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Sparklection Day

Sparklection Day. Are you scared of Alzheimer’s? How do we remember? What is your theory ? Besides smell, which is believed to have strong ties to memory, what other stimuli can conjure up memories, in your opinion?.

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Sparklection Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sparklection Day Are you scared of Alzheimer’s? How do we remember? What is your theory? Besides smell, which is believed to have strong ties to memory, what other stimuli can conjure up memories, in your opinion?

  2. MemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemoryMemory

  3. True or False?? • When people go around a circle saying their names, their poorest memories are for what was said by the person just before them. 2. Our experiences are etched on our brain, just as the grooves on a tape receive and retain recorded messages. 3. Although our capacity for storing information is large, we are still limited in the number of permanent memories we can store. 4. The hour before sleep is a good time to commit information to memory.

  4. Memory The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model The Environment Sensation Sensory Registers Consciousness Short Term Memory Encoding Retrieval Long Term Memory

  5. Sensory Registers G R F K B Y P W V M S O

  6. Sensory Registers

  7. Sensory Registers H Q N D L A J C U F B Q

  8. Sensory Registers

  9. Short Term Memory Also called Working Memory Whatever information is in conscious awareness. Any information that we are remembering or manipulating occurs in STM.

  10. Short Term Memory 7 2 + - A typical individual’s digit span

  11. Demo Tired Pillow Snooze Drowsy Naptime Weary Bedspread Slumber Doze Dream Sandman Blanket Siesta Moonlight Bedspread Nighttime

  12. Demo

  13. Serial Position Primacy Effect Recall % Serial Position of word

  14. Serial Position Recency Effect Recall % Serial Position of word

  15. False Memory How many of you remembered the word sleep? (It wasn’t actually on the list)

  16. Parallel Distributed Processing Sleep Blanket Tired Nighttime Slumber Awake Party

  17. Levels of Processing Structural – Is the word in capital letters ? Phonemic – Does the word rhyme with “deep”? Semantic – What does the word mean? Personal – How does the word relate to you?

  18. Recall vs Recognition

  19. The Answers • Research suggests the order, from most likely to least likely recalled is as follows: • Sleepy • Dopey • Grumpy • Sneezy • Happy • Doc • Bashful

  20. Seven Dwarfs and STM • Now, turn over the sheet and recall the names of the seven dwarfs on the back of the sheet

  21. Memory • Memory • persistence of learning over time via the storage and retrieval of information

  22. Memory • Encoding • the processing of information into the memory system • Storage • the retention of encoded information over time • Retrieval • process of getting information out of memory

  23. Ebbinghaus and Memory • Systematic and controlled study of memory in laboratory H. Ebbinghaus (1850-1909)

  24. Ebbinghaus and Memory • Ebbinghaus • Used nonsense syllables: TUV ZOF GEK MONUL WAV FALEM • the more times practiced on Day 1, the fewer repetitions to relearn on Day 2

  25. Time in minutes taken to relearn list on day 2 20 15 10 5 0 8 16 24 32 42 53 64 Number of repetitions of list on day 1 Ebbinghaus’ Retention Curve

  26. Ebbinghaus and Forgetting Curve • Most forgetting occursright after learning • approx. 50% in first 40 min • Relationship between delay andforgettingnot linear

  27. Ebbinghaus and Memory • Other important findings • Beneficial effects of distributed practice for repetitions (ie., ‘spacing effect’) • List-length effect

  28. Encoding Effortful Automatic Encoding • Automatic Processing • Effortful Processing

  29. Types of Encoding • Encoding Meaning • Acoustic Encoding • Visual Encoding

  30. Encoding Aids • Meaning (semantics) • Imagery • Mnemonics • memory aids • E.g., ‘peg-word’ system

  31. Encoding Tips Imagery To remember:“Monkey, briefcase, spiral, dentist”

  32. Encoding Aids • Mnemonics • Method of loci

  33. Encoding Tips Mnemonics: Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

  34. Encoding Aids • Chunking • organizing items into familiar, manageable units • use of acronyms • HOMES-Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

  35. Remember as many of the following numbers as you can: • 1776198514922004 • 1776198514922004

  36. Remember as many of the following letters as you can: • XIBMSATMTVPHDX • X IBM SAT MTV PHD X

  37. Encoding Tips Chunking: Try and remember the following string of letters (in order): XCI AFB IVC RDN AIB MQZ

  38. Encoding Tips Chunking: Try and remember the following string of letters (in order): XCI AFB IVC RDN AIB MQZ X CIA FBI VCR DNA IBM QZ

  39. Encoding Aids • Hierarchies • Organization of knowledge under narrower concepts/headings • Rehearsal • conscious repetition of information

  40. Memory Storages • Sensory • Short term (working memory) • Long term

  41. The Modal Memory System

  42. Stage 1: Sensory Memory • Iconic memory was demonstrated in Sperling’s classic experiment, and lasts about 1/3 second • Echoic memory • Iconic and echoic memory systems may allow us to experience the world as a continuous stream

  43. Stage 1: Sensory Memory

  44. Stage 2: Short-Term Memory • Short-Term Memory • limited in duration and capacity • George Miller’s “magical” number 7 +/- 2

  45. Percentage who recalled consonants 90 Rapid decay with no rehearsal 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Time in seconds between presentation of contestants and recall request (no rehearsal allowed) Stage 2: Short-Term Memory

  46. Stage 3: Long-Term Memory • Rajan Mahadevan’s Amazing Memory • Memorized first 30,000 numbers of PI • Solomon Shereshevskii • “What a crumbly yellow voice you have.” • Would “feel” images, “taste” colors, and “smell” sounds

  47. Stage 3: Long Term Memory

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