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Cell Cycle: Phases, Chromosomes, Mitosis, Meiosis

Learn about the different phases of the cell cycle, the role of chromosomes, and the processes of mitosis and meiosis. Understand the key concepts and terminology related to cell division.

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Cell Cycle: Phases, Chromosomes, Mitosis, Meiosis

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  1. Cell Cycle Chromosomes Mitosis Meiosis Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. What are the 3 parts to the Cell Cycle? 100 points

  3. Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis

  4. What percentage of the time does a cell stay in Interphase? 200 Points

  5. 90%

  6. What happens in the G1 & G2 phases of Interphase? 300 points

  7. Cell grows and makes more materials for the cell division process

  8. What is finally split during the Cytokinesis process? 400 points

  9. Cytoplasm

  10. What happens in the S phase of the Interphase? 500 Points

  11. DNA replicates (copies)

  12. Chromosomes are found in what within the cell? 100 Points

  13. Nucleus

  14. Before chromosomes appear, what form of DNA is present? 200 points

  15. Chromatin

  16. What does that mean to call a pair of chromosomes Homologous? 300 points

  17. The pair of chromosomes are similar in characteristics and size

  18. Humans have how many pairs of Chromosomes? 400 points

  19. 23 pairs of Chromosomes

  20. Centrioles attach to the Chromosome by what part of the Chromosome? 500 points

  21. Centromere

  22. How many cells are made by the Mitosis process? 100 points

  23. 2 cells

  24. What type of cell does the Mitosis process make? 200 points

  25. Body Cells (Heart, Lung, Skin, etc.)

  26. Mitosis makes 2n cells. What is another name for 2n cells? 300 points

  27. Diploid Cells

  28. The Mitosis process ends with what other process occurring? 400 points

  29. Cytokinesis

  30. What are the 4 phases of Mitosis? 500 points

  31. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase

  32. What type of cells are made by the Meiosis process? 100 points

  33. Gametes, or Reproductive Cells

  34. How many cells are made by the Meiosis process? 200 points

  35. 4 Cells

  36. What happens to in the Interphase II part of Meiosis? 300 points

  37. Aha! There is no Interphase II!!!

  38. What phase does Crossing Over occur in during the Meiosis process? 400 points

  39. Prophase I

  40. Independent Assortment occurs within what phase of Meiosis? 500 points

  41. Anaphase I

  42. What is the name of the process of cell division that is used by bacteria as a form of asexual reproduction? 100 points

  43. Binary Fission

  44. What Causes Downs Syndrome? 200 points

  45. An extra copy of the 21st Chromosome (3 total)

  46. The process of pairing up homologous chromosomes is called what? 300 points

  47. Synapsis

  48. The “arms” of the chromosome are called what? 400 points

  49. Chromatid

  50. What percentage of your chromosomes came from your Father? From your Mother? 500 points

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