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  1. if you want to perform well in the exam, you will need to devise a brilliant strategy as well as adhere to some of the suggestions that previous year’s toppers swear by and used to pave their road to success. The Joint Entrance Examination, also known as the JEE, is a national engineering entrance exam. The IIT JEE is divided into two phases: JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main is an entry-level screening exam for entrance in IITs. The majority of JEE Main questions are concept-based, with the goal of assessing the candidate’s knowledge of the subject. Then there are questions that combine multiple concepts and are far more difficult to answer. Taking on all of these different types of challenges will be much easier if your fundamentals are solid and you’ve correctly assimilated the underlying principles. Topping the IIT JEE exam is not easy because the level of competition is ridiculously high and the syllabus is extremely broad and deemed difficult. So, if you want to perform well in the exam, you will need to devise a brilliant strategy as well as adhere to some of the suggestions that previous year’s toppers swear by and used to pave their road to success. Here are some of the best tips to follow if you want to top the IIT JEE exam: 1.Starting early- If you want to become a topper, you would have to start your preparation at least a year or two before the exam. One advantage of starting early is that you will have enough time to adequately address each topic. Furthermore, by starting early you will have a very strong foundation and would still be left with enough time revision.

  2. 2. Studying the NCERTs- It is critical to thoroughly study your NCERTs. NCERTs are the standard books that must be studied since they provide a foundation that you can further build on using help books. Make sure to study your NCERTs before moving on to other books to supplement your studies. 3. Follow a daily routine- Follow a well-structured and organized study routine. Keep it doable and simple. Your routine should include slots of time dedicated to each subject and frequent breaks in between for leisure. It is advisable to study for a certain amount of hours each day instead of studying for long stretches in one day and then skipping a couple of days in between. 4. do not overdo it- No need to put in 12 hours a day! If you have started early and have enough time left till your exam, you don’t need to study for long hours. 6-7 hours of quality study is more than enough. Studying for long stretches at a time will only make you feel overwhelmed and you eventually lose motivation and get burnt out. 5. Give mock tests- Giving mock tests is an essential part of the preparation. It might seem like a minor thing to do but you cannot skip it! There are various advantages to taking mock exams that are a simulation of the real exam. Taking these mock tests helps familiarize the students with the types of questions that might be asked, the marking scheme, and so on. 6. Avoid distractions-

  3. You cannot risk your career for a few minutes of pleasure. Put away all the elements that distract you and focus solely on your studies. Reduce the amount of social media usage and try to avoid hanging out with friends too much. Keep fun for the weekends! 7. Set small daily goals- Every day, set little goals that you can easily achieve. Divide the massive syllabus into smaller tasks. This will allow you to complete your syllabus on time. When you complete these little daily tasks, you will feel accomplished and motivated. 8. Solve previous year’s question papers- Solving previous year’s question papers will help you practice and will also give you an overview of the types of questions that may be asked on the exam. Sometimes, questions get repeated, so, if you are lucky you might end up scoring a few more marks. 9. Get your doubts cleared- You cannot keep any doubts if you preparing for such a highly competitive exam. Make sure you get all your doubts cleared so that you can have clarity in concepts. If you are a student preparing for the IIT JEE exam and are facing doubts related to any subject, do check out the doubt buddy app. It is the best doubt-solving app that provides instant and 24/7 solutions to all your problems and has some of the best tutors to guide you through your preparation. It is not a question of whether or not you can TOP the exam. It’s about giving your all and not giving up. The journey may seem difficult, but what isn’t? Check out more articles from us- https://blog.doubtbuddy.com

  4. Check out our website – https://doubtbuddy.com

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