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Eurostat EDIT 2012

Eurostat EDIT 2012. Functional Presentation. EDIT Introduction. EDIT allows users to import data, perform a set of predefined operations on the imported datasets and export data resulted from these processing operations. Validations / Computations Record Vertical Hierarchical

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Eurostat EDIT 2012

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  1. Eurostat EDIT 2012 Functional Presentation

  2. EDIT Introduction EDIT allows users to import data, perform a set of predefined operations on the imported datasets and export data resulted from these processing operations. Validations / Computations • Record • Vertical • Hierarchical Dataset Operations • Copy, Merge, Alter, Aggregate, etcsee Scripting manual.

  3. EDIT Introduction (2) Data Validation tool, allowing users to import data, run validation programs and export results The validation process relies on a custom Scripting Language Web-based User Interface Data and Metadata isolated into independent Domains

  4. Specialised functions Time series outliers (Terror) Berthelot-Hidiroglu Sigma Gap Programmable functions

  5. Technology Overview Web Based Interface • Unified interface for both the local version and the server deployment • EUROSTAT Look & Feel • Light interface, simplified workflows RDBMS (Oracle and PostgreSQL) ECAS or local authentication ( end year: SMS)

  6. EDIT Integration Capabilities Exposes full API as Web Services Integrated with EDAMIS • detect incoming files and process them in unattended mode • publish validation results to the Feedback Channel Integrated with the SDMX Registry • fetch DSDs into EDIT structures • load codelists from the Registry

  7. EDAMIS Integration EDAMIS can send data to EDIT by placing the files in a configurable location EDIT detects metadata based on the EDAMIS naming convention EDIT performs the processing in unattended mode EDIT acts as a client for the EDAMIS Feedback Channel Web Service in order to publish the results of a job execution

  8. SDMX Registry Integration EDIT can import DSDs or codelists EDIT acts as a client for the SDMX Registry Web Services in order to fetch DSD files and codelists data The DSD file is broken down into EDIT components • Key families are translated to EDIT formats • Codelists are translated to EDIT Lookups • An EDIT Program is created performing lookup validations and basic checks on the dimension fields A specific importer has been implemented to process codelist data

  9. EVE Integration EVE Rules can be imported into EDIT or executed from an external file during the EDIT Job Execution An EDIT component can translate EVE rules defined in XML files to EDIT Scripting Language

  10. Important principles 1) From Microdata to macrodata 2) Scripting principle (symbols/placeholders) 3) Editing seen as a case of complex computations 4) Multidataset approach 5) Cube approach in computations

  11. Rule layout • Rule name • Rule type • Rule body • Error part (msg,selected vars) • Then compute part • Else compute part

  12. EDIT Scripting Language Capabilities • Custom Scripting Language designed specifically for data validation • Tries to be as simple as possible and still flexible enough to fit the requirements of any existing domain • Allows the definition of Formats and validation Programs • Formats (Dataset Definitions) describe the structure of the data (Format Definition Language) • Validation Programs describe the validation rules and are composed from a set of steps with inputs and outputs (Program Definition Language)

  13. EDIT Standalone Installation • Standalone Installation supported for Windows XP and Windows 7 • Simple installation wizard • Shortcuts are created in the Start Menu

  14. EDIT User Types • User • Executes jobs on datasets • Programmer • Manages the Metadata needed by the User to execute jobs • Sets up the unattended mode configuration • Administrator • Manages users and permissions

  15. User Module Functionality • Change Password • Change the password of the user(when not logged through ECAS) • Dataset Import/Export • Import and export data to and from the System • Monitor any ongoing import/export processes • Job Execution • Execute validation programs on imported datasets • View the results of a Job Execution

  16. User Workflow

  17. Programming ModuleMain Functional Capabilities • Formats and Programs Definition • Define Metadata using the editors in the User Interface • Import/Export Metadata from/to external TXT files • Import/Export to Oracle • Data Import/Export • Import Auxiliary Data (lookup datasets) • Job Execution • Execute validation programs on imported datasets

  18. Programming Module Workflows

  19. Programming Module - Format Definition

  20. Programming Module – Program Definition

  21. Programming Module – Import Auxiliary Data

  22. Programming Module – Unattended Mode Configuration

  23. Administration ModuleMain Functional Capabilities • User Management • Manage the Users and their permissions • User Group Management • Manage the User Groups and their members • Domain Management • Manage the Domains


  25. Program CVTS annex8 PROGRAM cvts_4 { INPUT cvts_4 inputDataSet; <= all input datasets we use for the validation INPUT LANGUAGES_LIST LANGUAGES; INPUT COUNTRIES_LIST COUNTRIES; INPUT NUTS_LIST NUTS; INPUT NACE_LIST NACE; STEPS { <= can be multi-step program (for example separately ERRORS .. WARNINGS ) VALIDATION annex8_error { INPUTinputDataSet; <= main dataset being validated LOOKUP LANGUAGES; LOOKUP COUNTRIES; <= lookup tables LOOKUP NUTS; LOOKUP NACE; ERROR err_annex8_error; <= output log - error dataset RULES { RECORD FL001 { CONDITIONinLookup (COUNTRY, COUNTRIES, "CODE"); <= check validity of the COUNTRY code using lookup table ERRMSG "Rule FL1 failed for field [COUNTRY]: See EU Manual for valid list of codes (annex 12)" SEVERITY "Error" (COUNTRY) ; } RECORD FL002 { CONDITION (ENTERPR>=0 AND ENTERPR<=999996); ERRMSG "Rule FL2 failed for field [ENTERPR]: In the range 0 to 999996" SEVERITY "Error" (ENTERPR) ; } RECORD FL004 { CONDITION (strToDouble (NACE_SP)>=2001 AND strToDouble (NACE_SP)<=2020); ERRMSG "Rule FL4 failed for field [NACE_SP]:In the range 2001 to 2020 - See Manual (annex 1)" SEVERITY "Error" (NACE_SP) ; } RECORD FL005 { CONDITION in (SIZE_SP, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); ERRMSG "Rule FL5 failed for field [SIZE_SP]: In the range 0 to 9" SEVERITY "Error" (SIZE_SP) ; } RECORD FL171 { CONDITION (NOT isNull (A1bis)) -> inLookup (A1bis, NACE, "CODE"); ERRMSG "Rule FL171 failed for field [A1bis]: NACE rev 1.1" SEVERITY "Warning" (A1bis) ; } RECORD FL172 { CONDITION (NOT isNull (A2bis)) -> ( (A2bis >=0 and A2bis <= 999996) or A2bis = 999999); ERRMSG "Rule FL172 failed for field [A2bis]: In the range of 0-999996 or 999999" SEVERITY "Warning" (A2bis) ; }

  26. Complex program example (1) PROGRAM ComputationExamples { INPUTcountryDsdinputData; STEPS { VALIDATION checkValues { INPUTinputData; ERROR errorData1; RULES { RECORDpureRecord { PRICE := 20; } RECORDconditionalRecord { CONDITIONisNull(VALUE); THEN { VALUE := PRICE * QUANTITY; } ELSE { PRICE := VALUE / 5; QUANTITY := VALUE / PRICE; } } VERTICALpureVertical { EXPRESSION { KEYS COUNTRY, CTYPE, MONTH, PRODUCT; TRKEYS COUNTRY; VALUE['TOTAL'] := nvl(VALUE['TOTAL'],0); } }

  27. Complex program example (2) VERTICAL conditionalVertical { EXPRESSION { KEYS COUNTRY, CTYPE, MONTH, PRODUCT; TRKEYS COUNTRY; CONDITION2 * VALUE['TOTAL'] = sum(VALUE[*]); THEN { VALUE['FR'] := VALUE['TOTAL'] / 3; VALUE['GB'] := VALUE['TOTAL'] / 2; VALUE['TOTAL'] := sum(VALUE[*]) - VALUE['TOTAL']; } ELSE { VALUE['TOTAL'] := sum(VALUE[*]) - VALUE['TOTAL']; } } } VERTICAL multipleTranspositionsComputation { EXPRESSION { KEYS COUNTRY, CTYPE, MONTH, PRODUCT; TRKEYS COUNTRY, PRODUCT; VALUE['TOTAL']['GAS'] := nvl(VALUE['TOTAL']['GAS'],0); } }

  28. Complex program example (3) VERTICAL multipleTranspositionsCondition { EXPRESSION { KEYS COUNTRY, CTYPE, MONTH, PRODUCT; TRKEYS COUNTRY, PRODUCT; CONDITION VALUE['TOTAL']['GAS'] > 5000; THEN { VALUE['TOTAL']['GAS'] := VALUE['TOTAL']['OIL'] * 2; VALUE['TOTAL']['GLD'] := VALUE['TOTAL']['OIL'] * 5; } ELSE { VALUE['TOTAL']['GLD'] := VALUE['TOTAL']['GAS'] + 3000; } } } } } DATAOPERATION sortData { SORT { INPUT inputData; ORDER MONTH ASC, CTYPE ASC, COUNTRY ASC, PRODUCT ASC; } } } }

  29. Accepted data formats Gesmes / BOP ITS, BOP FDI UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOC:3+FR2+4D0+100929:1637+IREF000243++GESMES/TS' UNH+MREF000001+GESMES:2:1:E6' BGM+74' NAD+Z02+ECB' NAD+MR+4D0' NAD+MS+FR2' IDE+10+EUROSTAT_BOP_01 reporting' DSI+BOP_FDI_A' STS+3+7' DTM+242:201009291637:203' DTM+Z02:20072009:702' IDE+5+EUROSTAT_BOP_01' GIS+AR3' GIS+1:::-' ARR++A:FR:N:2:330:N:4A:E:9999:9999:20072009:702:0:A:F+0:A:F+0:A:F‘ <= multi-year 2007, 2008, 2009 observations ARR++A:FR:N:2:330:N:4F:E:9999:9999:20072009:702:0:A:F+0:A:F+0:A:F' ARR++A:FR:N:2:330:N:7Z:E:9999:9999:20072009:702:0:A:F+0:A:F+0:A:F' ARR++A:FR:N:2:330:N:A1:E:1100:9999:20072009:702:5824:A:F+5930:A:F+4204:A:F' ARR++A:FR:N:2:330:N:A1:E:1495:9999:20072009:702:5828:A:F+5932:A:F+4206:A:F' CSV (with or without header) /SBS, CVTS,TOURISM 9H; 2008; LT; 2; B-N_X_K642; 11930; 16236; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT0; ; ; ; ; D08 9H; 2008; LT; 3; B-N_X_K642; 11930; 1001; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT; ; ; ; ; D08 9H; 2008; LT; 4; B-N_X_K642; 11930; 529; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT; ; ; ; ; D08 9H; 2008; LT; 30; B-N_X_K642; 11930; 17766; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT; ; ; ; ; D08 9H; 2008; LT; 2; B-E; 11930; 1138; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT; ; ; ; ; D08 9H; 2008; LT; 3; B-E; 11930; 104; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT; ; ; ; ; D08 9H; 2008; LT; 4; B-E; 11930; 61; ; ; ; ; UNIT; ; ; ; ; ; TT; ; ; ; ; D08 FLR example 001E20100121814 00 804.822 001E20100121816 93 5295.549 001E20100121814 99 6166.24 001E20100125290334 581.371 FLR example 2 2010010011 010252000405595911005909580E 01ZZZZZ 2691.966 2734482.0 0.0 2010010011 010252000405595911004009600E 01ZZZZZ 237.543 341202.0 0.0

  30. Program with parameter(s) PROGRAM SBS_ANNEX1_SingleSeries { INPUT SBS_DATA input1; PARAMETER P_T NUMBER; PARAMETERSET PARAMETERS { P_T = 2009; } STEPS { VALIDATION Validation { INPUT input1; ERRORErrorLog; RULES { VERTICAL Rule001 { EXPRESSION { KEYS SERIES, YEAR, TER_UNIT, SIZECLASS, ECO_ACTIVITY, VARIABLE; TRKEYS VARIABLE; CONDITION SERIES = '1A' AND YEAR =p_T AND countMissing(aux_val['12150'],aux_val['12110'])=0 -> aux_val['12150'] <= aux_val['12110']; ERRMSG '12150 > 12110' SEVERITY 'Warning' (aux_val['12150'],aux_val['12110']) ; } }

  31. Functions, data types, operators (1) Functions These following function calls are supported: A • abs(Double) – absolute value • ascii(Char) – returns the ASCII code for a character B • between(Double, Double, Double) – verifies if a number is inside a closed interval • between(Double, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean) – verifies if a number is inside an interval allowing the user to specify if the interval is closed or open at each end • between(String, String, String) – same as above • between(String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) – same as above C • ceiling(Double) – ceiling for number (Ex: ceiling(3.2) => 4) • chr(Integer) – returns the ASCII character for the ASCII code • concatenate(String…) – concatenate Strings • countMissing(List) – returns the number of null values in the list • count(List) – returns the number of elements in the list E • exp(Double) F • firstIndexOf(String toSearch, String searchIn, Double startingFrom) – first occurance of the toSearch String in the searchIn String • floor(Double) – floor for number (Ex: ceiling(3.2) => 3) G • getRowCount(datasetReference) – returns the number of rows for the specified dataset reference Data Types There are four types of data: • Boolean • Double • Number • String OperatorsThere are three types of operators in the SL Expressions: Boolean operators, used to evaluate expressions into a true/false result: • OR • AND • NOT • -> (implication) • = (equals) • <> (not equals) • > (greater than) • < (lower than) • >= (greater than or equal to) • <= (lower than or equal to) • Computation operators, used to produce a value result following evaluation: • + (plus) • – (minus) • * (multiply) • / (divide) • Assignment operator, used to assign a value to an operand • := (supports assignment to NULL, value := NULL)

  32. Functions, data types, operators (2) N • nvl(Boolean, Boolean) – if first argument value is null return second argument • nvl(Double, Double) • nvl(String, String) O • occurs(String S, String s) – returns the number of occurences of s in S P • printf(String, String/Double…) – offers the capabilities of the printf method • pow(Double N, Double n) – N**n R • right(String S, Double N) – returns the last N characters from S • round(Double N, Double n) – round N till n decimals (Ex: round(4.46, 1) => 4.5) • rtrim(String) – trim right side of String S • str(Double N1, Double N2, Double N3) – Ex: str(30.25, 7, 3)= “_BLANK_30.250“ • strToDouble(String) – convert a String into a Double – return null if String cannot be converted • substring(String, Double N, Double n) – substring starting from N, counting n characters • sum(Double List) – sum of elements from list • sqrt(Double) – returns the square root of the value T • trim(String) – trim String • transcode (“targetField”, lookupReference, “lookupField”, lookupValue) – performs a lookup based on the specified field and value and returns the value of the target field on the matching row U • upper(String) – switch to upper case • uniqueInList(List) – checks if a list contains unique values I • in(Boolean, Boolean List) – check to see if a value is inside a list • in(Double, Double List) • in(String, String List) • identicalInList(List) – checks that all elements in a list are identical • isIdentical(List, List, …) – returns a boolean indicating if each list contains identical elements (elements are identical inside a single list) – Ex: isIdentical(price[*],quantity[*],value[*]) • isUnique(List, List, …) – returns a boolean indicating if the combination of elements from each list for all the index positions are unique– Ex: isUnique(price[*],quantity[*],value[*]) • isTrue(Boolean) – checks if a boolean is true • isNull(Boolean/String/Double) – checks if a value is NULL • inLookup(value1, value2, …, datasetReference, “fieldName1”, “fieldName2”,… ) – returns a boolean indicating whether or not the value or combination of values is defined for the fieldname or combination of fieldnames in the specified dataset L • lastIndexOf(String toSearch, String searchIn, Double startingFrom) – last occurance of the toSearch String in the searchIn String • length(String) – returns the length of the String • like(String, String) – compares two strings in a SQL manner • log(Double) • ln(Double) • ltrim(String) – trim left side of String • lower(String) – switch to lower case • left(String S, Double N) – returns the first N characters from S M • max(Double List) – maximum value from a list • min(Double List) – minimum value from a list • mean(Double List) – computes the average value not counting null values • missingMean(Double List) – computes the average value counting null values as zero • mod(Double N, Double n) – N%n

  33. 2013 functionalities • Scalability improvements • Gesmes full integration • Internationalisation and interface improvements


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