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Feature Facts

Feature Facts. #2. CONQUISTADORS. PLANTATIONS. Spanish soldiers who led military expeditions into the Americas . . Large farms that grew only one kind of crop . Protestant Reformation. SPANISH ARMADA. Movement led by Martin Luther to break from the Catholic Church . .

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Feature Facts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Feature Facts #2

  2. CONQUISTADORS PLANTATIONS Spanish soldiers who led military expeditions into the Americas. Large farms that grew only one kind of crop.

  3. Protestant Reformation SPANISH ARMADA Movement led by Martin Luther to break from the Catholic Church. Spanish navy that was defeated by the English allowing England to settle the New World.

  4. INFLATION PETER MINUIT Rise in the amount of money in use which leads to higher prices. He purchased Manhattan Island from local Indians and founded New Amsterdam.

  5. CHARTER CROATOAN A document giving permission to start a colony. The only evidence remaining of the “Lost Colony” of Roanoke.

  6. PILGRIMS MAYFLOWER COMPACT People who wanted to separate from the Church of England were known by this name. First example of self-government in North America.

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