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Cubism . By: Kenzy Zakaria 7A . What is cubism ? .

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  1. Cubism By: Kenzy Zakaria 7A

  2. What is cubism ? • Cubism is modern art made up mostly of paintings. The paintings are not supposed to look real The artist uses geometric shapes to show what he is trying to paint. Early cubists used mainly grays, browns, greens, and yellows. After 1914, Cubists started to use brighter colors. Cubism was the beginning of the Abstract and Non-objective art styles.

  3. When did cubism start ? • The first paintings in the style we call analytical cubism were painted in 1908 by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. They changed their style into synthetically cubism in 1912-1915. Other artists painted in styles that may be seen as cubism until about 1925.

  4. Stages of Cubism • There was two stages of cubism. they were the analytic cubism and synthetic cubism. analytic was the early form of cubism, it lasted from 1907 to 1911. it was a short movement but it was important. The second movement was until 1919 .

  5. Cubism Cubism was popular in the Czech Republic. It inspired work in architecture, pottery, and furniture. Cubism Museum Prague, Czech Republic

  6. Cubism Other pieces are a little more of a challenge to identify – but there are clues. Can you identify what is here?

  7. Cubism Other pieces are a little more of a challenge to identify – but there are clues. Can you identify what is here? Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso

  8. Which artist worked with cubism ? • Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 5, 1881. His father, Jose Ruiz, was also an artist. Picasso painted in many styles, including Cubism and Expressionism. He also sculpted. In cubism, he tried to show the dimensions of the objects in his paintings. When he painted in the classical style, his shapes were round and soft. In cubism, his shapes were square and hard. • When Picasso painted, he had a blue period and a rose period. For about three years in his early twenties, he used mostly light blue colors in his paintings. The rose period came after the blue period. It began after he moved from Spain to France. • Because he could work in multiple styles, Picasso became very famous. He used great lines and color in his paintings

  9. Examples of Picasso cubism paintings

  10. What or who inspired the artist to work in this style ? • In the four decades from 1870-1910, western society witnessed more technological progress than in the previous four centuries. During this period inventions such as photography, cinematography, sound recording, the telephone, the motor car and the airplane heralded the dawn of a new age. The problem for artists at this time was how to reflect the modernity of the era using the tired and trusted traditions that had served art for the last four centuries. Photography had begun to replace painting as the tool for documenting the age and for artists to sit illustrating cars, planes and images of the new technologies was not exactly rising to the challenge. Artists needed a more radical approach - a 'new way of seeing' that expanded the possibilities of art in the same way that technology was extending the boundaries of communication and travel. This new way of seeing was called Cubism - the first abstract style of modern art. Picasso and Braque developed their ideas on Cubism around 1907 in Paris and their starting point was a common interest in the later paintings of Paul Cézanne.

  11. Do I like the style of cubism. • Yes I do like the style of cubism because its one of the most interesting styles I’ve seen, because it makes you want to think, its also really challenging, I also like it because its abstract and I enjoy abstract art, also I like the way we could use geometric shapes to draw the image that we want regarding the image that we are drawing. Also the objects that we are drawing are broken apart and the pieces can be viewed in all sides.

  12. How is cubism different ? • Cubism is different than the realistic still life artwork because still life is a picture of objects that don't move. Often vases, bowls of fruit, bottles etc. • Cubism is any thing that you can imagine, and then draw using geometric shapes and other different types of mediums and it doesn’t have to be very critical. • So still life is normally something that we can see in our everyday life, but cubism can be anything that you imagine and you are able to draw it in the way that your brain sees it.

  13. How is cubism different from the artwork that I did. • Cubism and our still life artwork were different because in still life artwork we have to pick a particular object that we want to work with, and we have to draw the objects as we see it so we have to be really careful when we are drawing, but in cubism you can do anything you want and it doesn’t have to be perfect.

  14. Bibliography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubism http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_did_cubism_start_and_end#ixzz1NGjJrKB9 http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_was_Picasso_born_and_when_did_he_die http://thinkingaboutart.blogs.com/art/2004/06/cubickism.html http://howtogetalifenow.blogspot.com/2011/03/picasso.html http://arthistory.about.com/od/modernarthistory/a/cubism_10one.htm

  15. Bibliography http://www.theartgallery.com.au/kidsart/learn/cubism/ http://library.thinkquest.org/J001159/artstyle.htm http://www.robinurton.com/history/cubism.htm http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-cubism.htm http://www.artyfactory.com/art_appreciation/art_movements/cubism.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZSxlm9B_UY

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