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Multi-Domain Logic as a Tool for Program Verification Implementation Issues

Multi-Domain Logic as a Tool for Program Verification Implementation Issues. Tudor Jebelean , Johannes Kepler Unversity Linz Gábor Kusper , Eszterh á zy K á roly College Eger SCSS 2010. Outline. Motivation Intuition Representation Bounded Model Checking

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Multi-Domain Logic as a Tool for Program Verification Implementation Issues

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  1. Multi-Domain Logic as a Tool for Program VerificationImplementation Issues Tudor Jebelean, Johannes Kepler Unversity Linz Gábor Kusper, Eszterházy Károly College Eger SCSS 2010

  2. Outline • Motivation • Intuition • Representation • Bounded Model Checking • Direct Representation in Multi-Domain Logic • Test Results • Conclusion

  3. Motivation • We have a Multi-Domain Logic based SAT solver, which is just a normal SAT solver with the basic settings. • This SAT solver can use lots of MDL specific techniques: • Variable Merging • Clustering Propositional Variables • Deletion of Weak Assignments (DoWA) • Dynamic Variable Merging • There are some problem sets which can be solved fast using these techniques, like the Pigeon Hole Problem. • We wanted to check whether Bounded Model Checking belongs to this set of problems or not.

  4. Intuition Lots of short clauses are good! 

  5. Generating CNF • Propositional Logic • New variables to prevent exponential growth • Less clauses • More variables • Lots of short clauses • Multi-Domain Logic • Merge variables of some subformulae to prevent exp. growth • More clauses • Less variables • Lots of short clauses

  6. Representation

  7. Literal in Multi-Domain Logic • A multi-literal has the form: Sign Set:Multi-Variable • Sign Set: Finite set of symbols which satisfies the literal. • For example: {Apple}:Food {Cat, Dog}:Pet {1, A, 3.14}:X

  8. Domain • Each multi-variable has a domain. • The domain is the union of sign sets of the multi-var. • Example: • ( { Cat, Dog }:PetOR { Apple }:Food) AND { Gopher }:PetAND {Bread}:Food • The domain for Pet is: { Cat, Dog, Gopher } • The domain for Food is: { Apple, Bread } • Since only one symbol may be assigned to each multi-variable from its domain, this formula is UNSAT.

  9. Literal Representation • We need N bits to represent a multi-literal, where • N is the cardinality of its domain. • Example: • ( { Cat, Dog }:PetOR { Apple }:Food) AND{ Gopher }:Pet AND {Bread}:Food • (110:PetOR10:Food) AND 001:Pet AND 01:Food • The domain for Pet is: { Cat, Dog, Gopher } • The domain for Food is: { Apple, Bread }

  10. Example for Variable merging • Before variable merging: • ({1}:IntOR {A}:Char)AND ({2}:IntOR {B}:Char) • After: • ({1A,1B}:XOR{1A, 2A}:X) AND ({2A, 2B}:XOR {1B, 2B}:X) • Since OR on the same multi-variable is UNION on the sign sets we obtain: • {1A,1B, 2A}:XAND {1B, 2A, 2B}:X • Since AND on the same multi-variable is INTERSECTION on the sign sets we obtain: • {1B, 2A}:X • Note, that a this formula collapsed into a literal!

  11. Boolean Formulae into MDL • We can merge any number of propositional variables. • We need 2k bits to represent a Boolean formula with k propositional variable. • The encoding in case of k = 2: • { } FALSE{00}ab{11} ab {00,11} ab{10} ab {00,10} b{10,11} a {00,10,11} ab{01} ab {00,01} a{01,11} b {00,01,11} ab{01,10} ab {00,01,10} ab{01,10,11} ab {00,01,10,11} TRUE a  b 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1

  12. Bounded Model Checking

  13. Bounded Model Checking • Bounded Model Checking is one of the most successful formal methods for practical verification of hardware and software. • BMC translate the system to be verified into a boolean formula. • It uses a SAT solver to solve this formula. • If the formula is unsatisfiable, then the property is not true, otherwise it is. • BMC profits from very fast SAT solvers!

  14. Bounded Model Checking • The system to be verified consist of: • a transition system, and • a property to be checked (given in temporal logic). • One has to translate the system into a boolean formula: • the transition system can be translated, but • the property can be translated only up to a certain bound. • The bound is on the number of steps. • That is why this approach is called Bounded Model Checking.

  15. Temporal Logic • Properties are given in Computation Tree Logic. • CTL is built from path quantifiers and temporal operators. There are two path quantifiers: • – A, “for every path” • – E, “there exists a path” • CTL has four temporal operators: • – X p, “p holds at the next time step”. • – F p, “p holds at some time step in the future” • – G p, “p holds at every time step in the future” • – p U q, “p holds until q holds” • Note that AG p equivalent to EF not(p).

  16. BMC tool • http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~modelcheck/bmc.html • Generates CNF (DIMACS) files out of SMV descriptions • SMV: Symbolic Model Verifier • But! • During the CNF translation it introduces (recursively) new propositional variables to prevent exponential grow of the formula.

  17. Example: SMV -> Formula bound = 2 ( x0 = 0 ) AND ( x1 = x0+1) AND ( x2 = x1+1) AND ( x0 = 3 OR x1 = 3 OR x2 = 3) VAR x[2] ASSIGN init(x):= 0; next(x):=x+1; SPEC EF x = 3 bound = 1 ( x0 = 0 )AND ( x1 = x0+1) AND ( x0 = 3 OR x1 = 3 )

  18. Direct Representation in MDL

  19. Direct Representation in MDL {0}:x0 {1,2,3}:x0 {1}:x1 {0,2,3}:x0 {2}:x1 {0,1,3}:x0 {3}:x1 {0,1,2}:x0 {0}:x1 {1,2,3}:x1 {3}:x0 {0,2,3}:x1 {0}:x0 {0,1,3}:x1 {1}:x0 {0,1,2}:x1 {2}:x0 {3}:x0 {3}:x1 {0}:x0 [0]:x0 {1}:x1 [1]:x0 {2}:x1 [2]:x0 {3}:x1 [3]:x0 {0}:x1 [0]:x1 {3}:x0 [1]:x1 {0}:x0 [2]:x1 {1}:x0 [3]:x1 {2}:x0 {3}:x0 {3}:x1 ( x0 = 0 ) AND ( x1 = x0+1) AND ( x0 = 3 OR x1 = 3 )

  20. Test results We tested our Java implementation on MDL instances and on their equivalent SAT problems from the page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~modelcheck/bmc/bmc-benchmarks.html The test results are obtained on a NEC VERSA M370 notebook with Core2 DuoM 2 GHz processor (32 bits) and 1 GB memory.

  21. 2-bit counter • The transition system: • We have a 2-bit counter • The two bits represented by A • The initial state is A=0 • Then we count: 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, and so on… • The property to be checked: • The counter will eventually reach the state 3. • In temporal logic: EF A = 3. • Or equivalently: AG not(A = 3). 0 3 1 2

  22. 2-bit counter example CNF file: p cnf 7 15 -1 3 0 -1 2 0 -4 6 0 -4 5 0 7 6 -5 0 7 -6 5 0 -7 6 5 0 -7 -6 -5 0 -5 0 -6 0 -2 -5 0 2 5 0 -3 7 0 3 -7 0 4 1 0 MDL file: {0}:x0 [0]:x0 {1}:x1 [1]:x0 {2}:x1 [2]:x0 {3}:x1 [3]:x0 {0}:x1 [0]:x1 {3}:x0 [1]:x1 {0}:x0 [2]:x1 {1}:x0 [3]:x1 {2}:x0 {3}:x0 {3}:x1 BMC file: VAR x[2] ASSIGN init(x):=0; next(x):=inc(x); SPEC AG x != 3

  23. n-bit counter, all unsatisfiable

  24. n-bit counter, all satisfiable

  25. n-bit counter, #unit propagations

  26. Barrel Shifter • The transition system: • We have a 2x2-bit barrel shifter • The initial state is: B=R • R can be any value • A step: shift B by 2 bits • The property to be checked: • invar := (B0 = R0 -> B1 = R1) & (B0 = R1 -> B1 = R0) & (B1 = R0 -> B0 = R1) & (B1 = R1 -> B0 = R0) • AGinvar • EF not( invar ) B0,B1|B2,B3 R0,R1|R2,R3 B2,B3|B0,B1 R0,R1|R2,R3

  27. Barrel Shifter CNF file: p cnf 17 53 -1 2 0 -1 3 0 -4 5 0 -4 6 0 -7 8 0 -7 9 0 10 -7 0 10 -4 0 10 -1 0 7 4 1 -10 0 MDL file: [0]:b00 [1]:r00 [1]:b00 [0]:r00 [0]:b10 [1]:r10 [1]:b10 [0]:r10 [0]:b00 [0]:b10 [0]:r00 [0]:r10 [0]:b00 [0]:b10 [1]:r00 [1]:r10 [0]:b00 [1]:b10 [0]:r00 [1]:r10 [0]:b00 [1]:b10 [1]:r00 [0]:r10 [1]:b00 [0]:b10 [0]:r00 [1]:r10 [1]:b00 [0]:b10 [1]:r00 [0]:r10 [1]:b00 [1]:b10 [0]:r00 [0]:r10 [1]:b00 [1]:b10 [1]:r00 [1]:r10 BMC file: ASSIGN init(b0) := r0; init(b1) := r1; next(b0) := b1; next(b1) := b0; next(r0) := r0; next(r1) := r1; SPEC AG (b0=r0 -> b1=r1)& (b0=r1 -> b1=r0)& (b1=r0 -> b0=r1)& (b1=r1 -> b0=r0)

  28. Barrel Shifter, running time

  29. Conclusion

  30. The State Explosion Problem • The state explosion problem is, thatthe number of system states grows exponentially withthe number of system components • We cannot heal this problem. • We can postpone it by some factor depending on the word size of our computer.

  31. Generating CNF • Propositional Logic • New variables to prevent exponential grow • Less clauses • More variables • Lots of short clauses • Multi-Domain Logic • Merge variables of some subformulae to prevent exp. grow • More clauses • Less variables • Lots of short clauses

  32. Conclusion • On one hand, Multi-Domain Logic can encode Bounded Model Checking problems in a more compact and natural way. • On the other hand, the resulting MDL problems can be solved faster then their boolean versions.

  33. Future work • We would like to implement • Compiler from SMV (Symbolic Model Verifier) to MDL

  34. Thank you for your attention!

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