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Putting GJXDM to Work in Wisconsin

Putting GJXDM to Work in Wisconsin. GJXDM. NIEM!. A Presentation to the Global Justice xml Users’ Conference San Diego, CA September 6, 2006. Wisconsin’s Justice Information Sharing Program State Administering Agency, Not an “Operational Agency”

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Putting GJXDM to Work in Wisconsin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Putting GJXDM to Work in Wisconsin GJXDM NIEM! A Presentation to the Global Justice xml Users’ Conference San Diego, CA September 6, 2006

  2. Wisconsin’s Justice Information Sharing Program State Administering Agency, Not an “Operational Agency” Neutral Convenor for Multi-Agency Projects Honest Broker of Shared Solutions, Standards WIJIS

  3. eRap Sheet Exchange with NLETS WIJIS Justice Gateway Criminal Justice Workflow: Law Enforcement eReferral to DA (NCHIP funds) Filing charges with Courts No-processes from DA to Criminal History Disposition from Courts to Criminal History NCHIP and GTEA Grant Projects Starting this Fall: Warrants and Protective Orders to Message Switch and Sheriffs’ Systems NGA Grant: Probation & Parole Conditions GJXDM Exchanges in Wisconsin

  4. Courts DA- PROTECT TIME/eTIME Service-Oriented Architecture Vehicle Registration Local Law Enforcement Records Management Systems Justice Service Bus (JSB) The WIJIS Justice Gateway: A single, secure point of read-only access to disparate state and local justice information resources. IEPDs Sex Offender Registry GJXML Integrated Corrections

  5. Courts DA- PROTECT TIME/eTIME Service-Oriented Architecture Vehicle Registration Local Law Enforcement Records Management Systems Justice Service Bus (JSB) WIJIS: Owning the SPACE BETWEEN Justice Information Systems. IEPDs Sex Offender Registry GJXML Integrated Corrections

  6. Governance Funding Structuring a Small, Agile Team Collaborating Across Boundaries Security, Privacy Tools Challenges

  7. Top-Level Executive Support Legislation or Exec Order Governing Body Grass-Roots Support Users’ Group Focused The Importance of the MOU (Memo of Understanding) a.k.a. MOA, SLA… Governance

  8. Diverse Portfolio Federal Grants as Venture Capital State Appropriations Request: Return on Investment Supporting What Federal Funds Have Developed Multi-Agency Support (Governance Partners) Taking Ownership of “The Space Between the Systems” !!!??? Funding

  9. SAA (OJA Exec Dir), Chair WI Dept of Justice – Administrator State CIO State Courts CIO Dept of Corrections – Deputy Sec. Police Chiefs’ representative District Attorneys’ representative Governance

  10. Toward a WI-JXDM • Borrow Core, Ultra-Core concepts from NIEM • Consistent GJ/NIEM implementation • Messaging Standards • Namespace • Repository/Registry • Change Management • Who Maintains All of This?

  11. Wisconsin’s Data Exchange Architect “Proven ability to design coherent, appropriate information structures for complex data interchange is the key requirement for the position. The right candidate will also be well-versed in justice information systems, and have a strong working knowledge of the GJXDM… “Data Model work includes all activity necessary to get the Wisconsin JXDM to an initial completion state, and then to maintain it over time. It also includes creation, publication, and revision of additional materials (such as auxiliary protocols, component models, andreference implementations) to assist any party that wants to use the Wisconsin JXDM. “

  12. Matrix organization Iterative Development Rapid Prototypes Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck Challenge: Incorporate Strong Portfolio Management Cross-Agency Collaboration

  13. Federated ID Management Certificate Authority -Ownership and Standards Issues Fair Info Practices Governance – The Need for Both Levels! Disclosure Control - A Plug for Thursday, 10:45 Presentation  Security and Privacy

  14. Publication of Standards, Posting of Open-Source Code: www.wijiscommons.org Shared ‘ Microproject’ Workspace: www.Wijis.jot.com Tools

  15. WIJIS Gateway - Open Source Solution Goal: A justice data sharing solution on the cheap. Build an Open Source Repository Distribute gateway software for free Does not require gateway adopters to spend money on licenses. Vendor friendly licensing Gateway Implementation

  16. WIJIS Gateway Open Source Solutions PROS: Vibrant development community Customize code – contribute to code base Faster turnaround on bug fixes No licensing fees or procurement process Widely accepted in government and corporate enterprises Gateway Implementation

  17. WIJIS Gateway Open Source Solutions CONS: Makes Enterprise IT nervous – “You’re not supported!” Possible higher consulting costs Initial challenges for IT staff Learning curve Build it yourself Change of culture Gateway Implementation

  18. WIJIS Gateway – Why go open source?? Interoperability Integrate with any system, any platform Neutrality Not tied to other products or feature sets Maintenance Software tested by adopters Software features added by adopters Gateway Implementation

  19. WIJIS Software Stack Java Framework – Spring www.springframework.org Dependency Injection, swap out implementations A la carte approach to software Lightweight, loosely coupled Database – ORM – Hibernate www.hibernate.org One set of code regardless of underlying database Gateway Implementation

  20. WIJIS Software Stack – Middleware Message queues – Active MQ www.activemq.org Fast reliable messaging, Message driven POJOs Up and running in minutes Easy integration with Spring Framework Web Services – xfire (or axis2) xfire.codehaus.org Turn simple POJOs into web services seamlessly Supports many different bindings (XMLBeans, JAXB, JSR annotations etc) Gateway Implementation

  21. WIJIS Software Repository Subversion tigris.subversion.org Just like CVS, but better Developers can work from anywhere Integrates with Eclipse nicely www.projectlocker.com Gateway Implementation

  22. it.ojp.gov/iepd – The latest on GJXDM and NIEW, and lots of other cool stuff. oja.wi.gov/wijis – WIJIS Web Page wijiscommons.org – wijis tech specs Links Contact Info • James.pingel@wisconsin.gov • Yogesh.chawla@wisconsin.gov

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