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ASE102: Generic Reporting Engine based on T-SQL Stored Procedures

ASE102: Generic Reporting Engine based on T-SQL Stored Procedures. Timo Kuisma Senior Systems Analyst timo.kuisma@wmdata.fi August 15-19, 2004. Options for reporting in customized solutions. Third party reporting application (Business Objects, Cognos, Crystal Reports etc.)

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ASE102: Generic Reporting Engine based on T-SQL Stored Procedures

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  1. ASE102: Generic Reporting Engine based on T-SQL Stored Procedures Timo Kuisma Senior Systems Analyst timo.kuisma@wmdata.fi August 15-19, 2004

  2. Options for reporting in customized solutions • Third party reporting application (Business Objects, Cognos, Crystal Reports etc.) • Pros: highly customizable and visual layout • Pros: different ”levels” of complexity (e.g. designer, developer, end user) • Cons: licensing cost, learning curve, repository, separate server • Individual reports for application • Pros: you can program and visualize ”everything” • Cons: you must program and visualize everything! • Cons: new report usually means re-deployment • isql • Pros: you can report everything • Cons: requires good sql and database schema knowledge • Cons: no developer vs. end user distinction • Cons: not extremely visual user interface

  3. Generic Reporting Engine • Based on Transact-SQL stored procedures • reports can be added and modified ”on the fly” • no redeployment or even restart needed for the application • reports can contain anything, as long as it’s accessible by select -statement • one report can contain multiple result sets • Cons: only two "levels of complexity" -> developer and end user • Functionality extensible by custom commands • aggregate calculations (sum, min, max, avg, count) with break levels • formatting (e.g. font, size, colors, column widths) • url links to internal application pages or external websites • drilling to other reports • Example implementation based on Java Servlets • can be implemented basically in any programming language • JFreeChart for generating charts • free Java class library • open source (GNU Lesser General Public Licence) • http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/

  4. Simple database schema

  5. What one report consists of • A stored procedure in the database • name starts with sp_E, for example sp_EMyCustomerReport • naming convention can be anything though • A row in EQMProcedure table • procName = “dbo.sp_EMyCustomerReport” • visibleName = “My extremely useful customer report” • groupId = 0 (main level in folder hierarchy) • procType = 0 (normal) • landscape = 0 • allowGet = 1 (can be bookmarked) • Appropriate privileges for execution • That’s all

  6. My extremely useful customer report create proc sp_EMyCustomerReport as select c.name as 'Customer', o.name as 'Main office', b.nameEn as 'Branch' from Customer c inner join Office o on o.id = c.mainOfficeId inner join Branch b on b.code = c.branchCode where c.customerStateId = 0 /* only active customers */ and c.salesBranchCode = 'U03' and c.name like 's%' order by c.name

  7. Report output looks like

  8. Main loop for ResultSet in Java private void showReport(Connection con, PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws SQLException, ServletException, java.io.IOException, Exception { ResultSet rs = null; ReportInfo info = new ReportInfo(); String procedure = getStringParameter(request, "-name", ""); CallableStatement stmt = con.prepareCall(procedure); boolean gotResultSet = stmt.execute(); boolean runLoop = true; boolean bFirst = true; while (runLoop) { if (gotResultSet) { rs = stmt.getResultSet(); } else { rs = null; if (stmt.getUpdateCount() == -1) runLoop = false; } if (rs != null) { // Handle ResultSet } gotResultSet = stmt.getMoreResults(); } }

  9. Handle the ResultSet ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { ReportColumn column = new ReportColumn(i, rsmd.getColumnName(i), rsmd.getColumnType(i)); column.setVisible(i <= (rsmd.getColumnCount() - info.getHiddenColumnCount())); info.addColumn(column); } if (bFirst) { out.println("<table border=0 class='reportengine' cellpadding='2'>"); bFirst=false; } out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td colspan='" + info.getMaxColumnCount(true) + "'>&nbsp;</td>"); out.println("</tr>"); out.println("<tr class='table-header'>"); for (Iterator it = info.getColumns(); it.hasNext(); ) { ReportColumn column = (ReportColumn)it.next(); if (column.getVisible()) { out.print("<td align="+column.getAlignment() + "><b>" + formatCellValue(column.getName()) + "</b></td>"); } } out.println("</tr>");

  10. Loop the ResultSet row by row if (rs.next()) { RowBuffer prevRow = new RowBuffer(rsmd.getColumnCount()); RowBuffer currRow = new RowBuffer(rsmd.getColumnCount()); do { RowBuffer temp = prevRow; prevRow = currRow; currRow = temp; currRow.setValues(rs); int groupIndex = info.getGroupChange(prevRow, currRow); if (groupIndex >= 0) { if (!rs.isFirst()) { info.printGroupFooter(out, groupIndex); info.resetFunctions(groupIndex); } info.printGroupHeader(out, groupIndex, currRow); } info.printRow(request, out, currRow, params, isPrintVersion); info.processFunctions(currRow); } while (rs.next()); }

  11. info.printRow method prints HTML tablerow public void printRow(HttpServletRequest request, PrintWriter out, RowBuffer row, Vector params, boolean isPrintVersion) throws IOException { out.println("<tr class='detail'>"); for (Iterator it = getColumns(); it.hasNext(); ) { ReportColumn column = (ReportColumn)it.next(); int colIndex = column.getDataIndex(); if (column.getVisible()) { Object value = row.getObject(colIndex); String alignAttr = isNumericType(value) ? " align='right'" : ""; out.println("<td" + alignAttr + " class='detail'>" + Formatter.format(value, true) + "</td>"); } } out.println("</tr>"); }

  12. Report data is gathered in ReportInfo class public class ReportInfo { private SortedMap columns = new TreeMap(); private Vector groups = new Vector(); private int hiddenColumnCount = 0; private String reportTitle = ""; private Vector reportLinks = new Vector(); private Vector urlLinks = new Vector(); private Chart chart = null; public ReportInfo(); public String getReportTitle(); public void setReportTitle(String value); public void addColumn(ReportColumn column); public int getColumnCount(); public Iterator getColumns(); public ReportColumn getColumnByDataIndex(int dataIndex); public void addGroup(ReportGroup group); public int getGroupCount(); public ReportGroup getGroup(int index); public ReportColumn getGroupColumnByDataIndex(int dataIndex); ... }

  13. Each column is in ReportColumn class public class ReportColumn { private int dataIndex; private String name; private int dataType; private boolean visible; private AggregateFunction function; public ReportColumn(int dataIndex); public ReportColumn(int dataIndex, String name, int dataType); public ReportColumn(int dataIndex, String name, AggregateFunction function); public int getDataIndex(); public void setDataIndex(int value); public String getName(); public void setName(String value); public AggregateFunction getFunction(); public void setFunction(AggregateFunction value); public boolean getVisible(); public void setVisible(boolean value); public int getDataType(); }

  14. RowBuffer class holds data for one row public class RowBuffer { private Object[] values; public RowBuffer(int columnCount) { values = new Object[columnCount]; } public void clear() { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = null; } } public void setValues(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i <= md.getColumnCount(); i++) { values[i - 1] = rs.getObject(i); } } public int getCount() { return values.length; } public Object getObject(int index); public String getString(int index); public double getDouble(int index); public int getInt(int index); }

  15. Report parameters • Any stored procedure parameter is rendered as input param • Parameters starting with @EQM are inserted automatically • e.g. @EQM_loginId can be used to get logged user’s internal id in application • Pop-up menus can be rendered with EQMParameter row • insert into EQMParameter values (”salesBranchCode",”Sales branch", "select code, name from SalesBranchView order by sortOrder", null) • Insert into EQMParameter values (“reportYear”,”Year”, “select 2004,’2004’ union select 2003,’2003’ order by 1 desc”, null) • insert into EQMParameter values ("AMpersonId","Account manager", null, "sp_EPGetTeamAccountManagers") • Automatic @EQM parameters can be used with param procedures to e.g. filter the pop-up menu • One parameter definition can be linked to many reports • insert into EQMProcedureParameter values ( "dbo.sp_EMySalesReport","salesBranchCode")

  16. Example parameter form

  17. Parsing of stored procedure parameters private Vector getProcedureParameters(DatabaseMetaData dbmd, String schema, String procName) throws SQLException { Vector result = new Vector(); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = dbmd.getProcedureColumns(null, schema, procName, null); while (rs.next()) { int type = rs.getInt("COLUMN_TYPE"); switch (type) { case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn: case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnUnknown: ParameterItem param = new ParameterItem( rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME").substring(1), rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE") ); result.add(param); break; } } } finally { closeResultSet(rs); } return result; }

  18. ParameterItem class public class ParameterItem { private String name; private int dataType; private String text; private boolean visible; private String visibleName; private Vector choiceList; public ParameterItem(String name, int dataType) { this.name = name; this.dataType = dataType; this.text = ""; this.visible = !name.startsWith("EQM"); } public String getName() {return name; } public int getDataType() {return dataType; } public boolean isVisible() {return visible; } public void setText(String value) {text = ((value == null) ? "" : value.trim()); } public String getText() {return text; } public int getInt() {return Integer.parseInt(text); } public java.util.Date getDate() throws ParseException { DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, new Locale("fi", "FI")); return dateFormat.parse(text); } ... }

  19. Input form for parameters out.println("<form method='GET' action='reportengine'>"); out.println("<input type='hidden' id='-name' name='-name' value='" + schemaName + "'>"); out.println("<table border=0>"); for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { ParameterItem param = (ParameterItem)params.get(i); if (param.isVisible()) { String paramName = param.getName(); String visibleName = param.getVisibleName()==null ? paramName : param.getVisibleName(); Vector choiceList = param.getChoiceList(); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td><label for='" + paramName + "'>" + visibleName + "</label></td>"); if (choiceList == null) { out.println("<td><input type='text' id='"+paramName+"' name='"+paramName+"' value='"+param.getText()+"'></td>"); } else { out.println("<td><select name='" + paramName + "' style=''>\n"); for (int vi = 0; vi < choiceList.size(); vi++) { out.println("<option"); out.println(" value=\"" + ((ParameterValue)choiceList.get(vi)).getId() + "\">\n"); out.println(((ParameterValue)choiceList.get(vi)).getName() + "\n"); out.println("</option>\n"); } out.println("</select>\n</td>"); } out.println("</tr>"); } } out.println("<td colspan='3'><input type='submit' id='-run' name='-run' value='Show report'></td>"); out.println("</tr></table></form>");

  20. Report procedure privileges • If application uses Sybase logins for user authentication • If application uses database connection pool • permissions have to be handled in a customized way, e.g. • category = "report" • action = "dbo.sp_EYearlySalesByBranch" • role = "Manager" • permission = Manager has the right to execute sp_EYearlySalesByBranch -report select e.procName from EQMProcedure e, sysobjects o where e.groupId = @reportGroupId and o.id = object_id(e.procName) and (o.uid = user_id() or user_id()=1 or exists ( select 1 from sysprotects p, sysusers s where s.uid = user_id() and p.id = o.id and p.action = 224 /* execute */ and p.protecttype=1 /* for grant */ and p.uid in (0, user_id(), s.gid) ))

  21. Extending functionality • Generic Command class • Headers and breaklevels • Aggregate functions • Report drilling • URL links • Creating charts • Editing • XML output and XSLT transformations

  22. Extending functionality with commands • Command is a simple select statement • e.g. "select db.hdr" for creating breaklevels • "select db.sum" for calculating sums for numeric columns • "select db.chart" for creating charts from column data • All commands can have 1-n parameters • e.g. "select db.sum, 4, 5, 6" for calculating sums for three columns • Each command needs an implementing class • e.g. db.sum command implementation is in FunctionCommand class • Each command is registered to a HashTable

  23. Command abstract class public abstract class Command { private String name; private static final Hashtable commands = new Hashtable(); public abstract void run(ReportInfo info, ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData md) throws Exception; public Command(String name) {this.name = name;} public String getName() {return name;} public static void register(Command command) {commands.put(command.getName(), command);} public static Command getInstance(String name) { Command command = (Command)commands.get(name); return command; } static { register(new HdrCommand()); register(new FunctionCommand("db.sum")); register(new FunctionCommand("db.avg")); register(new FunctionCommand("db.min")); register(new FunctionCommand("db.max")); register(new FunctionCommand("db.cnt")); register(new ListHideColumnsCommand()); register(new TitleCommand()); register(new ReportCommand()); register(new UrlCommand()); register(new ChartCommand()); } }

  24. Header break levels • Report data can be devided to break levels • create header break level from 1st column • select "db.hdr", 1 • Break levels can be nested • create break level from 1st column and then another one from 2nd column • select "db.hdr", 1 • select "db.hdr", 2 • And they can consist of multiple columns • create break level from 1st and 2nd columns • select "db.hdr", 1, 2 • Order by must be according to break level columns

  25. sp_EMyCustomersByCountry procedure create proc sp_EMyCustomersByCountry as select "db.hdr",1 select co.name as 'Country', c.name as 'Customer', o.name as 'Main office', p.firstName +' '+ p.lastName as 'Account manager' from Customer c inner join Office o on o.id = c.mainOfficeId inner join Address a on a.officeId = o.id and a.addressTypeId = 1 inner join Country co on co.code = a.countryCode inner join GroupMember gm on gm.personGroupId=c.teamPersonGroupId and gm.groupRoleTypeId=-1 inner join Person p on p.id = gm.personId and p.id != 10013420 where c.customerStateId = 0 /* only active customers */ and c.salesBranchCode = 'U03' order by co.name, c.name

  26. My customers by country / select "db.hdr",1

  27. HdrCommand class public class HdrCommand extends Command { public HdrCommand() { super("db.hdr"); } public void run(ReportInfo info, ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData md) throws SQLException { ReportGroup group = new ReportGroup(); for (int i = 2; i <= md.getColumnCount(); i++) { group.addColumn(new ReportColumn(rs.getInt(i))); } info.addGroup(group); } }

  28. ReportGroup class public class ReportGroup { private Vector columns = new Vector(); private Hashtable functions = new Hashtable(); public ReportGroup() {} public void addColumn(ReportColumn column) {columns.add(column);} public int getColumnCount() {return columns.size();} public ReportColumn getColumn(int index) {return (ReportColumn)columns.get(index);} public ReportColumn getColumnByDataIndex(int dataIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < getColumnCount(); i++) { ReportColumn column = getColumn(i); if (column.getDataIndex() == dataIndex) return column; } return null; } public void setFunction(int dataIndex, AggregateFunction function) { if (function == null) functions.remove(String.valueOf(dataIndex)); else functions.put(String.valueOf(dataIndex), function); } public AggregateFunction getFunction(int dataIndex) { return (AggregateFunction)functions.get(String.valueOf(dataIndex));} public void processFunctions(RowBuffer row) { for (Enumeration e = functions.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String)e.nextElement(); AggregateFunction function = (AggregateFunction)functions.get(key); function.addValue(row.getDouble(Integer.parseInt(key))); } } }

  29. Aggregate functions • Numeric columns can be calculated by aggregates • sum, minimum, maximum, average and count • Command is simple: select "db.sum", 3, 4 • calculates sum for 3rd and 4th column to the end of result set • Aggregates are calculated for each break level • select "db.hdr", 1 (first column e.g. Customer name) • select "db.sum", 3, 4 • Aggregates could be calculated in procedure itself… • …but • result sets with break levels and compute -clause are complex to parse • report engine calculates them quickly when looping the result set • formatting can be customized

  30. My customer sales create proc sp_EMyCustomerSales as select "db.sum", 3 select c.name as 'Customer', co.name as 'Country', convert(numeric(12,2),round(sum(pre.amount),2)) as '2004 sales' from Customer c inner join Office o on o.id = c.mainOfficeId inner join Address a on a.officeId = o.id and a.addressTypeId = 1 inner join Country co on co.code = a.countryCode inner join Project p on p.customerId = c.id inner join ProjectRow pr on pr.projectId = p.id inner join ProjectRowEstimate pre on pre.projectRowId = pr.id where c.customerStateId = 0 /* only active customers */ and c.salesBranchCode like 'U%' group by c.name, co.name having sum(pre.amount) > 1000000 order by c.name

  31. Report looks like

  32. By adding select "db.hdr",2 it looks like

  33. Aggregate functions public class FunctionCommand extends Command { public FunctionCommand(String name) {super(name);} public void run(ReportInfo info, ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData md) throws Exception { for (int i = 2; i <= md.getColumnCount(); i++) { // select "db.sum", 4, 5, 6 AggregateFunction function = AggregateFunction.createInstance(getName()); info.getGroup(0).setFunction(rs.getInt(i), function); } } } public abstract class AggregateFunction { private static final Hashtable functions = new Hashtable(); public abstract void reset(); public abstract void addValue(double value); public abstract double getValue(); public abstract Object clone(); public static void register(String name, Class cls) {functions.put(name, cls);} public static AggregateFunction createInstance(String name) throws Exception, InstantiationException { Class cls = (Class)functions.get(name); if (cls == null) return null; return (AggregateFunction)cls.newInstance(); } static { AggregateFunction.register("db.sum", SumFunction.class); AggregateFunction.register("db.avg", AvgFunction.class); AggregateFunction.register("db.min", MinFunction.class); AggregateFunction.register("db.max", MaxFunction.class); AggregateFunction.register("db.cnt", CntFunction.class); } }

  34. Implementation of Sum aggregate public class SumFunction extends AggregateFunction { private double result; public SumFunction() { } private SumFunction(double result) { this.result = result; } public Object clone() { return new SumFunction(result); } public void reset() { result = 0; } public void addValue(double value) { result += value; } public double getValue() { return result; } }

  35. Linking of reports • Reports can be linked to other reports (drilling etc.) • select "db.report", "dbo.sp_EMyDrillingReportProc", 1 • Linked reports can have dynamic or static parameters • select "db.report", "dbo.sp_ESalesDrill", 1, "month=5", "&year=2004" public class ReportCommand extends Command { public ReportCommand () {super("db.report"); } public void run(ReportInfo info, ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData md) throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); Vector params = new Vector(); for (int i = 4; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) {params.add(rs.getString(i)); } ReportLink link = new ReportLink(rs.getString(2), rs.getInt(3), params); info.addReportLink(link); } }

  36. ReportLink class public class ReportLink { private String report = ""; private int column = 0; private Vector parameters = new Vector(); public ReportLink(String report, int column, Vector parameters) { this.report = report; this.column = column; this.parameters = parameters; } public String getReport() { return report; } public int getColumn() { return column; } public Vector getParameters() { return parameters; } }

  37. Linking to internal or external URLs • Any column of the result set can be linked to a URL • URL can point to application’s internal page • select 'db.url', 'customer', 2, 'id=10' • add link to column #2 and take customer id parameter (&id) from column #10 • or it can point to an external web page • select 'db.url', 'http://', 7, '9' • add link to column #7 and take the url from column #9 • Internal ID columns can be hided with command • select 'db.list.hidecolumns', 2 • UrlCommand and UrlLink are similar to ReportCommand and ReportLink

  38. Rendering URL links in HTML String urlLink = null; UrlLink url = getUrlLinkByColumnIndex(colIndex); if (url != null && !isPrintVersion) { boolean addLink = true; urlLink = "<a href='" + url.getUrl(); for (int i = 0; i < url.getParameters().size(); i++) { String paramValue = null; String para = (String)url.getParameters().get(i); int ampersandIndex = para.indexOf("&"); int equalsIndex = para.indexOf("="); if (ampersandIndex >= 0) {urlLink += para; } else if (equalsIndex >= 0) { int endOfPar = Integer.parseInt(para.substring(equalsIndex + 1)); if (endOfPar < 0){ ParameterItem param = (ParameterItem)params.get(Math.abs(endOfPar) - 1); paramValue = param.getText(); } else { Object rowObject = row.getObject(endOfPar); if (rowObject != null) paramValue = rowObject.toString(); else addLink = false; } if (addLink) { if (i>0) urlLink += "&"; else urlLink += "?"; urlLink += para.substring(0, equalsIndex) + "=" + paramValue; } else urlLink = ""; } else { if (url.getUrl().startsWith("http")) { Object rowObject = row.getObject(Integer.parseInt(para)); if (rowObject != null) paramValue = rowObject.toString(); if (value != null) urlLink += paramValue; else urlLink = ""; } } } if ((urlLink != null) && (urlLink != "")) urlLink += "' target='_blank'>"; }

  39. Creating charts with JFreeChart • Free Java class library for generating charts • pie charts (2D and 3D) • bar charts (regular and stacked, with an optional 3D effect) • line and area charts • scatter plots and bubble charts • time series • Gantt charts • Other features • direct export to PNG and JPEG • export to PDF via iText and SVG via Batik • support for Servlets, JSP, Applets or client applications • Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public Licence • http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/

  40. Example report with db.chart Command create proc sp_ESalesBranchPie as select 'db.chart', 'Pie3D' type, 'Sales by branch from beginning of year '+ convert(char(4),datepart(year, getdate())) title, 'dbo.sp_ESalesBranchPieDRL' reportlink, 0 printdata select sbv.nameEn, convert(numeric(9,0),round(sum(pre.amount)/1000,0)) from Project p inner join ProjectRow pr on pr.projectId = p.id inner join ProjectRowEstimate pre on pre.projectRowId = pr.id and pre.year = datepart(year, getdate()) inner join Customer c on p.customerId = c.id inner join SalesBranchView sbv on substring(c.salesBranchCode,1,1) = sbv.code where p.stateDate >= convert(datetime,'1.1.'+convert(char(4),datepart(year,getdate()))) group by sbv.nameEn order by 2 desc

  41. And the report looks like

  42. ChartCommand class public class ChartCommand extends Command { public ChartCommand () {super("db.chart");} public void run(ReportInfo info, ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData md) throws SQLException { int numberOfColumns = md.getColumnCount(); String type = rs.getString(2); String title = rs.getString(3); String reportLink = ""; int width = 0; int height = 0; for (int i = 4; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) { String colname = md.getColumnName(i); if (colname.equalsIgnoreCase("reportlink")) {reportLink = rs.getString("reportlink"); } else if (colname.equalsIgnoreCase("width")) {width = rs.getInt(i); } else if (colname.equalsIgnoreCase("height")) {height = rs.getInt(i); } else if (colname.equalsIgnoreCase("printdata")) {info.setPrintTable(rs.getInt(i) == 1); } } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Pie3D")) { ChartPie3D myChart = new ChartPie3D(type, title, reportLink); if (width != 0) myChart.setWidth(width); if (height != 0) myChart.setHeight(height); info.setChart(myChart); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Bar3D")) { ... } } }

  43. Creating the chart with JFreeChart public class ChartPie extends Chart { private DefaultPieDataset dataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); public ChartPie(String type, String title, String reportLink) {super(type, title, reportLink); } public void addValue(ResultSet rs) { try {dataset.setValue(rs.getString(1), new Double(rs.getDouble(2))); } catch (SQLException ex) {System.out.println(ex); } } public DefaultPieDataset getDataset() {return dataset;} public void createChart(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session) { PiePlot plot = new PiePlot(getDataset()); plot.setInsets(new Insets(0, 5, 5, 5)); StandardPieItemLabelGenerator lg = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator( "{0} = {1}", NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("fi", "FI")), NumberFormat.getPercentInstance() ); plot.setLabelGenerator(lg); if (super.getReportLink() != "" && super.getReportLink() != null) { StandardPieURLGenerator urlg = new StandardPieURLGenerator( "reportengine?-name="+super.getReportLink(), "EQM_category" ); plot.setURLGenerator(urlg); super.setImageMap("chart"); } super.setChart (new JFreeChart(getTitle(), JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, false)); super.saveFile(session); } }

  44. Chart abstract Class abstract public class Chart { private JFreeChart myChart; private String type = ""; private String title = ""; private String path = ""; private Vector parameters = new Vector(); private ChartRenderingInfo renderInfo = null; private String imageMap = ""; private String reportLink = ""; public Chart(String type, String title, String reportLink) { this.type = type; this.title = title; this.reportLink = reportLink; } abstract public void createChart(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session); public void saveFile(HttpSession session) { String filename = null; myChart.setBackgroundPaint(java.awt.Color.white); try { renderInfo = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(myChart, width, height, renderInfo, session); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } path = "chart?filename=" + filename; } }

  45. Rendering the chart in Java Servlet Chart chart = info.getChart(); if (chart != null) { chart.createChart(request.getSession()); String imageMap = chart.getImageMap(); if (imageMap == "") { out.println("<IMG SRC=\"" + chart.getPath() + "\" WIDTH=\"" + chart.getWidth() + "\" HEIGHT=\"" + chart.getHeight() + "\" BORDER=\"0\" >" ); } else { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); ChartUtilities.writeImageMap(pw, imageMap, chart.getRenderInfo(), false); pw.flush(); out.println("<IMG SRC=\"" + chart.getPath() + "\" WIDTH=\"" + chart.getWidth() + "\" HEIGHT=\"" + chart.getHeight() + "\" BORDER=\"0\" USEMAP=\"#"+ imageMap +"\" >" ); } }

  46. Editing of reports

  47. Using XML for report output • Writing report output as XML gives more flexibility • XML can be created with e.g. JDOM (http://www.jdom.org/) • Java based Document Object Model for XML files • Resulting XML data can be transformed with XSLT • to Word or Text document • to Excel document (tab separated data) • to PDF with Formatting Objects Processor (http://xml.apache.org/fop/) • and to HTML obviously

  48. Example XML output (My customer report) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <report> <title>My extremely useful customer report</title> <section> <heading> <title>Customer</title> <title>Main office</title> <title>Branch</title> </heading> <rows> <row> <cell> <string>Stonesoft Espana SA</string> </cell> <cell> <string>Madrid</string> </cell> <cell> <string>Software consultancy and supply</string> </cell> </row> </rows> </section> </report>

  49. Building XML Document with JDOM import org.jdom.*; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; ... org.jdom.Document doc = null; org.jdom.Element root = null; if (!pageHeaderWritten) { root = new Element ("report"); doc = new Document (root); Element title = new Element("title"); title.setText(info.getReportTitle()); root.addContent(title); pageHeaderWritten = true; } Element section = new Element("section"); if (info.getColumnCount()>0) { Element heading = new Element("heading"); for (Iterator it = info.getColumns(); it.hasNext(); ) { ReportColumn column = (ReportColumn)it.next(); if (column.getVisible()) { Element columnTitle = new Element("title"); columnTitle.setText(column.getName()); heading.addContent(columnTitle); } } section.addContent(heading); } Element rows = new Element("rows"); section.addContent(rows);

  50. Simple DTD for report XML output <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!ELEMENT report (title, section+, imageurl?)> <!ELEMENT section (title?, heading, rows)> <!ELEMENT rows (row | breaklevel)*> <!ELEMENT heading (title*)> <!ELEMENT breaklevel (title, row*)> <!ELEMENT row (cell)*> <!ELEMENT cell ((null | string | numeric | date | reference | aggregate), colindex?) > <!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT null EMPTY> <!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT numeric (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT reference (title, url)> <!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT aggregate (type, value)> <!ELEMENT type (average | sum | min | max | count)> <!ELEMENT value (numeric | date)> <!ELEMENT average (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT sum (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT min (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT max (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT count (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT rowindex (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT colindex (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT imageurl (#PCDATA)>

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