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Samuel Richardson

Samuel Richardson. Classe 4 Ist . Salesiano Vomero Napoli Prof. adriano laudisio. S. Richardson’s LIFE. He only attended the Common School-Learning (low education ) He worked as apprentice in a printer ’s shop and later opened a printing shop of his own .

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Samuel Richardson

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  1. Samuel Richardson Classe 4 Ist. Salesiano Vomero Napoli Prof. adrianolaudisio

  2. S. Richardson’s LIFE Heonlyattended the Common School-Learning (low education) Heworkedasapprentice in a printer’s shop and lateropened a printing shop ofhisown. Hemarried a first time, buthiswife and his 6 childrendied Hemarried a secondtime, and only 4 ofhis 6 childrensurvived. At the ageof 51 hewrotehis first novel, PAMELA, whichwas a success.

  3. WORKS AfterPamela, hewrote 2 more EPISTOLARY NOVELS. Hisworks are: 1) Pamela, or VirtueRewarded (1740-2) 2) Clarissa, or The Historyof a young lady (1747-8) 3) The Historyof Sir Charles Grandison(1753). Pamela was a ‘bestseller’: everybodyreadit and therewas a ‘Pamela obsession’  objectswithher story

  4. PAMELA: THE PLOT INTRO PamelaAndrewsis 15 yearsold and is a maidservant. The son of the household (house owner), Mr. B, isattractedtoher and triesto seduce her, butsherefuseshimtoprotecthervirtue. PART 1 Pamela writesletterstoherparentsspeakingabouthermoralproblems and askingforadvice.

  5. PART 2 Mr B. abducts and imprisonsher in hiscountry house. Pamela keepswritinglettersbutshedoesn’t knowifherparentswillreceiveherletters. Shekeepsresisting Mr. B., whofinallyaskshertomarryhim and sheaccepts. The marriageis the REWARD for Pamela’s virtue (in fact the subtitleofthis work is ‘Virtuerewarded’). In factsheobtains a SOCIAL POSITION thatwasonlyfor women of upper classes.

  6. EPISTOLARY NOVEL Pamela waswritten in the formofan EPISTOLARY novel, i.e. a seriesofletterswrittenby the protagonist (some alsobyherparents). Thisformallows the writerto express the character’s INNER WORLD and THOUGHTS at the timeof the actions. However, Pamela is full of ACTION and DIALOGUE.

  7. The aimsof the book Toamuse and entertain Toteach moralisingaim The moralising nature islinkedto the PURITAN middle-class idea of a REWARD for VIRTUE and a PUNISHMENT for SINS. However, some readerssaw Pamela as a woman whowastryingtoobtain a higher status bymarrying a nobleman (forexampleFieldingparodiedPamela in Shamela).

  8. MODERN novel & PSYCHOLOGICAL characterisation In Pamela thereis a DEEP psyhcologicalanalysiswhichisnotpresent in the previousnovels, foeexample in DEFOE’s. Pamela has a world offeelings and Richardson describesthemwithgreatsensitivity. Heis the pioneer in the fieldofcharacterisation.

  9. The characters: PAMELA PAMELA isanunusualheroine: Sheworkstoearnher living. Sherebelsagainst the social attitudeof the time. In novelsitwasunusualtohaveanordinarypersonas the protagonist. Theywerequeens and ladies. Lowerclassesweredescribedwithirony, Richardson describesherseriously. Pamela is a ROUND character: i.e. a complexcharacterwhichhas a DEVELOPMENT or a change and showsdifferentaspectsofhis/herpersonality.

  10. The characters: MR. B. Mr. B isalso a round character. Headoptsdifferentroles: Aristocratic Friendly vs. arrogant Overbearing vs. sweet Rational vs. impulsive At the end of the novel, hestarts feeling ADMIRATION and LOVE for Pamela. Theirfeelingschange and theymarry.

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