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Vocabulary. Periodization -how we divide a subject into historical eras for purposes of analysis and study. BC/AD or BCE/CE - Before Christ/Anno Domini or Before Common Era/Common Era

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Periodization-how we divide a subject into historical eras for purposes of analysis and study. BC/AD or BCE/CE- Before Christ/Anno Domini or Before Common Era/Common Era Neolithic Revolution-major change to human life caused by the development of farming (from hunter-gatherer to agrarian-farmers) Domestication-the taming of animals (horses, dogs, goats, pigs, etc.) Irrigation-bringing water to fields using man-made canals

  2. Is it really 2012??? 4710 in China, the year of the Dragon Hebrew Year 5772 January 1st 2012 = 1433 in Islam

  3. Compare… Hunter-Gatherers Settled Farmers

  4. Neolithic Revolution Causes Impact Hunting-Gathering bands scattered seeds near campsites Climate Change-rising temps led to longer growing seasons and more dry land Growing populations led to discovery of new food sources-steady supply Permanent settlements and eventually the first cities Positive Effects: development of culture (art, religion), specialization of labor, irrigation systems Negative Effects: Close proximity leads to disease, competition for land, environmental impact.

  5. Use Your Words… Use the following words to explain the cause and effect relationship in the development of permanent settlements: Here is the CHALLENGE-Try to make it ONE sentence!!! Tools Settlement Hunters Gatherers Food Domestication of animals Agriculture

  6. Was Farming a Good Idea??? Read the Handout- “Was Farming a Good Idea” Make TWO T-Charts Label one Advantages/Disadvantages of Hunting/Gathering Label the other Advantages/Disadvantages of Farming Fill them in as you read and then we will discuss as a class.

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