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The annual Nazi party rally at Nuremberg

Explore the Nazi creation of a totalitarian state, featuring mass demonstrations at the Nuremberg rallies. Learn about the rearmament of Germany, the German Labor Front, the SS secret police, and the control exerted over churches, schools, and universities. Discover the impact of the Nuremberg Laws on Jews and the horrific events of Kristallnacht. Lastly, understand the Nazi regime's policies towards women, emphasizing traditional roles and discouraging their participation in business and industry.

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The annual Nazi party rally at Nuremberg

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  1. The annual Nazi party rally at Nuremberg

  2. THE NAZI STATE (1933-1939) • The Nazi creation of a totalitarian state – • Mass demonstrations, spectacles and parades - the Nuremberg rallies • Industry was not nationalized • Rearmament of Germany solved the unemployment problem • The German Labor Front - a state controlled union - all workers had obtain a “workbook” to get jobs • The SS - run by Heinrich Himmler was the Nazi secret police - use of terror and ideology • Churches, schools, and universities were controlled the Nazis • Hitler Jugend(Hitler Youth)


  4. Hitler Jugend = Nazi Youth

  5. THE NUREMBERG LAWS • The Nazi total state was intended to be an Aryan racial state = anti-Semitic government policies • Jews excluded from professions - law, civil service, medicine, teaching, press, entertainment • The Nuremberg Laws 1935 = - -Jews are stripped of their citizenship - Forbade marriages between Jews and German citizens - Stripped Jews of political, social, and legal rights

  6. KRISTALLNACHT • Kristallnacht1938 = the night of shattered glass - thousands of Jewish businesses and synagogues were Destroyed • In 1938-39 thirty thousand Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps • The SS encouraged Jews to emigrate from Germany

  7. KRISTALLNACHT = the night of broken glass 1938 Nazi attacks on Jewish shops and synagogues

  8. Nazi policies towards women – • Women were expected to be wives and mothers • Mothers who had large families were awarded medals • Nazis pursued a campaign against women working in business and industry

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