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GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN EDUCATION SECTOR. Sri Natin Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Law & Women's Study Center. Introduction Background : Indonesia constitution (1945 constitution) assigns the government to give equal opportunities for all citizen in education

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  1. GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN EDUCATION SECTOR Sri Natin Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Law & Women's Study Center

  2. Introduction Background : • Indonesia constitution (1945 constitution) assigns the government to give equal opportunities for all citizen in education • Act no 20/2003 on national education system : - every citizen has equal rights to obtain quality education (chapter 5 article 1) • World conference on woman in Beijing (held by UN 1995) - one of the platforms is to guarantee men and women equal access to and treatment in education • Framework of Dakar Action Plan for Education for All (EFA) - entering the year 2015, all children, particularly girls, have access to complete the act compulsory basic education of good quality • Indonesian government has ratified CEDAW through its act no 7/1984 - elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

  3. Condition, Problem and Issues of Gender Education : • Education Strategic Environment Table Women’s education in general is lower than that of men • The Role of Rough Participation (RRP) and Role of Pure Participation (RPP)  the gaps are not too large between rural and urban sections Table 1

  4. Similar trend is also shown by the RPP presented in Table 3. The two indicators of education equity, however show intangible Gender gaps existing in SD level 2. Equality and Equity in education Table Table 2 Table 3

  5. Age Group Chart about significant Bias Against Female Table 4

  6. Table 4 describes emerging trends in the school - age population group that occur during the last 3 years with respect to the RSP indicator. In the SD and SLTP – age group. Higher participation of female students compared to that of the male can be observed. On the other hand, opposite trend is shown by data of SMA/SMK – age group for the same period

  7. 3. Quality and Relevance There is a tendency that male students choose hard science. Whole female students choose soft science (examples!) 4. Management Of Education - The top positions (echelon I & II) are dominated by men. Women only get low position - Efficiency in the management of education : no Equal access for citizen e.g. in big cities students have more facilities than students from isolated areas

  8. D. Problems and Issues of Gender Policies in Education Problems & issues of gender policies in education Illiteracy rate for females (2003) 10 – 44 years : 4.51 % 10 – 15 : 12.28 % > 15 : 13.84 % Bias Gender : SD   the same Junior High  2% male SLTA  bias is relatively small (1-2%)

  9. Gender bias learning materials : - Such as civics Indonesian language, social & religion studies & physical education - Women are in a rather disadvantageous position - underrepresented  structural position & attitude doing decision making process - underrepresented  such as researcher curriculum develops, functional positions, computer programmers - Gender segregation  still can be observed in the selection of education study

  10. Perquisites for gender mainstreaming implementation : - Political will and leadership of the executive judicative and legislative institution • The availability of policy framework commitment on the part of nation district/municipal government in a equality and equity • The structure and mechanism of national and district/municipal government to gender mainstreaming implementation. • Data and information system classification by gender • Gender analysis tools for planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation purposes • Support for the government from a democracy society

  11. Implication of Gender Mainstreaming Every government institution, local as well as national, needs to integrated the dimension on gender equality and equity into its respective local and sectoral programs.

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