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V3 Education: Building the HMD

V3 Education: Building the HMD. From MIM-to-MOD-to-HMD Using the tools. How we got here. Developed use cases Developed a RIM Defined our interactions Defined the Message Information Model (MIM). MIM for this exercise. HMD - message structure. Next steps from MDF 3.1 (Jan 1998).

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V3 Education: Building the HMD

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  1. V3 Education: Building the HMD From MIM-to-MOD-to-HMD Using the tools © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  2. How we got here • Developed use cases • Developed a RIM • Defined our interactions • Defined the Message Information Model (MIM) © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  3. MIM for this exercise © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  4. HMD - message structure © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  5. Next steps from MDF 3.1 (Jan 1998) • Build a Message Object Diagram (MOD) • Starting from that root class, the committee will step from one class in the MIM to another by following the relationships appropriate to the use case. As each class is visited the icon for an object view is created on the message object diagram. This process is complete when an icon for each object view that will contribute some attributes has been placed on the diagram. • Build a Hierarchical Message Description (HMD) • Establish rows for each object view in the Message Object Diagram • This is done by transcribing the material from the Message Object Diagram into the Information Model Mapping portion of the HMD © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  6. Next steps from MDF 3.1 (Jan 1998) • Build a Message Object Diagram (MOD) • Starting from that root class, the committee will • step from one class in the MIM to another by • following the relationships appropriate to the use case. • As each class is visited • the icon for an object view is created on the message object diagram. • This process is complete when an icon for each object view that will contribute some attributes has been placed on the diagram. • Build a Hierarchical Message Description (HMD) • Establish rows for each object view in the Message Object Diagram • This is done by transcribing the material from the Message Object Diagram into the Information Model Mapping portion of the HMD This step is redundant © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  7. Message Object Diagram © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  8. Hierarchical Message Description MessageStructure Information Model Mapping Message Elements © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  9. HMD - MOD correspondence © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  10. Next steps from MDF 3.1 (continued) • Add attributes • Underneath each row that represents an object view, the committee adds rows to contain the attributes that represent data appropriate for the messages. It adds attributes for all of the interactions that are described by the HMD. • Determine the message elements • The Technical Committee now fills in the center portion of the HMD. Generally, an object view in the Message Object Diagram will be represented by a segment in the message. However, the committee has the ability to combine object views into a single segment as will be described. Attributes in the information model are related to data fields in the message. • Establish the various message structures that will be used • NOT COVERED IN THIS TUTORIAL type type types © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  11. HOW ???? Tools, techniques http://www.mcis.duke.edu/standards/HL7/committees/ methodology-modeling/Rose_tooling/ • AccessTools.EXE • Self extracting archive of Access97 databases, including the latest hl7Tools.mdb, which manages repositories and provides reference files • RoseTre_1011.EXE • An application that is the primary MOD/HMD tool. This will INSTALL RoseTree.exe on your system. • ExImWizard_1011.EXE • An application to manage movement of models from Rose to the repository, validation of Rose models, and extraction of WMFs from Rose. • hl7Rosie_102.EXE • A utility that assists in setting properties for attributes in a model and for working with Rose diagrams. Helps in preparing MIMs. This will INSTALL hl7_Rosie.exe on your system © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  12. RoseTree basics • Creates an in-memory, object representation of a model • Extracts from a Rose model • Assembles from a repository • Methods in the object representation simplify modifying the software and extending its capability • Complete representation of meta-model in-memory allows direct navigation through the model - software and human • Provides an interface to support multiple “open” models and representations • Has subsumed RosToAcc98 functions. © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  13. RoseTree menu correspondence • File menu • Refers to whole things • Models • MODs • CMEDs • Edit menu • Refers to parts of things • Nodes • Object views • Rows • etc © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  14. Introducing RoseTree File menu: “Files” are external models or MODs (Rose models, models or MODs in Access databases) Open, closesave are “typical” Reload restores the state of a previously loaded “file” Up to eight previous files are remembered. File open action: *.mdb - Access repository - If repository holds single model, that model is loaded. If it holds several, a dialog box is presented to allow selection of one model to load. *.mdl - Rose model - Will (a) load Rose, if it is not already open, (b) load the file into Rose (if Rose does not already have that file loaded) and then (c) use Rose to extract the information into RoseTree. © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  15. Model is loaded Check to include subject areas in the tree Model identifier Subject areas Tree window: Used for browsing a model or MOD Text window: Describes element selected in tree © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  16. Browsing a model “Standard” tree controls - Expand/collapse Selecting a node may “reveal” that it has children Can navigate as well with the keyboard (next slide). “Resetting” the tree: 1) Menu select File.Reload 2) Select any Class in the tree and menu select Edit.Reset to node. This reloads the tree without Subject Areas, selects the class chosen and scrolls to assure the class is visible. Text window provides RIM description and detail for the selected node. © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  17. Keyboard navigation of a tree Users can navigate through a tree using the keyboard as well. UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys cycle downward through all expanded Node objects. Node objects are selected from left to right, and top to bottom. At the bottom of a tree, the selection jumps back to the top of the tree, scrolling the window if necessary. RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW keys also tab through expanded Node objects, but if the RIGHT ARROW key is pressed while an unexpanded Node is selected, the Node expands; a second press will move the selection to the next Node. Conversely, pressing the LEFT ARROW key while an expanded Node has the focus collapses the Node. Pressing the ENTER key while a Node is selected, alternately expands or collapses a Node. If a user presses an ANSI key, the focus will jump to the nearest Node that begins with that letter. Subsequent pressings of the key will cause the selection to cycle downward through all expanded nodes that begin with that letter. © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  18. MOD - Step one - select the MIM a) Reload tree with Use subject areas checked b) Select the subject area that contains the MIM c) Menu select Edit.Use as MIM (or right-click on the subject area) © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  19. MOD Step two A,B - Choose the ROOT object A) Select the root class B) Select menu:Edit.Set MOD Root MOD window identified by labels, like Tree starts as Browser for the MIM (Later will provide the tree view of the MOD) Information window supports MIM browsing (Later will be replaced with two windows - the MOD construction options, and the LIFO list of classes visited.) © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  20. MOD Step two C,D - Describe the ROOT object C) Enter Version (optional in next release) D) Select Root (message) cardinality, usually 1..1 © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  21. MOD Step three - Build MOD Tree window displays the MOD as you build it Options window - make your choices by selecting a row in this window When needed, will get a cardinality popup menu. Prompts at each step of the way, providing the options that are permitted according to of MDF 3.1 (98) Keeps track of your choices for each instance to provide only the possible choices LIFO list of objects that have been started, but not finished. © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  22. Editing the MOD • Select a node • Use Edit menu to edit the label. Offers chance to change BOTH the qualifier and the cardinality. • Re-open the MOD • Use Edit…Change Node ...Re-open MOD presents all choices that were by-passed the first time through, • Includes option to “Replace with CMED” • Move siblings up or down to change order. © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  23. “Super”-MOD - includes attributes MDF Fig. 5.9 © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  24. Let’s try it © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  25. What do we get? © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  26. Extract the Person stuff as a CMED © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  27. And use it in the previous MOD © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  28. Build a more complex one J A G H F I E K B L M D C © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  29. And get MOD © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  30. Populate the attributes © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  31. … and ... © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  32. … and… and © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  33. … and… and… and © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  34. … and… and… and… and © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  35. … and… and… and… and… and finally © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  36. Make an ACTP CMED © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  37. from MOD Slot types & names to be filled and now the HMD - raw form automatic © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  38. filling it in ... © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  39. and finish! © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  40. Save your work!!! © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

  41. HMD with attributes suppressed © 1999, Health Level Seven, Inc.

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