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X3D Extension for (Mobile) AR Contents International AR Standards Workshop Seoul, Korea Oct 11-12, 2010 Gerard J. Kim (WG 6 AR Standards Study Group Coordinator) Korea University. Approach. Extensibility to existing frameworks X3D (Scene graph) Because AR is implemented as VR!

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  1. X3D Extension for(Mobile) AR ContentsInternational AR Standards WorkshopSeoul, KoreaOct 11-12, 2010Gerard J. Kim (WG 6 AR Standards Study Group Coordinator)Korea University

  2. Approach • Extensibility to existing frameworks • X3D (Scene graph) • Because AR is implemented as VR! • KML, OpenGIS, … • We need location representation • Generality/Flexibility to accommodate • Different AR platforms (~Platform independence) • Mobile, Desktop, HMD, … • Sensors and devices • Vision based, Marker based, Location based, … • Focused on file format (Scene graph based?) • vs. Contents representation • Machine consumption

  3. Various display types and platforms [R. Azuma, 1997] Camera Display Video Combiner Display Optical Combiner <Video See-through> <Optical See-through> Video Combiner Display Camera <Mobile> <Desktop>

  4. AR/MR Implementation

  5. Various sensing

  6. Various sensing

  7. MR/AR Contents Context: Condition or situation that triggers an augmentation and mixing of real and virtual objects Resource: Raw data or information used for augmentation Content: One or more pairings of contexts and Resources + behaviors (that uses the resources) resource context

  8. Related work • Jung et al. (InstantReality Suite) • Extension of Sensor nodes – Physical contexts • Extension of Viewpoint nodes – Specification of camera parameters • Layers: One layer served as background video • Extension of X3DLightNode: Lighting effects SFImageSenosr : X3DDirectSensorNode { SFImage [in/out] value … SFBool [] out False SFString [] label … } DEF frame SFImageSensor { label “Video Frames” } ROUTE frame.value_changed TO surfaceTex.set_image

  9. Major proposals LC, VC LC VC LC, VC • Extend “View” node: Resolution between “live” camera and virtual • Define “Live” camera node (G. Lee / ETRI) • Not necessarily for “AR” contents (e.g. Video textures) • Parameters set by user • More detailed parameter specification for “View” • Set by user • Routed from “Live” camera node • With possibility of behavioral manipulation • “Routed” from sensor • Camera could be tracked separately • Default: same as the world • Note that view can be relative to anything

  10. Major proposal • Extending movie texture node (for AR background) • Also proposed by G. Lee / Instant Reality • Extend existing virtual “Sensor” nodes • New X3DARNodes for target real object description • ImagePatch, 3DObject, GPSLocation, SingleValue, … • Existing: E.g. Visibility, Proximity, Touch sensor … • New: RangeSensor, UIClickSensor, …

  11. Not included in this proposal • Lighting and Rendering issue • Depth sensing and occlusion effects • Extended point of interest (e.g. path, hierarchical POI) • Platform type specification • e.g. Resolution difference

  12. View (Virtual Camera) X3D (Virtual) WORLD OtherX3D Nodes Movie Texture* ROUTE* AR Node + Sensor Virtualized Physical Contexts AR contents (Real/Physical) Live Camera

  13. Abstraction of MR/AR contents as a collection of context and resources connected by “Event in”’s and “Event out”’s.

  14. <Scene> <Group> <TouchSensor DEF='TOUCH' description='touch to activate'/> <TimeSensor DEF='TIME' cycleInterval='3'/> <PositionInterpolator DEF='INTERP_POS' key='0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1' keyValue='0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0'/> <Transform DEF='BALL'> <Shape> <Appearance> <Material/> </Appearance> <Sphere/> </Shape> </Transform> </Group> <ROUTE fromField='touchTime' fromNode='TOUCH' toField='startTime' toNode='TIME'/> <ROUTE fromField='fraction_changed' fromNode='TIME' toField='set_fraction' toNode='INTERP_POS'/> <ROUTE fromField='value_changed' fromNode='INTERP_POS' toField='translation' toNode='BALL'/> </Scene>

  15. <Scene> <Group> <Marker DEF = “HIRO” enable “TRUE” filename=”C:\hiro.patt”/> <VisibilitySensor DEF='Visibility' enabled=”TRUE”/> <Transform DEF='BALL'> <Shape> <Appearance> <Material/> </Appearance> <Sphere/> </Shape> </Transform> </Group> <ROUTE fromNode=’Vsibility’ fromField='visible' toNode=’BALL’ toField=’visible’ /> </Scene>

  16. Vision based feature recognition and tracking (e.g. fiducials, markers, 3D points) • Non-vision based env. sensor events and values (e.g. RFID, GPS, distance) • User interaction devices events and values (e.g. buttons, touch screen, jog dial) • Context information (e.g. user age)

  17. X3DARNode Placeholders for physical objects within AR/MR world “implementation” X3DARNode : X3DNode { SFNode [in, out] metadata SFNode [in, out] parent SFString [in, out] description SFBool [in, out] enabled } X3DARNode is the base type for the Marker, Location and General Event, …

  18. ImagePatch (Marker) & VisibilitySensor ImagePatch : X3DARNode { SFNode [in, out] metadata SFNode [in, out] parent SFString [in, out] description SFBool [in, out] enabled SFString [in, out] filename SFVec3f [in, out] position SFRotation [in, out] orientation } VisibilitySensor : X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode <!-- Existing --> { SFVec3f [in, out] center SFBool [in, out] enabled SFNode [in, out] metadata SFVec3f [in, out] size SFTime [out] enterTime SFTime [out] exitTime SFBool [out] isActive }

  19. Location & RangeSensor GPSLocation : X3DSensorNode { SFNode [in, out] metadata SFNode [in, out] parent SFString [in, out] description SFBool [in, out] enabled SFInt32 [in, out] device_description SFBool [out] status MFString [out] values } RangeSensor : X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode { SFVec3f [in, out] center SFBool [in, out] enabled SFNode [in, out] metadata SFVec3f [in, out] size SFTime [out] enterTime SFTime [out] exitTime SFBool [out] isActive SFInt32 [in, out] sequence SFString [in, out] lBound SFString [in, out] uBound SFString [in, out] value }

  20. Live camera Live Camera { SFString [in, out] label "default“ SFString [out] parent SFImage [out] image SFMatrix4f [out] projmat "1 0 0 … " SFBool [out] on FALSE SFBool [out] tracking FALSE SFVec3f [out] position SFRotation [out] orientation } • LiveCamera = MR/AR Capture Camera • Within the Scene node • Image field is the out value • Camera internal parameter  projmat field • Camera external parameter  Set to World but can be tracked

  21. Routing from LiveCam • From • Live Camera node “image” field • To • Background (LiveURL field) • Shape (MovieTexture field)

  22. Live video  Background <Scene> <Background groundAngle='1.309 1.571' groundColor='0.1 0.1 0 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6' skyAngle='1.309 1.571' skyColor='0 0.2 0.7 0 0.5 1 1 1 1' backUrl='mountns.png' frontUrl='mountns.png' leftUrl='mountns.png' rightUrl='mountns.png'/> </Scene> <Scene> <LiveCamera DEF='USBCam1' source='dev#'/> <Background liveSource='USBCam1'/> </Scene> <Scene> <Background videoUrl='bgvideo.mpg'/> </Scene>

  23. MovieTexture Node • Add MovieTexture to X3DTextureNode hierarchy • Used for TextureBackground • Fix TextureBackground relative to camera • Allow connection to live camera (not just through streaming server)

  24. MovieTexture Node <Shape> <Appearance> <MovieTexture loop='true'   url=' "wrlpool.mpg" "http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Vrml2.0Sourcebook/wrlpool.mpg" '/> </Appearance> <IndexedFaceSet ccw='false' coordIndex='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16'> <Coordinate point='2.00 0.6 0.00 1.85 0.6 0.67 1.41 0.6 1.41 0.67 0.6 1.85 0.00 0.6 2.00 -0.67 0.6 1.85 -1.41 0.6 1.41 -1.85 0.6 0.67 -2.00 0.6 0.00 -1.85 0.6 -0.67 -1.41 0.6 -1.41 -0.67 0.6 -1.85 0.00 0.6 -2.00 0.67 0.6 -1.85 1.41 0.6 -1.41 1.85 0.6 -0.67 2.00 0.6 0.00'/> </IndexedFaceSet> </Shape>

  25. Live Camera  Movie Texture <Scene> <Shape> <Appearance> <MovieTexture loop='true' url='wrlpool.mpg'/> </Appearance> <IndexedFaceSet ccw='false' coordIndex='0 1 2 ... 15 16'> <Coordinate point='2.00 0.6 0.00 ... 2.00 0.6 0.00'/> </IndexedFaceSet> </Shape> </Scene> <Scene> <LiveCamera DEF='USBCam1' source='dev#'/> <Shape> <Appearance> <MovieTexture liveSource='USBCAM1' keyColor= '0 0 1' /> </Appearance> <IndexedFaceSet ccw='false' coordIndex='0 1 2 ... 15 16'> <Coordinate point='2.00 0.6 0.00 ... 2.00 0.6 0.00'/> </IndexedFaceSet> </Shape> </Scene>

  26. Live Camera and Virtual Camera • Calibrating the virtual camera according to the parameters of live capture camera • Internal parameter = projection matrix • External parameter = camera pose • Manual • Direct specification • Routing • From the Live camera • From the Sensor W0 T

  27. Method 1 Viewpoint : X3DViewpointNode{ SFMatrix4f [in] projmat SFVec3f [in,out] position SFRotation [in,out] orientation SFNode [in,out] liveCamera Add distortion parameters here } <Scene> <LiveCamera DEF='USBCam1' source='dev#'/> <Viewpoint liveCamera='USBCam1'/> <Shape> … </Shape> </Scene>

  28. Method 2 <Scene> <LiveCamera DEF='USBCam1' source='dev#'/> <Viewpoint DEF='MRView'/> <Shape> … </Shape> <ROUTE fromNode='USBCam1' fromField='projmat' toNode='MRView' toField='projmat'/> <ROUTE fromNode='Tracker' fromField='position' toNode='MRView' toField='projmat'/> <ROUTE fromNode='Tracker' fromField='orientation' toNode='MRView' toField='projmat'/> </Scene>

  29. Other Activities • Draft document • Teleconferences with Web3D • Implementation: k-MART • Domestic workshop • April, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea • June, KIST, Seoul, Korea

  30. Future • More • Extensions • Examples • Implementations • International consensus

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