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Budgeting for Demo/Loan Programs

Budgeting for Demo/Loan Programs. Diane Golden Linda Jaco Missouri Oklahoma dcgolden@swbell.net Linda.jaco@okstate.edu. Loan Centralized (dropped regional sites) Comprehensive AT High tech focus Stable expertise + grad students Periodic external $ AT AT Act $ operations. Demo

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Budgeting for Demo/Loan Programs

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  1. Budgeting for Demo/Loan Programs Diane Golden Linda Jaco Missouri Oklahoma dcgolden@swbell.netLinda.jaco@okstate.edu

  2. Loan Centralized (dropped regional sites) Comprehensive AT High tech focus Stable expertise + grad students Periodic external $ AT AT Act $ operations Demo Decentralized Began comprehensive AT, now lower focus Expertise level not stable Technical back-up and training available Began $ focus on AT, now option of contractor Missouri Program Structure

  3. Loan Equipment Mean $75K ($150K-$25K) Rarely AT Act External $ focus (VI) High Tech focus Loan Operations $10K grad students $25K supplies/shipping $35K salary/benefits Demo Equipment Had $36K (3 comprehensive centers) Now $21K (3 centers) Demo Operations Had $30K (3 comprehensive centers) Now $15K (3 centers) Demo Combined Now 3 flexible contracts at $15K total Missouri Program Costs

  4. Current Program Costs • Loan: $70K fixed operations • Equipment $25K to $150K (usually external) • Demo: $51K contractual • Allocation for small contracts ($5K) is flexible • Allocation for larger contracts ($12K) is at least half equipment

  5. Loan Decentralized – MOA s (adding and dropping partners) Comprehensive AT (excluding DME) High tech focus Expertise with lead/ partnerships for specialized targeted populations Limited technical assistance/training AT Act $ operations & partnership in-kind Demo Decentralized - – MOA s Comprehensive AT crosses both programs High tech focus Expertise with lead/ partnerships for specialized targeted populations Limited technical assistance/training AT Act $ operations & partnership in-kind Oklahoma Program Structure

  6. Loan Equipment $200K new equip (w/carryover) 100% AT Act Internal $ focus Demo Equipment $200K new equip (w/carryover) $100K to EI kits 100% AT Act Internal $ focus ABLE Tech Start-Up Costs

  7. Loan Operations 1 FTE ($32K) $6.5K overhead Shipping Supplies/Phone Travel $37.5 new equipment External MOAs In-kind Personnel Space Maintenance Demo Operations 1 FTE ($32K) $6.5K overhead Supplies/Phone Phone Travel $37.5 new equipment External MOAs In-kind Personnel Space Maintenance Current Program Costs

  8. Sustaining Loan/Demo • AT Act $ • current federal appropriation would allow approximately $150K annually • $50K State Appropriations • Potentially Early Intervention funds

  9. “Success --- It’s what you do with what you’ve got.” ---- Leroy Van Dyke

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