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Doing Business with NATO IS

Doing Business with NATO IS. Slovak Industry Day 3 May 2012. Who are we?. NATO HQ is the political and administrative centre of the Alliance and the permanent home of the NAC. Key Figures. 4,000 People work at HQ on a full-time basis 5,000 Meetings take place every year 40,000,000

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Doing Business with NATO IS

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  1. Doing Business with NATO IS Slovak Industry Day 3 May 2012

  2. Who are we? NATO HQ is the political and administrative centre of the Alliance and the permanent home of the NAC

  3. Key Figures • 4,000 • People work at HQ on a full-time basis • 5,000 • Meetings take place every year • 40,000,000 • Average yearly procurement spend • 3,000 • Contracts and purchase orders were issued in 2011

  4. What do we buy?

  5. Who buys?

  6. Key Contacts • Head Procurement Service • Mr. Javier CARRASCO (#4477) • carrascopena.javier@hq.nato.int • Head ICT Unit • Mr. Yves VAN SCHENDEL (#4202) • vanschendel.yves@hq.nato.int • Head Infra Support Unit • Danielle VANDERBEKEN (#4473) vanderbeken.danielle@hq.nato.int • Head Services Support Unit • Esther ASENSIO (#4473) • asensio.esther@hq.nato.int

  7. How do we buy? • Public Procurement principles • NATO IS Procurement Manual • Business Opportunities • http://www.nato.int/structur/procurement/ • Annual Procurement Plan

  8. Procurement Regulations NATIONS NORTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL NATO Financial Regulations OPLANs NATO Agencies Charters BUDGET COMMITTEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS INFRA COMMITTEE Imp. Rules & Procedures IS Imp. Rules & Procedures Mil HQs Infrastructure Manual Procurement Regulations NATO IS Procurement Manual Bi-SC Procurement Directive AC/4-D/2261 AC/4-D(2008)0002-REV1 AC/4-D(2007)003

  9. Public Procurement Competition Transparency Integrity Integrity Secondary objectives: value for money, economy, efficiency, effectiveness, uniformity, wealth distribution, risk avoidance, NATO procurement objectives, etc. Procurement Principles

  10. www.nato.int

  11. NATO Biz-Opps

  12. http://www.nato.int/structur/procurement/biz-opps.html

  13. Annual Procurement Plan • Can be downloaded from website • Rolling plan updated quarterly • Includes all procurement actions exceeding EUR 19,500 • Key information about future business opportunities • Description, purpose, procurement method, solicitation reference, planned issue and closing dates, POCs, and status

  14. How to succeed (I) • Visit web-site periodically • Establish contact with national authorities (e.g., national delegation) • Download solicitations and read them through • Pay special attention to eligibility related clauses

  15. How to succeed (II) • Pay attention to contract award related clauses • Lowest Technically Compliant vs. Best Value • Ask for clarification whenever required or to suggest alternative approaches • Participate in bidders conferences and establish networks • Make sure you include all required documentation

  16. How to succeed (III) • Follow the rules • Make sure your offer arrives in time • Follow-up on any requests for clarification or discussions • If unsuccessful, learn from your own errors

  17. Significant Biz-Opps

  18. New Headquarters • Procurement of furniture • Specifications under development • Issue date planned in 3Q 2013 • Transition Management and Support related requirements • Office relocation and move management • Catering, O&M, logistics, and outsourcing studies • Other related requirements • Some procurement actions already started, details available in latest version of procurement plan

  19. ICT Revitalization • NR2 Systems Integration • Proposals under evaluation • ERP solution implementation and support • Closing date 1 Jun 2012 • Migration to new site • Project in initiation phase • Procurement planned in 1Q 2014

  20. Resource Reform • NATO Office of Resources Resource Management System • Procurement of project portfolio management capability • Licenses, implementation, and IV&V services • Procurement planned in 3Q 2012 • More information in procurement plan

  21. Shared Services • Consulting services in support to the office of shared services • Execution of design phase • Work package approach • Planned issue date 2Q 2012 • Implementation strategy dependent on outcome of design phase

  22. Questions?? Javier Carrasco Pena Head, Procurement Service Financial Control NATO HQ e-mail: carrascopena.javier@hq.nato.int Tel: +32-(0)2-707-4477

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