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Communication & Documentation

Communication & Documentation. Project Management Unit – Lecture 8. The need for communication. Communication and documentation is key for a successful project “If it is not written down, it did not happen!” (ancient wise saying)

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Communication & Documentation

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  1. Communication & Documentation Project Management Unit – Lecture 8 Communication

  2. The need for communication • Communication and documentation is key for a successful project • “If it is not written down, it did not happen!” (ancient wise saying) • “If you wrote it down, you agreed to do it!” (not as ancient wise saying) • Communication assures coordination of effort across stakeholders • Agreement on how to proceed • Tracking of progress • Assure functioning interface between units • Written documentation provides the “glue” that stabilizes components and unifies the project • Helps assure “end-to-end” thinking • Show agreement on roles, tasks, schedule • Provides proof of performance • Reports & presentations set precedent for acknowledgement of effort and / or discoveries Communication

  3. Major Documents • There are a multitude of written documents during a project • Proposal of concept to funding agency • Requirements Document to specify “ground rules” • System Design Document to specify high level design • Interface Control Documents to define subunit interfaces • Risk Management Plan shows how project risks are controlled • Preliminary Design Review (PDR) gives initial definition of project • Critical Design Review (CDR) provides complete definition of project • Flight Readiness Review (FRR) certifies payload for flight • Mission Operations and Data Analysis for post-launch procedures • Technical reports to track progress of project • Science reports to present results publicly • For ACES you will need to prepare PDR, CDR, FRR documents and a post-flight science report Communication

  4. The Project Reviews • There are at least three major reviews during a project • Preliminary Design, Critical Design, Flight Readiness • These reviews provide a check on project progress for all stakeholders • PDR, CDR and FRR are major project milestones • PDR during February • CDR during March • FRR just prior to launch in May • Imposed duration on schedule is a risk to be managed • The team must prepare written documents and oral presentations for each review • Each review has a somewhat different objective and emphasis Communication

  5. Preliminary Design Review (PDR) • The primary objective for the PDR is to review results from your design phase • At the end of the PDR you should have been able to show that you have “thought the problem through” • A member of the LA ACES Project will attend and participate in the PDR • Copy of completed PDR document should be received by LA ACES at least 3 days prior to PDR • Team needs to provide oral presentation of PDR material • Be able to address questions • Record list of action items resulting from the PDR Communication

  6. PDR Topics • The PDR should focus on the following topics: • Goals & objectives • Preliminary System design • Concept hardware & software design • Tasks, schedule, resource needs, long-lead items • Preliminary risk assessment & management plan • Use document template to guide your PDR write-up • Similar document for CDR and FRR • PDR presentation should be about 1 hour • 30 to 40 minutes of PowerPoint presentation • 20 to 30 minutes of questions from the review panel • Cover content of PDR document Communication

  7. PDR Document TemplateCover Page Shows Core Information Communication

  8. When you change a document you need to track that information Communication

  9. This page provides a basic list of what still needs to be doneTDB – To be determined Communication

  10. Addressing this list of topics will provide all the basic information needed to define your payload Communication

  11. Provide a list of all the figures in your documentThis is a suggestion of some of the types of figures you might want to include Communication

  12. Provide a list of all the tables in your documentThis is a suggestion of some of the types of tables you might want to include Communication

  13. Section 1.n is more or less doneSection 2.0 lists your referencesSection 3.n describes what science you want to do Communication

  14. Section 4.n describes all the details of your payload design Communication

  15. Section 5.0 discusses your plans for the Development phase immediately after PDR In section 6.n you show how you will get your payload flight readyWhat you intend to do during flight operations is in section 7.n Communication

  16. Project management is detailed in section 8.nSchedule, WBS, resource allocation is specified in section 9.n Communication

  17. Your costs and acquisition plan are in section 10.nSection 11.0 describes any risks you have identified that could impact your project as well as your plan for managing these risks Communication

  18. Critical Design Review (CDR) • The primary objective of the CDR is to review the results from your development phase • Determines whether you are ready to begin building your payload • Same procedure as for PDR, but LA ACES Project will not be directly involved • LA ACES does not need to signoff on your CDR • Provide LA ACES with CDR document & presentation following review • LA ACES may provide action items that will need to be addressed during by FRR • Precise date for CDR should be identified during PDR Communication

  19. CDR Topics • CDR should follow the same format as the PDR • Modify document template for CDR • Same oral presentation format • CDR should emphasize the following topics: • Resolving issues identified during the PDR • Prototyping results and “proven” designs • Completed system design and defined interfaces • Finalize tasks, schedule, procedures and costs • Updated risk assessment & management plan • Preliminary MO & DA plan Communication

  20. Flight Readiness Review (FRR) • Determine that all issues from CDR have been resolved • Document Experiment Readiness • As-built configuration • Environmental testing results • Calibrations performed • Provide quantitative evidence that the payload: • Meets requirements • Is safe • Will perform properly • Determine any impact on other payloads or the vehicle • Describe procedures for checkout, integration with the vehicle and mission operations • Identify outstanding issues that must be addressed prior to flight Communication

  21. FRR Topics • FRR document follows same format at CDR • Documentation of as-built configuration • Prove that payload is safe, will perform properly and satisfies flight constraints • Written FRR document sent to LA ACES Project 2 weeks before flight • Oral FRR presentation during the launch trip • The FRR will determine whether you are allowed to attach your payload to the flight vehicle! • Details about what is expected during the FRR are provided in Ballooning Unit, Lecture 5 Communication

  22. Post-Flight Science Report • During the launch trip you will be required to present a report on your preliminary science results • PowerPoint presentation including science background, brief description of instrument, calibrations, analyzed data, science results and error analysis • You will have a full day following the flight to analyze your data and prepare your report • You will be provided with a time to altitude converter program for your flight • Recommend the following prior to the launch trip • Have your presentation done except for the science results • Have your calibrations complete and ready to apply • Have your ground data handling and analysis software complete, tested and ready to go Communication

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