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Add 15 years to our life | CBC - Fine-Tuning of your health|

u2022This book explains the composition of blood.<br>u2022 It will give insight on importance of complete blood count (CBC)<br>u2022 Know the role of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in our body.<br>u2022 Why White blood cells called the defensive army of our body?<br>u2022 What is the role of Hemoglobin or Hematocrit in diseases like Anemia and Leukemia.

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Add 15 years to our life | CBC - Fine-Tuning of your health|

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  1. CBC - Fine-Tuning of your health

  2. Complete Blood Count (CBC) A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including: • Red blood cells, which carry oxygen • White blood cells, which fight infection • Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells • Hematocrit, the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component, or plasma, in your blood • Platelets, which help with blood clotting

  3. Complete Blood Count (CBC) Abnormal increases or decreases in cell counts as revealed in a complete blood count may indicate that you have an underlying medical condition that calls for further evaluation CBC fundamentally tells us about adequacy of blood amount in circulation in our body. We all know how important blood is in carrying food and oxygen in our body.

  4. Why is CBC important A complete blood count is a common blood test that's done for a variety of reasons: • To review your overall health. Your doctor may recommend a complete blood count as part of a routine medical examination to monitor your general health and to screen for a variety of disorders, such as anemia or leukemia. • To monitor medical treatment. A complete blood count may be used to monitor your health if you're taking medications that may affect blood cell counts.

  5. Why is CBC important • To diagnose a medical condition. Your doctor may suggest a complete blood count if you're experiencing weakness, fatigue, fever, inflammation, bruising or bleeding. A complete blood count may help diagnose the cause of these signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects you have an infection, the test can also help confirm that diagnosis. • To monitor a medical condition.  If you've been diagnosed with a blood disorder that affects blood cell counts, your doctor may use complete blood counts to monitor your condition.

  6. Importance of the blood tests  -Regular blood testing is one of the most important ways to keep track of your overall physical well-being. -Getting tested at routine intervals can allow you to see the way your body changes over time and empower you to make informed decisions about your health. You’re experiencing unusual, persistent symptoms. These could include anything from fatigue to abnormal weight gain to new pain. You want to optimize your health. Knowing levels of various blood components, such as HDL and LDL cholesterol, can allow you to tweak your diet or fitness plan to minimize unhealthy habits You want to reduce your risk of disease or complications. Regular blood tests can catch the warning signs of almost any disease early.

  7. Reports we get from (CBC) tests The complete blood count (CBC) is a group of tests that evaluate the cells that circulate in blood, including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets (PLTs). • Red Blood Cells : Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, are produced in the bone marrow and released into the bloodstream when they mature. They contain hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen throughout the body.  But their appearance can be affected by a variety of conditions such as vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies and iron deficiency.

  8. Reports we get from (CBC) tests • White Blood Cells : White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are cells that exist in the blood, the lymphatic system, and tissues and are an important part of the body's natural defense (immune) system. They help protect against infections and have a role in inflammation, and allergic reactions. • Platelets : Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are tiny cell fragments that circulate in blood and are essential for normal blood clotting. When there is an injury and bleeding begins, platelets help stop bleeding by adhering to the injury site and clumping together to form a temporary plug.

  9. Schedule of Blood tests! You get routine blood tests at least once a year, around the same time as your yearly physical. But this is the bare minimum. There are several major reasons you may want to get blood tests more often than that: • You're experiencing unusual, persistent symptoms. • You want to optimize your health. • You want to reduce your risk of disease.

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