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Welcome. Good Morning, Fifth Graders!. Please find your seat and locker space (AKA cubby) and unpack . Borrow a sharpie from the back table and label your supplies. Watch the PPT for help.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome

  2. Good Morning, Fifth Graders! • Please find your seat and locker space (AKA cubby) and unpack. • Borrow a sharpie from the back table and label your supplies. Watch the PPT for help. • Read over the class syllabus (the white sheet with the koala in the top left) and be prepared to discuss. • Complete the worksheet on your desk. :)

  3. To-Do List • Who in the world is Ms. Casey? • Schedule • Syllabus • Label Stuff, Worksheets • CLIMB


  5. Hometown: Rocky Mount, NC

  6. Family

  7. Friends

  8. Hobbies

  9. Faith

  10. Five Questions About Ms. Casey… GO!

  11. This Year We’ll Be Learning About… Ecosystems Motion & Design Weather Human Body

  12. What to expect every quarter… • Flashcards or Word/Def/Pics • Regular homework: Reflections • One paragraph each day about what we learned or reviewed in science. These will be turned in on Fridays. • Unannounced quizzes (with an occasional hint) • 1 Midterm (in the middle of the quarter) • 1 Final (at the end of the quarter) • Notebook Checks

  13. USE THE WEBSITE! caseykoalas.weebly.com Twitter & Instagram: @caseykoalas Ms. Casey’s email: mcasey@wcpss.net Mrs. Aldridge’s email: caldridge@wcpss.net Mrs. Palmer’s email:dwilson@wcpss.net Aldridge & Palmer Continue…

  14. What about Social Studies? Economy The Revolution Government & Westward Expansion Civil War & Reconstruction

  15. And Writing…? • Narrative Essay • Persuasive Essay • Fantasy Story • Interpretive Essay • Research Paper (w/Mrs. Seitzsinger)


  17. NO EXCUSES because… 2. You can do it. • We love you and careabout your education. • 3. You’re the big kids and set the example. 4. Hard work pays off, BAE.

  18. USE THE WEBSITE! caseykoalas.weebly.com Twitter & Instagram: @caseykoalas Ms. Casey’s email: mcasey@wcpss.net Mrs. Aldridge’s email: caldridge@wcpss.net Mrs. Palmer’s email:dwilson@wcpss.net Aldridge CLIMB Palmer CLIMB

  19. Koalas CLIMB! are for others C L I M B isten to learn nteract safely ake good choices ecome successful

  20. What does CLIMBinglook like in class? Casey Homeroom/Science/SS/Writing

  21. What does CLIMBinglook like in the hall?

  22. What does CLIMBinglook like at lunch?

  23. What does CLIMBinglook like at recess?

  24. What does CLIMBinglook like in class? Aldridge Science

  25. What does CLIMBinglook like in class? Palmer Science

  26. Credit • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-478hApKDROg/TgjZNaqbUmI/AAAAAAAAABM/x6KJFqDA8QQ/s1600/Back_to_school_Wallpaper_asg75.jpg • http://www.idcide.com/i/mc2/nc/rocky-mount.gif • http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/251/4/a/subtle_texture_16_by_allthingsprecious-d6lhsj2.jpg • https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/6/5697895_5c57981a6d_z.jpg?zz=1 • https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8243/8583337740_2f1c85fb46_z.jpg

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