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Unit 6 - Alcohol and Rules of the Road

Unit 6 - Alcohol and Rules of the Road. FREIGHTENING ALCOHOL FACTS. An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before first arrest. Every minute, one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash. One in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime.

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Unit 6 - Alcohol and Rules of the Road

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  1. Unit 6 - Alcohol and Rules of the Road

  2. FREIGHTENING ALCOHOL FACTS • An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before first arrest. • Every minute, one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash. • One in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime.

  3. FREIGHTENING ALCOHOL FACTS • Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens and one out of three of those is alcohol related. • Kids who start drinking young are seven times more likely to be in an alcohol-related crash. • Each year, crashes and other injuries related to underage drinking kill about 5, 000 youth in the United States.

  4. ALCOHOL – DRINKING -DRIVING • Alcohol is a drug. • The effects of alcohol vary from person to person but everyonewho uses alcohol is affected by it. • The minimum drinking age is 21 years old. • TRUE OR FALSE: Drinking even a small amount of alcohol increase your chance of causing a crash.

  5. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • BAC is the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream. • The higher the person’s blood alcohol concentration the more severe the physical and behavioral affects.

  6. When blood concentration is . . . 0.02-0.03 – reflexes and alertness decline 0.04-0.06- judgment and self control are impaired and reaction time slows 0.07-0.09- Muscle coordination decreases

  7. 0.12-0.15 – vomiting usually occurs and emotions become exaggerated, unstable and violent • 0.20 – confusion, dizziness and disorientation occurs, vision and speech are impaired, blackouts are typical • 0.30 – ability to stand or walk is lost, loss of consciousness may occur

  8. 0.40 – loss of consciousness usually occurs and death may occur • 0.50 and higher – Death usually occurs

  9. Factors effecting blood alcohol concentration (BAC) • Rate of consumption • Gender • Body size • Amount of food in stomach

  10. Alcohol content

  11. Alcohol Content

  12. Alcohol Effects on the body

  13. This man has had several drinks at a party. Which activity would lower his BAC so that he could driver? WHY?

  14. Alcohol Absorption Alcohol is absorbed into the brain and the rest of the body very quickly, BUT it leaves the body very slowly

  15. The body rids itself of alcohol at a rate of: What is the only factor that can reduce the body’s BAC and the degree of impairment? TIME ¾ of a standard drink an hour See page 319 of text

  16. OTHER DRUGS • Any drug that may also impair your ability to drive safely is dangerous and illegal. • This includes prescription and nonprescription drugs

  17. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle on Illinois Highways with any trace of a controlled drug, substance, cannabis or intoxicating compounds in your blood.

  18. Is for teens and others under the age of 21 • Is a policy where students face stiff consequences-including suspension-starting the first time they are caught with alcohol or other drugs

  19. Safety Belt Law • All drivers and passengers (FRONT AND BACK) age 8 or older must wear a safety belt. • Children 8 and under must be properly secured in an approved child restraint system.

  20. Construction Zone Laws • Slow down • Discontinue wireless and cellular devices uses • Yield to authorized vehicles or workers

  21. Emergency Vehicles • If Emergency Vehicle is stopped: • Yield and change lanes away if possible • If not reduce speed • If Emergency Vehicle is approaching • PULL to right and allow to pass, • may need to stop

  22. School Zones Funeral Processions Yield right-of-way to procession even with change of light May NOT drive between vehicles or joint May NOT attempt to pass (unless passing lane present) • Discontinue wireless/cell phone use • Reduce speed to 20 mph • Yield the right-of-way to any children or adults in crosswalk area

  23. School Bus Passing

  24. Factors That Determine Insurance Rates

  25. Can you See??????? **VISION: One of the requirements you must meet in order to receive your permit is a vision screening test. Vision requirements include a minimum of 20/40 vision and 140 degree peripheral vision (the ability to see to the side). This is with or without the use of corrective lenses.

  26. **If you need to wear glasses or contacts in order to pass the eye exam, arestrictionwill be noted on your license that states that you must ALWAYSwear them when operating a vehicle.

  27. Are You Passing???? **An approved driver education course has a minimum of 30 hoursof classroom instruction.

  28. DRIVER’S LICENSE REVOCATION, SUSPENSION, DENIAL, CANCELLATION: REVOCATION: The indefinite withdrawal of driving privilegesby the Secretary of State’s office. With revocation, driving privileges may be reinstated after a period of one year unless otherwise noted. Anyone convicted of a moving violation that results in the death of another will immediatelyhave their license revoked.

  29. Other offenses which your driver’s license may be revoked include, but are not limited to: • Aggravated DUI – Causing personal injury or death as a result of a DUI • Drag Racing • DUI - Driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (including prescription drugs which may impair driving ability) and/or combinations thereof.

  30. Aggravated Reckless Driving • Auto Theft • Leaving the sceneof a crash that killed or injured someone.

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