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Agenda. Welcome by Gijs Bosman , professor and graduate coordinator NEB 565, bosman@ece.ufl.edu Presentations by Graduate Research and Teaching Divisions 10-11 am Devices - professor Gijs Bosman 11-noon Computer Engineering - professor Renato Figueiredo

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  1. Agenda Welcome by GijsBosman, professor and graduate coordinator NEB 565, bosman@ece.ufl.edu Presentations by Graduate Research and Teaching Divisions • 10-11 am Devices - professor GijsBosman • 11-noon Computer Engineering - professor RenatoFigueiredo • 1-2 pm Electronics - professor Rob Fox (Lin chair) • 2-3 pm Signal and Systems - professor Jose Principe • 3-4 pm Electromagneticsand Electric Energy Systems- professor Vladimir Rakov Overview of ECE Graduate Program, Degrees and Policies.

  2. Degree Programs • Master of Engineering (Non-thesis or Thesis, 30 credit hours) • Master of Science (Non-thesis or Thesis, 30 credit hours) • Ph. D. (90 credit hours beyond BS) • Joint MSEE/MSM • Joint MSEE/JD Mark Law, professor and chair

  3. Master DegreesNon-Thesis (30 hrs) • Depth requirement; Complete 3 courses within one division, with one course at least at the 6000 level. • Breadth requirement; Complete at least one ECE course outside depth division. • 21 credit hours of ECE, UF classroom courses. • MS final written exam during 2nd part of aselected depth sequence. • ME no final exam Rob Fox, professor and associate chair

  4. Master DegreesThesis Option (30 hrs) • Course work plus Research. • Same depth and breadth requirements . • 18 hours of ECE, UF classroom courses • MS and ME require an oral defense of thesis. • Three member supervisory committee. Keith Rambo, director of finance and administration

  5. Ph.D. Degree • Requires a total of 90 credit hours beyond the BS degree; Typically 60 hours for Master degree holders. • 24 credit hours of ECE, UF coursework • Advisor input on plan of course work and study John Harris, professor and graduate recruiting

  6. Ph.D. DegreeMajor Milestones • Written Qualifying Exam on a Saturday in the Spring 2010 semester on 3 of 8 ECE topic areas. Answer 4/6 questions, at least one in each area. Sign up in November! • Oral Qualifying Exam (2nd-3rd year) • Admission to Candidacy (5 year clock). • Dissertation defense (oral) Shannon Chillingworth, graduate academic coordinator

  7. Advising • Academic issues: Division coordinator of respective area (which courses, course contents, when offered, prerequisites, etc.) • General policy: Shannon in the Graduate Students Office and GijsBosman, Graduate Coordinator. RenatoFigueiredo, associate professor and division coordinator of Computer Engineering

  8. Pre-registration • Please pre-register for courses realistically so that we can measure demand; low enrollment courses may be dropped. Jenshan Lin, professor and chair of the Electronics division

  9. Graduate Grading Policy • Passing grades A=4.0,A-=3.67, B+=3.33, B=3.0, B-=2.67, C+=2.33, C=2.0 • Failing grades; C-=1.67, D+=1.33, D=1.0, D-=0.67, E=0 • Incomplete will be changed into an E after one semester. • Course with a final C grade or better can not be repeated for credit. • Course with a grade less than a C may be repeated and an average of both grades will be calculated. • Must maintain a minimum average GPA of 3.00 for TA, RA, Fellowship, and TO GRADUATE, ECE and Overall. Jose Principe, BellSouth and distinguished professor, division chair of Signal and Systems

  10. Graduate Guidelines • Definitive version is on the ECE website at http://www.ece.ufl.edu GijsBosman; Professor, graduate coordinator, and division chair of Devices.

  11. Email • Provide a valid email address and update if necessary. • Open student account in computer lab in 288 NEB 2nd floor (xxx@ecel.ufl.edu). • Used for ECE mass mailings concerning changes in rules, fellowship applications, job opportunities, etc. • Shannon Chillingworth at schill@ufl.edu, • GijsBosman at bosman@ece.ufl.edu Vladimir Rakov, professor and division chair of Electromagnetics and Electric Energy Systems

  12. Financial Support • Research Assistantship (RA). Stipend and tuition waiver if >0.25 FTE. Distributed by ECE faculty. • Teaching Assistantship (TA). Stipend and tuition waiver if >0.25 FTE. Distributed by ECE department. International students must pass SPEAK test. • Other Personal Services (OPS). Stipend but no tuition waiver.

  13. Joint Degree programs • MSEE/MS in Management (theoretical part of MBA) • MSEE/JD (Law) • Benefits: Requires fewer credits combined than taken separately, ease of scheduling.

  14. Important web links http://www.ece.ufl.edu http://www.ufl.edu Good luck with your studies. We wish you a productive and pleasant time in Gainesville. Any questions?

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