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Strategic goals and tasks of regional innovation development in Germany

Strategic goals and tasks of regional innovation development in Germany . MinR Hans-Peter Hiepe, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Novosibirsk, September 22, 2011 . Overview. The High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany The German innovation system

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Strategic goals and tasks of regional innovation development in Germany

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  1. Strategic goals and tasks of regional innovation development in Germany

    MinR Hans-Peter Hiepe, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Novosibirsk, September 22, 2011
  2. Overview The High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany The German innovation system Entrepreneurial Regions – the BMBF Innovation Initiative for the New German Länder
  3. I. The High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany
  4. For the first time a national strategy for innovation policy Specific strategies for individual fields of technology and application: analysis – definition of aim – joint action Concrete cross-section activities for an improved cooperation between research and industry Innovation-friendly framework conditions for a positive innovation culture Innovation policy with great stamina The High-Tech Strategy for Germany
  5. OBJECTIVES OF THE HIGH -TECH STRATEGY EstablishLEAD SUPPLIERS CreateLEAD MARKETS ImproveFRAMEWORK CONDITIONS CROSS-TECHNOLOGY initiatives: Strengthen cooperation betweenBUSINESS and SCIENCE Funding of innovation Start-ups Tax law Public procurement Resetting of priorities Creating the prerequisites Key technologies as a foundation Leading-edge clustercompetition Innovation alliances Validation SMEs
  6. New Focuses of the High-Tech Strategy 2020
  7. The Five Fields of Action of the High-Tech Strategy 5 fields of action FuE-Ausgaben in Mrd. € (Daten 2007) Quelle: Bundesbericht Forschung und Innovation 2010
  8. Fields of Action and Global Challenges Services society World food supply Globalization Demographic situation Widespread diseases Climate change Raw materials Energy supply Climate Energy Health Nutrition Mobility Security Communi-cation
  9. II. The German innovation system
  10. Stakeholders in the German Research and Innovation System Politics & administration Intermediary sector R&D in industry Federal Government German Council of Science and Humanities (WR) Joint Science Conference (GWK) Governments of the 16 Länder European Commission Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (DFG) Foundations (public and private) Stifterverband (Donors' Association for German Science) Associations and chambers EU Research Council Project management organizations Big and multinational corporations Small and medium-sized companies AiF* Public-sector research Universities Departmental research Academies Research organizations (MPG, FhG, HGF, WGL)** * Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen ** MPG = Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, FhG = Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, HGF = Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, WGL = Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Source: VDI/VDE-IT
  11. Public Measures for Cluster and Network Support in Germany (1995-2008) Förderung regionaler Netzwerke Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Länder level Regionaler ClusterwettbewerbBaden-Württemberg Innovationsstrategie Berlin Clusterpolitik Schleswig-Holstein Cluster Offensive Bayern LandesexzellenzwettbewerbSachsen Cluster-Orientierung der Regionalpolitik in Brandenburg Innovationsstrategie Saarland Clusterprozess Mitteldeutschland ClusteroffensiveHessen RegioCluster.NRW 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 Spitzencluster-Wettbewerb Innovative regionale Wachstumskerne Lernende Regionen BioRegio-Wettbewerb StrategischePartnerschaften Spitzenforschung und Innovation Kompetenznetze InnoProfile InnoRegio Zentren für Innovationskompetenz BioPharma-Wettbewerb Innovationsforen BioIndustrie2021 Federal level Innovation policy in Germany is more and more linked to cluster and network concepts!
  12. Leading-Edge Cluster Competition Objective of the competition launched in 2007: Supporting strategic partnerships between business, science and other stakeholders in a specific region which are jointly developing forward-looking technologies in keeping with market needs Shortening and accelerating the transfer from lab to market to secure growth and employment Helping vital clusters with a clear profile join international leaders on a lasting basis Independent panel of experts selected a total of 10 leading-edge clusters in two rounds of the competition; a third round is being planned €200 million per round for up to 5 leading-edge clusters over 5 years The Winners of the Leading-Edge Cluster Competition
  13. III. Entrepreneurial Regions – the BMBF Innovation Initiative for the New German Länder
  14. Initial Situation in the New German Länder Structural Problems and Deficits in the New Länder Still gap in value creation in comparison to the Old Länder Lack of jobs and opportunities for vocational training Migration to the Old Länder as well as low birth rate Few large-scale enterprises with own research department Many small and very small enterprises with low equity ratio High barriers to market entry for new products
  15. Principles of an Innovation Policy Innovation policy must have the whole innovation process in mind and systematically offer suitable instruments. Innovation policy therefore has to be strategically designed and reliable for the actors of the process. Innovation support must focus on outstanding innovation potentials (“strengths“, “unique features“). Innovation supporthas to link research and development to a clear exploitation concept from the outset. Innovation support must encourage people‘s own initiative and responsibility.
  16. Fundamental ideas of the BMBF's InnoRegio strategy Objective: The development of clusters – Companies and research institutions develop an innovative profile for their region. Funds are not allocated proportionally but according to the quality of the applications. The funding of innovations is only possible on the basis of sound concepts; the development of concepts takes time. Clear thematic focus of the networks which are to be funded on technology platforms; no "our strength lies in the breadth of our work" attitude. But: Open to all technologies / scientific areas. Entrepreneurial outlook of the initiatives funded: The subsequent introduction of the planned innovation on the market must be taken seriously from the very beginning of research (business plan, implementation strategy).
  17. Ausgangslage / Handlungsbedarf (II) Principles of region-based innovation support Regional principle (advantages of regions – short distances, relations, latent and manifest networks, traditions, mentality...). "Functional" definition of regions. Self-organization, bottom-up approach, openness as regards players and themes. Innovation concept and commercialization strategy as prerequisites for public funding.  Networking is not an end in itself!
  18. The InnoRegio competition Large-scale competition, bottom-up principle: 444 applications of networks, all technological areas. 50 applicants in development phase: Transforming visions into “Innovation concepts”, “business plans”, entering into a binding relationship between cooperation partners. Implementation phase: 23 InnoRegios with different technological approaches will be funded from 2000 to 2006. Specific budgets for each of these 23 InnoRegios (3-20 million Euro), according to the concrete needs and the financial plan.
  19. The InnoRegio results Improvement of competitve position, economic development and employment situation (until 2006) 143 enterprises founded and located Increase in sales in InnoRegios since 2000 at an average of 50% Increase of export quota in the InnoRegios of about 30% 7739 (22%) more employees, this equates to about 30 new jobs per 1 Mio. € (!) About 500 real innovations More than 200 new patents New Länder focus their sponsorship more and more on InnoRegios and their topical key aspects
  20. Arrangement of the BMBF set of programmes „Unternehmen Region“ ("Entrepreneurial Regions„) without topical limitations specifically for eastern Germany with now five programmes and distinct guidelines …
  21. Support Principles of Unternehmen Region – 1 The BMBF supports existing strengths and potentials of a region, which are usually based on a special technological competence. A regional alliance commanding such specific strengths has to develop a strategy aimed at boosting this core competenceand at making it a success in the market. The regional alliances form in a bottom-up process. This means that no regions, actors, industries or technologies are designated for support beforehand.
  22. Support Principles of Unternehmen Region – 2 Quality, competence, strategy and the analysed market potential are decisive for support. The support funds of the BMBF serve as start-up capital and investments for regional alliances acting with entrepreneurial vision. Unternehmen Region uses all available support instruments (project support R&D, education, surveys, consulting etc.).
  23. The BMBF Innovation Support for the New German Länder… … has been cluster-oriented since the start of Unternehmen Region at the end of the 1990s stands exemplary for innovation-oriented cluster-support as a whole. … does not focus on clusters that are already identified and well-known, but concentrates on innovation-based and marketable potentials in regions, from which new clusters can evolve in the long run! Hence, BMBF innovation support in the New German Länder deliberately is: And: The name of the initiative Unternehmen Region indicates its purpose – it stands for an entrepreneurial support policy that is focused on regions! early/exemplary cluster as the aim, not a precondition! open for all research issues/industrial branches entrepreneurial/strategy-guided
  24. Competence profile of the region Cluster-oriented BMBF Innovation Support for the New German Länder: Unternehmen Region Cluster as the aim! Self- Supporting, dynamic economic cluster Systematic mix of instruments for the whole innovation process Innovations for economic growth in the region
  25. Competence profile of the region Cluster-oriented BMBF Innovation Support for the New German Länder: Unternehmen Region Self- Supporting, dynamic economic cluster Identity ofcompetenceandregion 2001 Innovative Regionale Wachstums- kerne 1999 Inno- Regio 2001 Innovations- foren 2005 Inno- Profile 2007 ForMaT 2002 Zentren für Innovations- kompetenz (ZIK) Innovations for economic growth in the region
  26. Innovativeregionale Wachstumskerne / WK Potenzial Zentren für Innovationskompetenz InnoProfile ForMaT Innovationsforen Unternehmen Region – The Programmes 5 support programmes, … … that have predominantly developed fromInnoRegio (1999-2006). … which all have one goal: to establish and consolidate a unique technological competence of a region and develop it into innovations that lead to more growth in the region. … which spur the creation of regional economic and scientific clusters in the New German Länder. … which invest initial capital into regional alliances that think, plan and act in a business-like manner. … which are closely related to each other and each support initiatives at a different stage of the innovation process.
  27. Unternehmen Region – The Programme Family Five support programmes which all have one goal: to establish and consolidate a unique technological competence of a region and develop it into innovations that lead to more growth in the region. which spur the creation of regional economic and scientific clusters in the New German Länder. which invest initial capital into regional alliances that think, plan and act in a business-like manner. which are closely related to each other and each support initiatives at a different stage of the innovation process. Establishing excellent and internationally competitive research centres which pos-sess innovation competence and are highly attractive for young scientists. Start: 20021st round: Initiatives: 6 + 1 ZIK- Cooperation 2nd round:Initiatives: 8 Budget: EUR 237 m until 2016 Supporting junior research groups at universities and research institutions which gear their work towards specific innovation-related problems of the SMEs in their region. Start: 2005 1st round: 18 initiatives2nd round: 14 initiatives3rd round: 10 initiatives Duration: 5 years Budget: EUR 157 m until 2013 Improving the economic usability of researchindings at universities and research institutions in two phases. Start: 2007 Phase I: 86 concept teams Phase II. 33 inno- vation labs Budget: EUR 60 m until 2012 Supporting the creation or strategic reorientation of regional innovation networks through Innovation Forums. Start: 2001 Initiatives: 128 Budget: EUR 10.5 m Strenghtening market-oriented regional alliances with a unique joint platform technology and realisable market potential. Start core module: 2001 Initiatives: 41 (3 yrs.) Budget: EUR 239 m until 2014 Start GC Potential: 2007 Initiatives: 16 Budget: EUR 26 m until 2013
  28. For further information please see: www.unternehmen-region.de (also in English)
  29. Thank you for your attention!
  30. Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchMinR Hans-Peter Hiepe Hannoversche Straße 28-30 10115 Berlin Tel.:  0 30 /18 57 – 5384 Fax: 0 30 / 18 57 – 8 5384 Mail: Hans-Peter.Hiepe@bmbf.bund.de
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