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The Maryland Colony

The Maryland Colony. Mr. Snyder 8 th Grade Social Studies. English Catholics . Catholics who were against the separation from the Roman Catholic Church were not allowed to worship freely. English leaders feared that the English Catholics would ally with France and Spain in conflicts. .

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The Maryland Colony

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  1. The Maryland Colony Mr. Snyder 8th Grade Social Studies

  2. English Catholics • Catholics who were against the separation from the Roman Catholic Church were not allowed to worship freely. • English leaders feared that the English Catholics would ally with France and Spain in conflicts.

  3. Maryland • In 1620’s George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, asked King Charles for a charter for Catholics. • In 1632 Cecilius took over the planning of the colony and became known as the second Lord Baltimore.

  4. Cecilius Calvert

  5. Maryland • Cecilius named the colony after the King’s wife Henrietta Maria. • It was intended to be a proprietary colony. • A proprietary colony means that owners of the colony controlled the government. • Being a proprietor means that you have exclusive rights to something.

  6. Maryland • Maryland learned from the mistakes made in Virginia. • They spent their days raising corn, cattle, and hogs so they had enough to eat. • Before long they were growing tobacco for profit.

  7. What does tobacco look like?

  8. Religious Wars • Protestants began moving to the Catholic colony. • To reduce tensions, Lord Baltimore presented a bill known as the Toleration Act of 1649. The bill made it a crime to restrict the religious rights of Christians.

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