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Classification.. continued

Classification.. continued. Prediction and Classification. Last week we discussed the classification problem.. Used the Naïve Bayes Method Today..we will dive into more details.. But first how do we evaluate classifier. Abstract Binary Classification Problem.

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Classification.. continued

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  1. Classification.. continued

  2. Prediction and Classification • Last week we discussed the classification problem.. • Used the Naïve Bayes Method • Today..we will dive into more details.. • But first how do we evaluate classifier

  3. Abstract Binary Classification Problem • Given n data samples where xi is a data vector and yi is label {-1,1}. • Aim is to learn a function • Such that f is “accurate” on unseen data. • [ill-specified as defined]

  4. Algorithms to Learn Classifier • We can use an algorithm A to learn the function f: X Y • Then we write f as fA • One example of A is Naïve Bayes. • Other examples {Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forests,….}

  5. Training vs. Test Data • In practice to take care of the “unseen” part…we split the data into training and test sets • We learnfA on the training set using an algorithm A • The learned function fA is then evaluated on the test set.

  6. Example • Suppose we learn a function F on training set. • Our test set consists of four data points (z1,1),(z2,-1),(z3,1),(z4,-1). • We apply F on the four data points (without labels) and we get F(z1)=1, F(z2)=1,F(z3)=-1 and F(z4) = -1. • Then F correctly classified z1 and z4 but incorrectly classified z2 and z3.

  7. Confusion Matrix Label 1 is called Positive, Label -1 is called Negative Let the number of test samples be N N = N1 + N2 + N3 + N4. False Positive Rate (FPR) = N2/(N2+N4) True Positive Rate (TPR) = N1/(N1+N3) False Negative Rate (FNR) = N3/(N1+N3) True Negative Rate (TNR) = N4/(N4+N2) Accuracy = (N1+N4)/(N1+N2+N3+N4) Precision = N1/(N1+N2) Recall = N1/(N1+N3)

  8. Example TPR = 5/6; TNR = 20/23; FPR = 3/23; FNR = 2/12; Accuracy = 30/35 Precision = 10/13 and Recall = 10/12

  9. ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curves • Generally a learning algorithm A will return a real number…but what we want is a label {1 or -1} • We can apply a threshold..T TPR = 3/4 FPR = 2/5 TPR = 2/4 FPR = 2/5

  10. ROC Curve • An ROC Curve is the plot where the x-axis is FPR, the y-axis is the TPR and for each threshold t, the point on the plot represents the pair (FPR(t), TPR(t)) • Lets Look at the Wikipedia ROC Entry

  11. Discussion.. • If F: Symptoms {Disease, No-Disease} • Higher Recall or Precision ? • What is the relative cost of a mis-diagnosis (and which way) • If F: Banner Ad  {Click, No-Click} • Higher Precision means more revenue?

  12. Random Variables • A r.v. is a numerical quantity associated with events in an experiment. • Suppose we roll two dice. Let X = k be the sum of the two faces. • X can take values ranging from {2….12}. • P(X=12) = 1/36. Why ? • Event associated with X=12 is {(6,6)} • P(X=7) = 6/36 = 1/6 • Associated Event: {(1,6),(6,1),(2,5),(5,2),(3,4),(4,3)}

  13. Random Variable • A random variable X can take values in a set which is: • discrete and finite. • Lets toss a coin and X = 1 if it’s a head and X=0 if it’s a tail. X is random variable • discrete and infinite(countable) • Let X be the number of accidents in Sydney in a day.. Then X = 0,1,2,….. • Infinite(uncountable) • Let X be the height of a Sydney-sider. • X = 150, 150.11,150.112,……

  14. Random Variable Properties • Let X be a discrete valued random variable taking values in a set S. The Expected (average) Value of X, E(X) is • The Variance is

  15. Examples • Let X be a random variable which takes values 1 with probability p and 0 with probability 1-p. Then

  16. Examples • Let X be a random variable which denotes the number of “spam emails” in a batch of n emails. Assuming the probability of spam email is p. • X={0,1,2,3,4,5} X is a r.v. which follows a binomial distribution with parameters (n,p)… X ~ Binomial(n,p) • E(X) = np ; Var(X) = np(1-p)

  17. Examples • Let X be a random variable which denotes the number of tcp packets that arrive in a unit time.Then X can be modeled to follow a Poisson distribution.. • E(X) = Var(X) = λ

  18. Continuous Distribution • Ofcourse the most common continuous distribution is the Normal/Gaussian distribution… denoted

  19. How to use r.v. for classification • To use r.v. in classification…we have to make an assumption. • For example..Sepal Length follows a Normal Distribution. • Is this a good/reasonable assumption. • Then we use data to estimate the parameters of the distribution.. • The parameters of a Normal distribution are the mean and the variance (square of standard deviation). • For the moment we can just use Matlab/program to do that… • Once we have the parameters we can use the distribution to estimate the “probability” of Sepal Length taking a new value..

  20. Fitting Distributions..Examples • 0,1,0,1,0,0 • Assume data from a Binomial distribution with 6 trials and 2 successes • In Matlab:>> binofit(2,6) = 0.3333 • 10,20,5,3,3,100 • Assume data is from a Poisson distribution • X=[10 20 5 3 3 100]; • Poissfit(X); • Ans: 23.50 • What is happening ? We are just taking sample averages. The more data we have the more reliable these estimates become.. • Suppose we take Sepal Length…data vector x >> [mean,std] = normfit(x); >> ans: mean = 5.8, std=0.81

  21. Return to the Iris Example • We will redo the Iris Classification Example..but now will use “continuous” values for the attributes…

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