définit les attributs de cette classe - xs:element name=X type=X_Type (XCGE) - xs:complexType name=X_PropertyType: séquence d’au moins un élément de ref=‘X’ Donc, la balise XCGE correspont à la balise de classe. • Extends the ISO 19115 UML Models • CharacterString extensions specific to the web environment (e.g. Anchor, MimeFileType, FileName) • Cultural and Linguistic adaptability extensions (e.g. locale attribute of type PT_Locale added to Class MD_Metadata) • Etc. • Provides «an universal implementation of ISO 19115 through an XML Schema encoding that conforms to the rules described in ISO 19118»

  21. ISO 19115 gmd gco gml gmx gss gsr gts xlink xs Geographic MetaData extensible markup language Geographic COmmon extensible markup language Geography Markup Language Geographic Metadata XML Schema Geographic Spatial Schema extensible markup language Geographic Spatial Referencing extensible markup language Geographic Temporal Schema extensible markup language XML linking language W3C XML base schemas www.isotc211.org/schemas/2005/gmd www.isotc211.org/schemas/2005/gco www.opengis.net/gml www.isotc211.org/schemas/2005/gmx www.isotc211.org/schemas/2005/gss www.isotc211.org/schemas/2005/gsr www.isotc211.org/schemas/2005/gts www.w3.org/1999/xlink www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema ISO 19115 - Metadata ISO 19103 – Conceptual Schema Lang. ISO 19136 - GML ISO 19139 – XML Schema ISO 19107– Spatial Schema ISO 19111 – Spatial Ref by Coord ISO 19108 – Temporal Schema Prefix Name Schema location Implements T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • ISO/TS 19139 offers several advantages: • Modularity (One norm, one namespace, several XML Schemas…) • Re-use of existing XML Schemas (GML) • Possible Multi-Language Support

  22. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • What is the WMO Core Profile ? • A Community Profile of ISO 19115 defining the Core or minimum set of elements necessary to describe WMO datasets • Not exhaustive • WMO Metadata standard defined with this Core and extensions / amendments contributed by WMO Programmes in response to their specific needs

  23. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 IPET-MI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation IPET-MDI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and Data Interoperability ET-IDM Expert Team on Integrated Data Management v0.3 v0.2 v0.1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 v1.1 v1.0 (CBX XIV) draft v1.0 (CBX XIII) • An evolving Profile • 2 (soon 3) Expert Teams involved • Several versions released, until the latest v1.1 • 2 versions endorsed by CBS for formal testing by WMO Programmes 3 2 1 2 3 4 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9

  24. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 IPET-MI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation IPET-MDI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and Data Interoperability ET-IDM Expert Team on Integrated Data Management v0.3 v0.2 v0.1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 v1.1 v1.0 (CBX XIV) draft v1.0 (CBX XIII) • An evolving Profile - Definition • Defined as structured text (element, condition / obligation, description & recommendations for use) • UML definition of v1.1, complemented with a list of extensions to code-lists 3 2 1 2 3 4 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9

  25. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 IPET-MI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation IPET-MDI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and Data Interoperability ET-IDM Expert Team on Integrated Data Management v0.3 v0.2 v0.1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 v1.1 v1.0 (CBX XIV) draft v1.0 (CBX XIII) • An evolving Profile – Early XML Schema encoding • XML Schema proposed by ET-IDM 2 as early as 2002 • Liaison with TC211 as early as ET-IDM 3 (2003): ISO 19139 due for publication in 2004, part 2 of ISO 19115 due in 2006 • ISO expert study in 2005 to identify issues with the WMO Core Profile, and in particular in its XML implementation (draft status of ISO/TS 19139 at the time) • ISO 19139 encoding adopted for v0.3 / v1.0, v1.1 of the WMO Core Profile 3 2 1 2 3 4 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9

  26. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 IPET-MI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation IPET-MDI Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and Data Interoperability ET-IDM Expert Team on Integrated Data Management v0.3 v0.2 v0.1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 v1.1 v1.0 (CBX XIV) draft v1.0 (CBX XIII) • An evolving Profile – Standard Terminology for Metadata Keywords • Based on WMO # 182 International Meteorological Vocabulary • Introduced in 2002 by ET-IDM 2, revised at later meetings • Multi-Lingual publication (english, french, spanish, russian) in march 2005 • v1.1 of the profile mandates at least one keyword from a WMO Core list of hierarchical keywords (to be developed by WMO Programmes, top hierarchy level defined only) • Governance ? 3 2 1 2 3 4 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9

  27. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 • Expanding existing codelists • Expanding an existing enumeration • Adding a new metadata entity (UML Class) or element (UML attribute) • Imposing a more stringent obligation on an existing metadata element (UML attribute) • Submitting a new Work Item to TC 211 • WMO Category list (IPET-MI 3) • Standardized syntax • Pending T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • WMO – specific issues raised • Refinment of geographic extent information, gazeteers to decode identifiers • Management of keywords, description of meteorological parameters • Expression of data update frequency (less than daily, but more than continuous) • Expression of Lineage (observations / analyses / re-analyses / forecast / simulations, etc) • Unambiguous expression of vertical extent (e.g. sign convention for oceanography, heigt / geopotential / pressure, non-geometric vertical coordinates: sigma, potential temperature) • Expression of Time (precision of the Calendar, model simulations, datasets still being added to, etc) • Usage constraints (ISO legal and security constraints do not allow a time validity, such as needed for ICAO forecasts products or Tsunami warnings) • Unique identifiers ? • solved via (prior to v1.1)

  28. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 • Expanding existing codelists • Expanding an existing enumeration • Adding a new metadata entity (UML Class) or element (UML attribute) • Imposing a more stringent obligation on an existing metadata element (UML attribute) • Submitting a new Work Item to TC 211 • WMO Category list (IPET-MI 3) • Standardized syntax • Pending T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • WMO – specific issues raised • Refinment of geographic extent information, gazeteers to decode identifiers • Management of keywords, description of meteorological parameters • Expression of data update frequency (less than daily, but more than continuous) • Expression of Lineage (observations / analyses / re-analyses / forecast / simulations, etc) • Unambiguous expression of vertical extent (e.g. sign convention for oceanography, height / geopotential / pressure, non-geometric vertical coordinates: sigma, potential temperature) • Expression of Time (precision of the Calendar, model simulations, datasets still being added to, etc) • Usage constraints (ISO legal and security constraints do not allow a time validity, such as needed for ICAO forecasts products or Tsunami warnings) • Unique identifiers ? • solved via (v1.1)

  29. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 weather observations weather forecasts meteorology hydrology climatology land meteorology climate synoptic meteorology marine meteorology agricultural meteorology aerology marine aerology oceanography land hydrology rocket sounding pollution water pollution land water pollution sea pollution land pollution air pollution glaciology actinometry satellite observation airplane observation observation platform T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • in v1.1: extended codelists • CI_DateTypeCode • MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode • MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode • in v1.1: more stringent obligation on an existing element • descriptiveKeyword: mandatory, with at least one keyword from the WMO Category List. Best Practice guide to recommend the use of at least one GEMET keyword, as well as keywords from the standard terminology.

  30. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • in v1.1: standardized syntax • descriptiveKeywords / MD_Keywords / keyword: use double hyphen «--» to separate hierarchy levels • MD_DataIdentification / supplementalInformation: express model run analysis time with a structured phrase such as «WMO Simulation Identification Analysis Time <xxxx>» • resourceConstraints / MD_Constraint / useLimitation: express TAF validity time with a structured phrase such as «This product is only valid from <date> until <date>» • similarly use resourceConstraints to refer to WMO resolution 40 (Cg-XII).

  31. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • Publicizing the standard • ET reports, examples, implementation schemas available online • Liaisons with TC211 • Sollicited Inter-WMO-Programme activity • Liaison with other initiatives concerned with interoperability (GEOSS, INSPIRE) • (future) registration of the WMO Core Profile with ISO • More needed ? • Examples • Training material • Best Practice guide or Implementing Rules • Contributions by other WMO Programmes ?  IPET-MDI to make an effort maintaining & documenting the standard

  32. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • Implementation effort: GTS Metadata Generator developed by Météo-France • ET-IDM expresses as early as 2004 the need for WMO Core compliant metadata for bulletins exchanged on the GTS • Context of SIMDAT Virtual Meteorological Centre prototype (development led by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast ECMWF) • Different sets of specifications given to Météo-France for a SIMDAT VMC GTS interface, starting in 2006, leading to 3 consecutive projects • Converting WMO # 9 Volume C1 into a set of WMO Core Metadata records • Part of the latest project, based on july 2007 specifications • Same «bulletin» granularity as WMO # 9 Volume C1 Catalogue of GTS bulletins • Metadata population regularly generated to reflect changes in the catalogue, but static between 2 generations • WMO Core Profile v0.3 / v1.0 compliance upgraded to v1.1 compliance. INSPIRE compatibility met, with the exception of one additional keyword from the GEMET thesaurus. • Demanding in terms of information, the generation led to the creation of representations of WMO documents / references, the collection / compiling of information obtained from sparse sources, or the creation of lacking information (e.g. hierarchical content keywords) • Evolving software following recommendations from WMO expert teams (presented at IPET-MI 3), but many elements need reviewing & validation

  33. The WMO Core Profile of ISO 19115 Format: XML txt XSLT TimeGroup rule, unicity criterion fileIdentifier contact codeForm C13table abstract TTAAii content WMO pointOfContact CodeForm rules descriptiveKeywords « improved » Volume C1 topicCategory XSLT motor Content rules geographicElement WMO responsibleParties temporalElement dataOwner dataOwnerDefault resourceConstraints Volume C1 metadataConstraints NOAA stations VolumeA Res 40 vgisc extension WMO Core Profile v1.1 of ISO19115 GTS metadata record T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 ( GTS Metadata Instance in Appendix 2)

  34. References T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 • WMO documents on the development of the WMO Core Profile at: • http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WDM/Metadata/documents.html • ISO 191xx series at: • http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_tc_browse.htm?commid=54904 Thank you !

  35. T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 Appendix 1 – Minimum Compliant Metadata Record Jean-Pierre Aubagnac Météo-France DSI/DEV jean-pierre.aubagnac@meteo.fr

  36. Minimum Metadata Record T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier [0..1] : CharacterString + language [0..1] : LanguageCode (ISO:C / not defined by encoding?)(I: M) + characterSet [0..1]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO:C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used and not defined by encoding?) + parentIdentifier [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + hierarchyLevel [0..*] :MD_ScopeCode(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?)(I:M) + hierarchyLevelName [0..*]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + contact [0..*] :CI_ResponsibleParty (ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) (I: M) + dateStamp [1] : Date + metadataStandardName [0..1] : CharacterString + metadataStandardVersion [0..1] : CharacterString + referenceSystemInfo [0..*] : MD_ReferenceSystem + identificationInfo [1] : MD_Identification + distributionInfo [0..*] : MD_Distribution(I: C / if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resources and/or access related services) + dataQualityInfo [0..*] :DQ_DataQuality(I: M) Core, Mandatory and Conditional elements (Optional elements for both ISO & INSPIRE left out) ([ISO cardinalities], type or domain, ISO: ISO 19115, I: INSPIRE)

  37. Minimum Metadata Record T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification + citation [1] : CI_Citation + title [1] : CharacterString + date [0..*] : CI_Date (ISO: at least one date reference, I: M: one date here) + date [1] : Date + dateType [1] : CI_DateTypeCode + identifier [1..*] : MD_Identifier(I:M) + code [1] : CharacterString + codeSpace [0..1] : CharacterString + abstract [1] : CharacterString + pointOfContact [0..*] : CI_ResponsibleParty (I: M) + descriptiveKeywords [0..*] : MD_Keywords (WMO Core: at least one WMO keyword, I:M: at least one GEMET keyword) + keyword [1..*] : CharacterString + thesaurusName [0..1] : CI_Citation(I: C / if originating from a controlled vocabulary) + resourceConstraints [0..*] : MD_Constraints(I: M) + spatialRepresentationType [0..*] : MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode + spatialResolution [0..*] : MD_Resolution(I: C / if can be specified) + language [1..*] : LanguageCode + characterSet [0..*]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO: C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used?) + topicCategory[0..*]: MD_TopicCategoryCode (ISO: C / if hierarchyLevel equals “dataset”?, I: M) + extent [0..*] : EX_Extent(ISO: C / one geographic description (Bounding Box or Desc.) required if hierarchyLevel equals “dataset” ?) + description: CharacterString (ISO: C / geographicElement and temporalElement and verticalElement not documented?) + geographicElement [0..*] : EX_GeographicBoundingBox(ISO: C / description and temporalElement and verticalElement not documented?, I: M) + westBoundLongitude [1] : Decimal + eastBoundLongitude [1] : Decimal + southBoundLatitude [1] : Decimal + northBoundLatitude [1] : Decimal + geographicElement [0..*] : EX_GeographicDescription + geographicIdentifier [1]:MD_Identifier + temporalElement [0..*] : EX_TemporalExtent(ISO: C / description and geographicElement and verticalElement not documented?) + extent [1] : TM_Primitive(I: C / no other data reference) + verticalElement |0..*]: EX_VerticalExtent (ISO: C / description and geographicElement and temporalElement not documented?) + minimumValue [1]:Real + maximumValue [1]:Real + unitOfMeasure [1]:UomLength + verticalDatum [1]:SC_VerticalDatum MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier [0..1] : CharacterString + language [0..1] : LanguageCode (ISO:C / not defined by encoding?)(I: M) + characterSet [0..1]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO:C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used and not defined by encoding?) + parentIdentifier [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + hierarchyLevel [0..*] :MD_ScopeCode(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?)(I:M) + hierarchyLevelName [0..*]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + contact [0..*] :CI_ResponsibleParty (ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) (I: M) + dateStamp [1] : Date + metadataStandardName [0..1] : CharacterString + metadataStandardVersion [0..1] : CharacterString + referenceSystemInfo [0..*] : MD_ReferenceSystem + identificationInfo [1] : MD_Identification + distributionInfo [0..*] :MD_Distribution(I: C / if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resources and/or access related services) + dataQualityInfo [0..*] :DQ_DataQuality(I: M) Core, Mandatory and Conditional elements (Optional elements for both ISO & INSPIRE left out) ([ISO cardinalities], type or domain, ISO: ISO 19115, I: INSPIRE)

  38. Minimum Metadata Record T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification + citation [1] : CI_Citation + title [1] : CharacterString + date [0..*] : CI_Date (ISO: at least one date reference, I: M: one date here) + date [1] : Date + dateType [1] : CI_DateTypeCode + identifier [1..*] : MD_Identifier(I:M) + code [1] : CharacterString + codeSpace [0..1] : CharacterString + abstract [1] : CharacterString + pointOfContact [0..*] : CI_ResponsibleParty(I: M) + descriptiveKeywords [0..*] : MD_Keywords (WMO Core: at least one WMO keyword, I:M: at least one GEMET keyword) + keyword [1..*] : CharacterString + thesaurusName [0..1] : CI_Citation(I: C / if originating from a controlled vocabulary) + resourceConstraints [0..*] : MD_Constraints(I: M) + spatialRepresentationType [0..*] : MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode + spatialResolution [0..*] : MD_Resolution(I: C / if can be specified) + language [1..*] : LanguageCode + characterSet [0..*]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO: C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used?) + topicCategory[0..*]: MD_TopicCategoryCode (ISO: C / if hierarchyLevel equals “dataset”?, I: M) + extent [0..*] : EX_Extent(ISO: C / one geographic description (Bounding Box or Desc.) required if hierarchyLevel equals “dataset” ?) + description: CharacterString (ISO: C / geographicElement and temporalElement and verticalElement not documented?) + geographicElement [0..*] : EX_GeographicBoundingBox(ISO: C / description and temporalElement and verticalElement not documented?, I: M) + westBoundLongitude [1] : Decimal + eastBoundLongitude [1] : Decimal + southBoundLatitude [1] : Decimal + northBoundLatitude [1] : Decimal + geographicElement [0..*] : EX_GeographicDescription + geographicIdentifier [1]:MD_Identifier + temporalElement [0..*] : EX_TemporalExtent(ISO: C / description and geographicElement and verticalElement not documented?) + extent [1] : TM_Primitive(I: C / no other data reference) + verticalElement |0..*]: EX_VerticalExtent (ISO: C / description and geographicElement and temporalElement not documented?) + minimumValue [1]:Real + maximumValue [1]:Real + unitOfMeasure [1]:UomLength + verticalDatum [1]:SC_VerticalDatum MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier [0..1] : CharacterString + language [0..1] : LanguageCode (ISO:C / not defined by encoding?)(I: M) + characterSet [0..1]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO:C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used and not defined by encoding?) + parentIdentifier [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + hierarchyLevel [0..*] :MD_ScopeCode(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?)(I:M) + hierarchyLevelName [0..*]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + contact [0..*] :CI_ResponsibleParty(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) (I: M) + dateStamp [1] : Date + metadataStandardName [0..1] : CharacterString + metadataStandardVersion [0..1] : CharacterString + referenceSystemInfo [0..*] : MD_ReferenceSystem + identificationInfo [1] : MD_Identification + distributionInfo [0..*] : MD_Distribution(I: C / if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resources and/or access related services) + dataQualityInfo [0..*] : DQ_DataQuality(I: M) CI_ResponsibleParty + individualName [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO: C / one or more must be documented among: individualName, organisationName, positionName) + organisationName [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO: C / one or more must be documented among: individualName, organisationName, positionName, I: M) + positionName[0..1] : CharacterString (ISO: C / one or more must be documented among: individualName, organisationName, positionName) + contactInfo [0..*] : CI_Contact (I: M) + address [0..*] : CI_Address(I: M) + electronicEmailAddress [0..*] : CharacterString (I: M) + role[1] : CI_RoleCode Core, Mandatory and Conditional elements (Optional elements for both ISO & INSPIRE left out) ([ISO cardinalities], type or domain, ISO: ISO 19115, I: INSPIRE)

  39. Minimum Metadata Record T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier [0..1] : CharacterString + language [0..1] : LanguageCode (ISO:C / not defined by encoding?)(I: M) + characterSet [0..1]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO:C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used and not defined by encoding?) + parentIdentifier [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + hierarchyLevel [0..*] :MD_ScopeCode(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?)(I:M) + hierarchyLevelName [0..*]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + contact [0..*] :CI_ResponsibleParty (ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) (I: M) + dateStamp [1] : Date + metadataStandardName [0..1] : CharacterString + metadataStandardVersion [0..1] : CharacterString + referenceSystemInfo [0..*] : MD_ReferenceSystem + identificationInfo [1] : MD_Identification + distributionInfo [0..*] : MD_Distribution(I: C / if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resources and/or access related services) + dataQualityInfo [0..*] : DQ_DataQuality(I: M) MD_Distribution + distributionFormat [0..*] : MD_Format(ISO: C / MD_Distributor.distibutorFormat not documented?) + name [1] :CharacterString + version [1] : CharacterString + transferOptions: MD_DigitalTransferOptions + onLine: CI_OnlineResource + linkage: URL http://vgiscbis.meteo.fr:8080/wis-portal/retrieve_data?id=fr.meteofrance.lfpw. FCSN32ESWI02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + protocol: CharacterString WWW:LINK-1.0-http—link + name: CharacterString Meteo-France SIMDAT Node + description: CharacterStringFCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC at the Meteo-France SIMDAT Node (Back ...) Core, Mandatory and Conditional elements (Optional elements for both ISO & INSPIRE left out) ([ISO cardinalities], type or domain, ISO: ISO 19115, I: INSPIRE)

  40. Minimum Metadata Record T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 DQ_DataQuality + scope [1] : DQ_Scope + level [1] : MD_ScopeCode + levelDescription [0..*]: MD_ScopeDescription (ISO: C / if ‘level’ notEqual ‘dataset’ or ‘series’) + lineage [0..1] : LI_Lineage(ISO: C / if scope.DQ_Scope.level = ‘dataset’, I: M) + statement [0..1] : CharacterString(ISO: C / for datasets or series, in the absence of source and processStep, I: M) + processStep [0..*]:LI_ProcessStep(ISO: C / if statement and source not documented) + description [1]:CharacterString + source [0..*]:LI_Source (ISO: C / if statement and processStep not documented) + description [0..1]: CharacterString (ISO: C / if sourceExtent not documented) + sourceExtent [0..*]: EX_Extent (ISO: C / if description not documented) + report [0..*]:DQ_Element(ISO: C / if scope.DQ_Scope.level = ‘dataset’) + measureIdentification[0..1] :MD_Identifier(I: M) + result [1..2]:DQ_ConformanceResult(ISO: mandated result of abstract class DQ_Result, I: mandated subclass DQ_ConformanceResult) + specification [1]:CI_Citation + explanation [1]:CharacterString + pass [1]:Boolean + result [1..2]:DQ_QuantitativeResult (ISO: mandated result of abstract class DQ_Result) + valueUnit [1]:UnitOfMeasure + value [1..*]:Record MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier [0..1] :CharacterString + language [0..1] : LanguageCode (ISO:C / not defined by encoding?)(I: M) + characterSet [0..1]: MD_CharacterSetCode (ISO:C / ISO/IEC 10646-1 not used and not defined by encoding?) + parentIdentifier [0..1]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + hierarchyLevel [0..*] :MD_ScopeCode(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?)(I:M) + hierarchyLevelName [0..*]:CharacterString(ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) + contact [0..*] :CI_ResponsibleParty (ISO:C / hierarchyLevel is not equal to dataset?) (I: M) + dateStamp [1] : Date + metadataStandardName [0..1] : CharacterString + metadataStandardVersion [0..1] : CharacterString + referenceSystemInfo [0..*] : MD_ReferenceSystem + identificationInfo [1] : MD_Identification + distributionInfo [0..*] : MD_Distribution(I: C / if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resources and/or access related services) + dataQualityInfo [0..*] : DQ_DataQuality(I: M) (Back to the Index...) (Back ...) Core, Mandatory and Conditional elements (Optional elements for both ISO & INSPIRE left out) ([ISO cardinalities], type or domain, ISO: ISO 19115, I: INSPIRE)

  41. T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 Appendix 2 – GTS Metadata Instance Jean-Pierre Aubagnac Météo-France DSI/DEV jean-pierre.aubagnac@meteo.fr

  42. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  43. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints MD_Distribution + transferOptions: MD_DigitalTransferOptions + onLine: CI_OnlineResource + linkage: URL http://vgiscbis.meteo.fr:8080/wis-portal/retrieve_data?id=fr.meteofrance.lfpw. FCSN32ESWI02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + protocol: CharacterString WWW:LINK-1.0-http—link + name: CharacterString Meteo-France SIMDAT Node + description: CharacterStringFCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC at the Meteo-France SIMDAT Node MD_Constraints + useLimitation: CharacterString This metadata record was created automatically as a … Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  44. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification + citation : CI_Citation + title: CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + date: CI_Date + date : Date 2001-12-18 + dateType : CI_DateTypeCode publication + identifier : MD_Identifier + code : CharacterString fr.meteofrance.lfpw. FCSN32ESWI02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + codeSpace : CharacterString http://vgiscbis.meteo.fr:8080/wis-portal/ + presentationForm : CI_PresentationForm documentDigital + abstract: CharacterStringThe bulletin collects FM 51-XIII Ext. reports…. + pointOfContact : CI_ResponsibleParty reference to RTH Norrkoping + resourceMaintenance: MD_MaintenanceInformation + maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency : MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode 3-hourly + updateScope : MD_ScopeCode dataset + updateScopeDescription : MD_ScopeDescription + dataset : CharacterString (…) MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  45. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification (continued) + descriptiveKeywords: MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString WMO – Meteorology + keyword : CharacterString WMO – Weather Forecast (…) + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode theme + thesaurusName : CI_Citationreference to WMO Category List + descriptiveKeywords : MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString Concept – Forecast + keyword : CharacterString Concept – Visibility + keyword : CharacterString CodeForm -- TAF (…) + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode theme + descriptiveKeywords: MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString GCMD -- Atmosphere -- Air Quality -- Visibility + keyword : CharacterStringGCMD -- Atmosphere -- Atmospheric Temperature -- Air Temperature (…) + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode theme + thesaurusName : CI_Citationreference to Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Scientific Keywords + descriptiveKeywords : MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString 3-hourly + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode temporal + descriptiveKeywords : MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString Centre – Meteo-France + keyword : CharacterString Location – Europe – Sweden -- Stockholm/bromma (…) + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode place (…) MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  46. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification (continued) + resourceConstraints : MD_LegalConstraints + useLimitation : CharacterString This product is only valid for less than 12 hours after being issued. + accessConstraints : MD_RestrictionCode otherRestrictions + useConstraints : MD_RestrictionCode otherRestrictions + otherConstraints : CharacterString text referring to WMO Resolution 40 + language: LanguageCode eng + topicCategory : MD_TopicCategoryCode climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere + extent : EX_Extent + geographicElement: EX_GeographicDescription + geographicIdentifier :MD_Identifier + code : CharacterString ESSB + geographicElement: EX_GeographicDescription + geographicIdentifier :MD_Identifier + code : CharacterString STOCKHOLM/BROMMA + geographicElement: EX_GeographicBoundingBox + westBoundLongitude : Decimal 17.89 + eastBoundLongitude : Decimal 17.89 + southBoundLatitude : Decimal 59.36 + northBoundLatitude : Decimal 59.36 (…) (… additional geographicElements xlinking to a fictitious gazeteer (WFS)…) + geographicElement: EX_GeographicBoundingBox + westBoundLongitude : Decimal 15.52 + eastBoundLongitude : Decimal 18.35 + southBoundLatitude : Decimal 57.66 + northBoundLatitude : Decimal 60.43 + extent : EX_Extent + temporalElement : EX_TemporalExtent + extent : TM_Instant (encoded as gml:TimeInstant) + position: TM_Position T02R/PT03 (ISO 8601) (encoded as gml:TimePosition) MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  47. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints CI_ResponsibleParty + individualName :CharacterStringJean-Pierre Aubagnac + organisationName :CharacterStringMeteo-France - DSI / DEV + contactInfo : CI_Contact + phone : CI_Telephone + voice : CharacterString +33 5 61 07 82 45 + facsimile : CharacterString +33 5 61 07 81 09 + address : CI_Address + deliveryPoint : CharacterString 42 Avenue Coriolis + city : CharacterString Toulouse + postalCode : CharacterString 31057 + country : CharacterString France + electronicMailAddress : CharacterString jean-pierre.aubagnac@meteo.fr + role : CI_RoleCode publisher Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  48. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification + citation : CI_Citation + title: CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + date: CI_Date + date : Date 2001-12-18 + dateType : CI_DateTypeCode publication + identifier : MD_Identifier + code : CharacterString fr.meteofrance.lfpw. FCSN32ESWI02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + codeSpace : CharacterString http://vgiscbis.meteo.fr:8080/wis-portal/ + presentationForm : CI_PresentationForm documentDigital + abstract: CharacterStringtext + pointOfContact : CI_ResponsiblePartyreference to RTH Norrkoping + resourceMaintenance: MD_MaintenanceInformation + maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency : MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode 3-hourly + updateScope : MD_ScopeCode dataset + updateScopeDescription : MD_ScopeDescription + dataset : CharacterString (…) MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints CI_ResponsibleParty + organisationName :CharacterStringRTH Norrkoping + contactInfo : CI_Contact + phone : CI_Telephone + voice : CharacterString +46 11 4958507 + facsimile : CharacterString +46 11 4958001 + address : CI_Address + deliveryPoint : CharacterString Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) + city : CharacterString Norrköping + postalCode : CharacterString SE-601 76 + country : CharacterString sweden + electronicMailAddress : CharacterString gunilla.mild@smhi.se + role : CI_RoleCode resourceProvider Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  49. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_DataIdentification (continued) + descriptiveKeywords: MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString GCMD -- Atmosphere -- Air Quality -- Visibility + keyword : CharacterStringGCMD -- Atmosphere -- Atmospheric Temperature -- Air Temperature (…) + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode theme + thesaurusName : CI_Citationreference to Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Scientific Keywords + descriptiveKeywords : MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString 3-hourly + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode temporal + descriptiveKeywords : MD_Keywords + keyword : CharacterString Centre – Meteo-France + keyword : CharacterString Location – Europe – Sweden -- Stockholm/bromma (…) + type : MD_KeywordTypeCode place (…) MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints CI_Citation + title : CharacterString Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Scientific Keywords, Version + date : CI_Date + date : Date 2007-04-01 + dateType : CI_DateTypeCode publication + citedResponsibleParty : CI_ResponsibleParty + organisationName :CharacterStringNASA's Global Change Master Directory at the Goddard Space Flight Center + contactInfo : CI_Contact + onlineResource : CI_OnlineResource + linkage : URL http://gcmd.nasa.gov/Resources/valids + role : CI_RoleCode publisher Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

  50. GTS Metadata Instance T h e W M O C o r e P r o f I l e – J e a n - P I e r r e A u b a g n a c – M é t é o – F r a n c e D S I / D E V – 3 0 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 9 MD_Metadata / MI_Metadata + fileIdentifier: CharacterString T_FCSN32_C_ESWI_200909041434--_02-05-08-11-14-17-23 + language: LanguageCode eng + characterSet: MD_CharacterSetCode utf8 + hierarchyLevel:MD_ScopeCode dataset + hierarchyLevelName:CharacterString FCSN32 collection of TAF reports available from ESWI at 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 23 UTC + contact :CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp: Date 2009-09-04 + metadataStandardName: CharacterString WMO Core Metadata Profile of ISO 19115 + metadataStandardVersion:CharacterString 1.1 (WMO Core), 2003/Cor.1:2006 (ISO 19115), 2007 (ISO/TS 19139) + identificationInfo: MD_Identification + distributionInfo : MD_Distribution + dataQualityInfo : DQ_DataQuality + metadataConstraints: MD_Constraints DQ_DataQuality + scope : DQ_Scope + level : MD_ScopeCode dataset + report :DQ_DomainConsistency + measureIdentification : RS_Identifier + code : CharacterString Conformity_001 + codeSpace : CharacterString INSPIRE + result :DQ_ConformanceResult + specification :CI_Citation reference to (future final) INSPIRE Implementing Rules + explanation :CharacterString + pass :Boolean true + lineage : LI_Lineage + statement : CharacterString High data quality controlled according to the procedures of the GTS (Let’s look at the metadata record for FCSN32 ESWI ...) (Back to the Index...) (Back ...) Core, Mandatory, Applicable Conditional, and Optional elements (according to ISO)

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