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CTE Postassessment Administration Fall & Winter 2009-10

CTE Postassessment Administration Fall & Winter 2009-10. CTE Postassessment Training. Overview Career and Technical Education Statewide Postassessment Administration Manual & Testing Code of Ethics. CTE Postassessment Training Session Objectives.

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CTE Postassessment Administration Fall & Winter 2009-10

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  1. CTE Postassessment Administration Fall & Winter 2009-10

  2. CTE Postassessment Training Overview Career and Technical Education Statewide Postassessment Administration Manual & Testing Code of Ethics Introduction

  3. CTE Postassessment Training Session Objectives • Explain CTE Postassessment coordination and administrative procedures • Emphasize ethical testing practices and legal implications • Interpret the use of testing accommodations • Discuss scanning procedures and scheduling • Examine testing and training materials Introduction

  4. CTE Postassessments(p. 1) • Provided by NCDPI* and are aligned to course blueprint • Required for state and federal funding • Consist of multiple-choice items generated from secure test-item banks • Number of test items per competency on postassessment is based on course blueprint weight of competency • Selected CTE courses utilize on-line commercial assessments; scores are reported electronically as pass/fail in an excel spreadsheet * Some postassessments are provided by vendors; postassessments for local courses are created by CTE teachers Manual

  5. Scale Scores and Proficiency (p. 4) • Proficiency levels Students will be considered either Proficient or Not Yet Proficient • The Proficiency cut-off score is 77 and will be the same for all courses based on scaled scores. Manual

  6. ? Scale Scores and Proficiency Middle School) • A message from Ted Summey, DPI CTE Section Chief:"Proficiency" in middle grades does not mean the same as proficiency in high school CTE courses. Differences in middle grades schedules from one school to another, differences in instructional time, and other factors influence "mastery" at the middle grades level. Determinationof "mastery" or "proficiency" is best left to the individual middle grades teacher.Ted Summey • Moore County submits the scores as required by the state, otherwise see the individual middle grades teacher. Manual

  7. CTE Postassessment Roles • LEA CTE Testing Coordinator (Tom Wetsel) • Building Level CTE Testing Coordinator (CDC) • Classroom Assessment Administrator (Teachers) • Proctors (Teachers and Volunteers) • Auditors (pp. 5 – 7) Manual

  8. School Level CTE Test CoordinatorTesting Responsibilities • Attend CTE test administration training session; conduct school level test administration training sessions • Read and study test administration manual and Testing Code of Ethics • Develop a testing plan for your school; discuss testing plan with school administrators for approval • Develop a system to ensure school level test security at all times Manual pp. 6-7

  9. Testing Responsibilities (continued) • Count and record number of secure tests received • Organize and disseminate testing materials • Utilize classroom level check in/check out procedures • Order special tests (i.e. enlarged print) and/or extra tests needed for read aloud sessions well in advance of testing date (s) • Coordinate testing with SPC, Special Programs and ESL Departments • Bring answer sheets to CTE Central Services office for scanning • Provide teachers with student scores in a confidential manner • Establish make-up procedures; administer make-ups if necessary. Manual pp. 6-7

  10. Classroom Test AdministratorTesting Responsibilities • Must maintain an inventory and count of test materials prior to and after testing • Conduct an unbiased administration of CTE mid-terms/postassessments • Complete the Class Roster Summary for each administration of the test • Report testing irregularities. Manual p. 7

  11. Use of Proctors (p. 7) • Proctors shall NOT be responsible for reading directions or otherwise providing information for the test administration to students • Must be attentive and maintain test security at all times • Help ensure physical conditions of the room are appropriate • Assist with student emergencies • Monitor students and must remain in classroom for duration of test • Report testing irregularities • Maintain student confidentiality • Additional information can be found in the The Proctor’s Guide (website located on p. 25 of CTE Postassessment manual) Manual

  12. Testing Options The principal shall select responsible adults as proctors to include community volunteers, and school system staff. Testing options include: • Option 1: Proctors • Option 2: Arena Testing • Option 3: Department trade-off – teachers do not administer tests within their program area/department) (pp. 6-7)  Individual schools decide which option or options to use  Teachers do not get their own proctors – one per room Manual

  13. Testing Code of Ethics • Everyone must comply with the Testing Code of Ethics (p.8) • Everyone is expected to read and follow appropriate professional practices as explained in the Testing Code of Ethics (p. 39–42) • Adherence to the Testing Code of Ethics increases accuracy of local and statewide data • Review the Testing Code of Ethics for consequences of noncompliance Manual p. 8, pp. 39-42

  14. Test Security • State Board of Education policy specifies that secure tests, including all test materials and test questions, are not to be used in instruction or for resource materials such as study guides. • No person may copy, reproduce, or paraphrase in any manner or for any reason the test materials without the prior written consent of the test publisher DPI) • No one is to review CTE Postassessments. (CTE Administrators should review tests to be sure all pages are included and that graphic images print clearly. They are not to review test item content.) Manual pp. 8-9

  15. Test Security • All assessments must be stored securely between periods and returned to the Building Level Coordinator or principal for secure storage • When not checked out to classroom test administrators, all testing materials shall be securely stored in a locked location until being returned to the LEA Instructional Management Coordinator. • All assessments MUST be returned to CTE Central Services when testing is complete. Manual pp. 8-9

  16. Test Security – Day of Test Classroom Test Administrators • Are responsible for all testing materials received • Shall check to be sure they have the correct test for the class and course being tested • Must sign at bottom of roster, for the number of tests they receive and for the number returned at the end of the testing session. • Should not attempt to answer the students questions about specific items Manual pp. 8-9

  17. Testing Schedule (p. 10) • Establishing a testing schedule and plan is a local responsibility • Postassessments shall be scheduled as near the end of the course as possible, preferably during the exam period • Make-ups shall be administered within 10 days of the scheduled test date • Absent students - excused or unexcused - MUST be given the opportunity to make up postassessments Manual

  18. Testing Environment • The area selected for the test administration must provide an environment that minimizes distractions and interruptions for students. • Rooms used for administration of the test shall be quiet, comfortable, and have adequate lighting. • Seating shall be arranged to prevent students from sharing answers. • Instructional displays of classroom materials must be removed or covered • No food or drinks allowed Manual p. 11

  19. Timing Tests • Students are to be given 90 - 120 minutes to complete CTE Postassessments (60 minutes for middle schools) • Only students with modifications in their IEPs are allowed extra time • Students should NOT be allowed to leave testing site until ALL testing is complete (p. 13) Manual

  20. Formula Sheets (p. 10) • If needed, formula sheets will be provided as part of the test booklets by DPI • Use of formula sheets other than those provided by DPI is not permitted Manual

  21. Calculators • Students are permitted to bring their own calculators or borrow one for the tests • Calculator memory must be cleared before and after test administration by the test administrator • Students are not allowed to share calculators during test administrations • Students are not allowed to use calculators that include: • wireless communications • cell phones • hand-held microcomputers • palm-based devices • typewriter-style keyboards Manual p. 11

  22. Who takes CTE Postassessments?(p. 11) • All students who follow the Standard Course of Study • Students who enroll in the course after the collection of CTE enrollment data (60th day for first semester, 140th day for second semester) should be assessed, but data are not reported to NCDPI * Students transferring from one school to another, but enrolling into the “same” CTE course number, MUST take the CTE Postassessment regardless of entry date. Manual

  23. And . . . • Accommodations must be provided to exceptional children as well as ESL students as prescribed by their IEP (p. 12) • OCS students are given an alternative assessment created by their teacher and appropriate for the student as determined by the IEP team (p. 12) • Middle schools administer tests to all students, regardless of enrollment date. Data for students enrolling after 25 percent of the course will not be reported to NCDPI (p.12) Manual

  24. Accommodations must be: • Routinely used during instruction or assessments at least 30 calendar days prior to the test date • Documented on student’s IEP or 504 plan; changes in IEP or 504 plan should not occur just prior to testing unless the student’s eligibility status has changed . . . students need “experience” using an accommodation Manual

  25. Read Aloud Accommodation • Best option for student is to have the same person read aloud the test that has read to them throughout the course • Proctors are recommended, but not required for read-aloud testing sessions Manual

  26. “Mark in Book” Accommodation • Student’s full name and ID must be written on the cover of the test book • After testing session, student responses must be transcribed to answer sheet. Who does this? . . . may vary but can be done by the CDC, SPC, or Test Administrator if test is not is their program area. • And, someone other than the original transcriber must check the transcription to ensure accuracy (p. D3.16, Testing Students with Disabilities) Manual

  27. CDC must notify students about testing accommodations to be used with the CTE Postassessment before the day of testing. Prior knowledge allows time for school to work with the student, parents, and the IEP Team to resolve potential problems beforehand. (p. 20) Manual

  28. Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students LEP students who qualify for an alternate EOC assessment also qualify for an alternate CTE Postassessment. LEP students who qualify for state-approved testing accommodations, also qualify for the same accommodations for the CTE Postassessment. Handout - Guidelines for LEP students in CTE

  29. Excellent Resources to download: Guidelines for Testing Students Identified as Limited English Proficient (Published September 2005) www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/policies/slep Testing Students with Disabilities (Published July 2005) www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/policies/tswd Manual

  30. Preparing for Testing (p. 9) It is the classroom teachers responsibility to use the correct blueprint for instruction and to ensure all core competencies and objectives are covered in the course Manual

  31. What to tell students Prior to testing, students should be given the following information: • They will be tested on their knowledge and mastery of the concepts presented in the course. • The test will provide information about students’ individual level of achievement. • The test scores will be used in determining course grades according to local policy.

  32. Who can be a test administrator? • Test administrators shall be school personnel who have professional training in education and the state testing program. • Contracted tutorial services/agencies are not permitted to administer North Carolina tests. • Retired teachers, if working for the school district as a substitute teacher or member of the staff in any capacity, may administer North Carolina tests. (Source: Testing Security: Protocol and Procedures for School Personnel – NCDPI, p.22) Manual

  33. Materials for Classroom Assessment Administrators(p.12) • Test booklet - one per student • Student answer sheets • Classroom Teacher Header • Class Roster • Testing Irregularity Form • Postassessment Administration Manual Manual

  34. Before Test Day . . . Use Column P to bubble in student’s anticipated course grade using the following scale: 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=FAnticipated course grade needs to accurately reflect how the student has performed in the course without regard to their performance on the postassessment or their attendance record. Manual

  35. Administration Procedures (pp.13 - 14) The Classroom Assessment Administrator will: • Sign Statement of Accountability • Review Administration Manual • Distribute answer sheets, test booklets, blank paper • Read aloud instructions to Students (p.43-44) • Monitor classroom – Do not leave . . . Manual

  36. After the test . . .(p. 14) • Count tests, match count to test inventory, organize by numerical order • Alphabetize answer sheets • Check to see that column P has been bubbled (anticipated student grade 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=F) • Destroy scrap paper students used for figuring • Sign Statement of Accountability bottom of roster. • If necessary, complete Testing Irregularity Form • Return all testing materials to testing coordinator Manual

  37. Handle Answer Sheets with CARE • Do not bend or fold • Do not use staples • Do not use paper clips • Do not use “Post-It” notes • Do not use rubber bands • Do use folders or plastic zipper bags

  38. Testing Irregularities (p. 15) • It is the responsibility of the Classroom Assessment Administrator and any others involved in the testing process to file a Testing Irregularity Form if they believe there has been a possible misadministration. • Examples of testing irregularities are listed on page 15 (Testing Code of Ethics p.40) • Proctors can report irregularities independently • Declared misadministration's are reported to NCDPI-CTE office Manual

  39. Header Sheets (p. 16) • Pre-coded headers include teacher last name and first initial, class period and course code • Teacher Headers are pre-coded based on NCWISE information • Class periods are coded as follows: A=1st, B=2nd, C=3rd, D=4th, E=5th, F=6th, G=7th, H=8th, I=9th, J=10th, etc • Teacher Headers MUST be placed on top of the corresponding student answer sheets. • The same Teacher Header sheet must be used for scanning all test administrations for a class (i.e. - early graduates, make-ups, etc.)

  40. Hand bubbled answer sheets:Student NC WISE # and demographics MUST be bubbled on the answer sheet • Student information must also be written on the class roster

  41. Scanning, Scoring and Reporting Results • Scanning is done at VoCATS Ed Center • Teachers will receive a Subtest List Report showing points attempted by the student, proficiency, and scale score • Test results are compiled and reported in a variety of ways once testing is complete and data has been verified

  42. What do you do with Alternate Assessments? Copies of alternate assessments or the rubric used to evaluate a portfolio or student demonstration, along with the student’s results, must be submitted to the CTE Central Services office. Refer to Alternate CTE Postassessment Header Form (p. 21)

  43. Questions & Comments • Test administrators may report questions and concerns reported to them by students about the test via email to twetsel@mcs.k12.nc.us. These comments will be forwarded to NCDPI’s CTE Office. • Comments and/or questions must include school name, test administrator/proctor name, and course number • Teachers are NOT to investigate these concerns • Page 25 – Resource sites for additional testing information

  44. Scanning Schedule First come, first serve. Errors are moved to back of queue.

  45. Thank you

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