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Do you like watching films ? What kind of films do you like best ?

Do you like watching films ? What kind of films do you like best ?. Do you know them? Who’s your favourite star?. Jay Chou. Ruby. Jet Li. Mr Bean. Audrey Hepburn. Tom Cruise.

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Do you like watching films ? What kind of films do you like best ?

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  1. Do you like watching films ? What kind of films do you like best ?

  2. Do you know them? Who’s your favourite star? Jay Chou Ruby Jet Li

  3. Mr Bean Audrey Hepburn Tom Cruise

  4. 生于1929年,逝于1993年。1953年以电影《罗马假期》里的“安娜公主”一角而赢得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖的奥黛丽赫本虽然已经去世多年, 她高雅的气质与迷人的风采, 却至今仍令许多热爱她的影迷所怀念。 奥黛丽赫本赫本一生主演过的电影包括: 《龙凤配》、《甜姐儿》、《修女传》、《第凡内早餐》、以及《窈窕淑女》等许多著名影片。 1988年起, 赫本更化身为联合国儿童基金会的特别大使, 贡献了她的余生给许多非洲及中南美洲的贫苦儿童。

  5. 费雯丽,1913年出生在印度大吉岭镇的一个英国股票经纪人家中,母亲是爱尔兰人。1920年她随父亲回到英国,后在教会学校学习。其中她对艺术最为感兴趣。15岁那年,她随父亲到欧洲旅行。1931年,她要求进皇家戏剧艺术学院学习。在学校认识了温文尔雅的男青年霍尔曼,经常与之约会。1932年费雯丽与霍尔曼结婚。婚后她一度很幸福,但她执着的献身艺术,不愿意被家庭所束缚,生下一个孩子后,她就忍不住要求演电影。偶然的一个机会,她在《贞洁的面纱》中的表演被舆论认为是一颗新星的出现。突然的成功使她下定决心弃家从影。1940年8月,费雯丽在拍完《魂断蓝桥》后与著名演员奥里佛结婚。婚后他们过了幸福的20年。费雯丽始终一往情深地爱着奥立佛,但奥立佛背叛了她。1960年12月,他们办理了离婚手续。费雯丽因此受到沉重打击。1967年7月7日病逝于伦敦的公寓中。按她的遗愿,她的角膜捐献出来,遗体火化。费雯丽,1913年出生在印度大吉岭镇的一个英国股票经纪人家中,母亲是爱尔兰人。1920年她随父亲回到英国,后在教会学校学习。其中她对艺术最为感兴趣。15岁那年,她随父亲到欧洲旅行。1931年,她要求进皇家戏剧艺术学院学习。在学校认识了温文尔雅的男青年霍尔曼,经常与之约会。1932年费雯丽与霍尔曼结婚。婚后她一度很幸福,但她执着的献身艺术,不愿意被家庭所束缚,生下一个孩子后,她就忍不住要求演电影。偶然的一个机会,她在《贞洁的面纱》中的表演被舆论认为是一颗新星的出现。突然的成功使她下定决心弃家从影。1940年8月,费雯丽在拍完《魂断蓝桥》后与著名演员奥里佛结婚。婚后他们过了幸福的20年。费雯丽始终一往情深地爱着奥立佛,但奥立佛背叛了她。1960年12月,他们办理了离婚手续。费雯丽因此受到沉重打击。1967年7月7日病逝于伦敦的公寓中。按她的遗愿,她的角膜捐献出来,遗体火化。

  6. someone acting in a play or show director actor A woman who is an actor A person who is responsible for the artistic and technical aspects of making a film actress Match the sentence

  7. Action! Stand by! Good take! Take two ! As a director, what is he usually saying? Read the book on page 77, then fill in the blanks with proper phrases

  8. Free Talk What would you like to be in the future? I would like to be … I want to be … I hope to be … I plan to be … I would rater be…

  9. What would you like to be ? A : Would you like to be an actress ? B : Yes , I would love to . What about you ? A : I don’t like acting very much . I’d rather be a director.

  10. Exercise Translate these sentences into English. 1. 我长大后想做一名电影导演。 I’d like to be a movie director when I grow up. 2. 导演大声喊到:“开拍”! The director shouted in a loud voice, “Action!”

  11. 3. 我不喜欢表演。我更喜欢做摄影师。 I don’t like acting very much. I’d rather be a photographer.

  12. Would you like to be an actor/ actress or a director? Make the dialogue like this with your partner S1: Would you like to be a/an…? S2: Yes/No, I’d love to be a/an … What about you? S1: I like/don’t like… very much. I would rather/prefer to be a/an…

  13. Listen to the tape and answer the Question. What are Hobo and Eddie talking about?

  14. Language points 1. Why don’t you stop daydreaming? (1) Why don’t you do sth.? (=why not do sth.?) 为什么不做……? Why don’t you giveme some advice? Why not giveme some advice?

  15. (2) daydream 作为动词, 意为“做白日梦”、“幻想”。 He sat in the classroom daydreaming about the coming holidays. (3) Stop doing sth 停下正做的事情 stop to do sth 停下正做的事去做另一件事

  16. Lanuge points : Language point 1.Do you know who I am ? 宾语从句,用陈述句语序 Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow ? Can you tell me where I can go to ask for help ? 2.The sthdents stopped talking when the teacher came into the classroom. You are too tired ,you must stop to have a rest.

  17. 2. I should be in Hollywood instead. (1) instead 副词意为“作为替代”、“反而”、“却”, 通常放在句末尾。 Mr Wang was ill. Mr Zhu gave us a lesson instead this morning. I don’t like tea, please give me coffee instead.

  18. (2) instead of 作为介词,意为“代替”、“替代”、“而不是”,后面接名词、动名词、代词、副词等。 Mr Zhu gave us a lesson instead of Mr Wang this morning. I drank coffee instead of tea.

  19. Exercise Translate these sentences into English. • Tom Cruise 是最有名的好莱坞超级明星中的一个。 • Tom Cruise is one of the most famous superstars in Hollywood. • 2. 你别白日做梦了, 你应该现实点。 • You’d better not daydream. You should be more realistic.

  20. 3. 你为什么不去玄武湖公园划船呢? Why don’t you go boating in Xuan Wu Lake? 4. 他们没有乘公共汽车去, 而是步行去的。 They go there on foot instead of by bus.

  21. Being a director

  22. Background 1.The Cheng family 2.They live in a flat 3.Father was at work 4.Mother went to the supermarket 5.Two children , Nancy and Victor , were at home 6.The two children disagree all the time

  23. Story The two children argued about what tV problem To watch. They got angry with each other. Victor tried to throw the remote control onto the table. The remote control fell onto Nancy’s foot.

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