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Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes A WebQuest for College Students (ARTE 382 Art for Special Needs Students) Designed by – Beth Sheets ESheets@bgsu.edu EDTL 695 - Summer 2008 Creating WebQuests for the K-12 Classroom –
Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes A WebQuest for College Students (ARTE 382 Art for Special Needs Students) Designed by – Beth Sheets ESheets@bgsu.edu EDTL 695 - Summer 2008 Creating WebQuests for the K-12 Classroom – Based on a template from The WebQuest Page Special Art
Introduction • Congratulations! You have been selected to sit on a very special committee. The Vista Corporation has awarded a tremendous grant to Glendale Feilbach School. The grant will allow the school to set up a display of paintings by world famous artists. The grant stipulates that a part of the exhibition include hands-on activities to enrich the experience for Special Needs students.
Task • Each member of the committee will take the role of expert advisor, researching an important aspect in the art work selection process. • Your Grant Committee will select six famous works of art. Each painting will be displayed in a room set-up with hands on activities that will help the special needs students at Glendale Feilbach better understand the works. Bowling Green State University students in ARTE 382: Art for Special Needs Learners will facilitate these activities during the short run of this exhibition. • Once your committee has selected suggested paintings and accompanying activities, you will present your findings back to the class, representing Vista Corp., as a power point presentation, for the grant’s approval.
Resources • Computer Lab • Power Point Software
Process • Each member of the committee will take the role of expert advisor, researching an important aspect in the art work selection process. Special Needs Teacher Art Teacher Curriculum Director • Since money is no object, visit web sites to pick six favorite paintings you think would be the most exciting for this special exhibit. Art in the Picture The Museum of Modern Art Metropolitan Museum of Art Process Continued
Process Continued • Meet back as a group and compare notes on what paintings you each choose. Come to some consensus on what your six final selections will be. • Group members might explore web sites to look for art activities that can support two of the paintings. The group can work collectively from this point on but should add their expertise point of view. • Once the art works and activities have been agreed on, create a Power Point presentation to share your proposal. • The class will play the part of the Vista Corporation Board of Directors, to award the final grant monies.
Special Needs Teacher • In your class you have several students that display Autism Spectrum Disorder, a visually impaired student and a fine motor challenged student due to a birth defect. • You will compile a list of accomodations that must be met in the art exhibit and hands-on activities. These will guide the suggestions you make. Back to Process
Art Teacher • You will research the elements of art. These will guide your choices of art works you choose and the accompanying activities. Back to Process
Curriculum Director • You will look at State Standards to create a list for K-4 that the activities may meet. Throughout the process keep a reference of what state standards can be included. Back to Process
Evaluation Total Score: /50
Conclusion • Congratulation! The Art Critics and teachers are singing your praises for the remarkable exhibition you have organized. This accomplishment should be a highlight of your resume. • The students at Glendale Feilbach have been exposed to some of the most famous art works in the world. Your activities helped them to better understand the art concepts and techniques used.
Standards Ohio Academic Content Standards – Visual Arts Benchmarks K-3 Historical, Cultural and Social Contexts Recognize and describe visual art forms and artworks from various times and places. Creative Expression and Communication Use the elements and principles of art as a means to express ideas, emotions and experiences. Analyzing and Responding Contribute to the development of criteria for discussing and judging works of art. Valuing the Arts/Aesthetic Reflection A. Apply basic reasoning skills to understand why works of art are made and valued. B. Form their own opinions and views about works of art and discuss them with others. C. Distinguish and describe the aesthetic qualities in works of art. Connections, Relationships and Applications Demonstrate the relationship the visual arts share with other arts disciplines as meaningful forms of nonverbal communication.
Teacher Notes • This activity was designed to help Art Education and Special Needs students taking a course at BGSU together better understand: • Accommodations for Special Needs Students • Art Elements: Composition, Line, Shape & Form, Space, Color & Texture • State Standards • Integrating important Art Works into their curriculum • Web Sources for Art Lessons
Citations The J. Paul Getty Trust. Art elements. (n.d.) Retrieved June 13, 2008, from the Getty Web site: Elements. http://www.getty.edu/education/for_teachers/building_lessons/elements.html The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Collection database. (n.d.) Retrieved June 13, 2008, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Web site: http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/collection_database/ Pam Whisenhunt. Art lesson plans for students with disabilities (n.d.) Retrieved June 13, 2008 from the Princeton On line Web site: http://princetonol.com/groups/iad/Files/special2.htm Bruno Dillen. An introduction to art history (n.d.) Retrieved June 13, 2008, from the Art in the Picture.com Web site http://www.artinthepicture.com/ The Museum of Modern Art. Collection database. (2007) Retrieved June 13, 2008, from the Web site: http://www.moma.org/collection/ AT & T Education. ArtSpeak 101 (March 28, 2008) Retrieved June 13, 2008, http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/art2/artspeak/visual_terms.html Kinder Art. Art for Special Learners. (2008) Retrieved June 13, 2008, from the Web site: http://www.kinderart.com/special