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UNDP RECRUITMENT INFORMATION SESSION YONSEI UNIVERSITY 2006. Mr. Anson Ng Senior Recruitment Officer Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnership One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY10017, USA Contact No.: (212) 906 5008 E-mail : ohr.recruitment.hq@undp.org. Miss JiYoung Do

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  1. UNDP RECRUITMENT INFORMATION SESSION YONSEI UNIVERSITY 2006 Mr. Anson Ng Senior Recruitment Officer Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnership One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY10017, USA Contact No.: (212) 906 5008 E-mail : ohr.recruitment.hq@undp.org Miss JiYoung Do Assistant Resident Representative #201, Saok Bldg, Hannam Tower, 730, Hannam 2-Dong, Yongsan-Ku, Seoul, Rep. Of Korea Contact No.: (822)790-9562/5 E-mail : registry.kr@undp.org

  2. Agenda • What is UNDP ? • What does UNDP want to achieve ? • Who is doing what in UNDP ? • How does UNDP deliver its services ? • How does UNDP evaluate what it does ? • Whatever you want to know about UNDP  Q & A

  3. UNDP Fact Sheet : • Established in 1965 by the UN General Assembly • Largest Agency within the UN • 166 members countries • Headquarters in New York; Liaison Offices : Geneva, Brussels, Copenhagen, Tokyo and Washington D.C. • 8400+ staff worldwide • Major Donor ( > 200milion ) : USA follow by UK • ( > 100million ) : Japan, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden

  4. Core Areas of Operations (the five practice areas) • Poverty ReductionPoverty-fighting strategies based on local needs and prioritiesReform Trade; Debt Relief; Attracting FDI • Democratic GovernanceStrength electoral & legislative systemsImprove access to justice and public administration • Crisis Prevention and RecoveryPrevent armed conflictsReduce the risk of natural disastersPost-crisis recovery • Energy and Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentUNDP, WB, UN Environment Programme(UNEP) Global Environment Facility (GEF ) : 2 billion Fund Ozone Depletion; Global Warming; Loss of Biodiversity; Water Pollution • HIV / AIDSPrevent the spread of HIV / AIDS; reduce it’s impactProtect the rights of people living with AIDS

  5. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

  6. UNDP’s Role in MDGs • The Coordinator of the MDGs in the UN system • UNDP Administrator -- campaign leader and scorekeeper • Advocate for change • Connect countries to knowledge and resources • Coordinate broader efforts at the country level UNDP’s Global Development Network on the ground in 166 countries is uniquely positioned to help :

  7. 8 Goals > 18 Targets > 48 Indicators Example : Goal :Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Target 1 : Halve the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day Indicator 1 - Proportion of population below $1 a day Indicator 2 - Poverty gap ratio Indicator 3 - Share of poorest quintile in national consumption Target 2 : Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger Indicator 4 - Prevalence of underweight children Indicator 5 - Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption Goal :Achieve Universal Primary Education Target 3 : Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling Indicator 6 - Net Enrolment Ratio in Primary Education . . . . . .

  8. The Global Structure UN General Assembly UN Economic & Social Council • 36 members, chosen on a rotating basis • Provides inter-governmental support • Supervises UNDP’s activities Executive Board UNDP Administrator Kemal Dervis 3rd highest ranking official in the UN system Appointed by the Secretary-General and confirmed by the General Assembly 2005

  9. 10 specific Offices and Bureaus 5 Regional Bureaus 4 UN Funds 10 5 4 The Global Structure Administrator • Office of the Administrator • Office of UN Development Group • Human Development Report Office • Evaluation Office • Office for Audit and Performance Review • Communication Office • Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships • Bureau for Development Policy • Bureau of Management • Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery

  10. 10 specific Offices and Bureaus 5 Regional Bureaus 4 UN Funds 10 5 4 The Global Structure Administrator Countries Offices • UNDP Africa • UNDP Arab States • UNDP Asia and the Pacific • UNDP Europe and the CIS • UNDP Latin America and the Caribbean • Regional Directors > UNDP’s Headquarters in New York • Decentralize >> set up Regional Centres

  11. 10 specific Offices and Bureaus 5 Regional Bureaus 4 UN Funds 10 5 4 The Global Structure Administrator • The United Nations Volunteers Programme ( UNV ) • The Women’s Fund at the United Nations ( UNIFEM ) • The United Nations Capital Development Fund ( UNCDF ) • The UNDP Special Unit for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries ( SU/TCDC )

  12. The Country Offices • National staff / International staff • Resident Representative = Resident Coordinator • Deputy Resident Representative • Assistant Resident Representatives • Junior Professional Officers, United Nations Volunteers, Consultants, Administrative Support Staff and Interns

  13. UNDP Korea as a Country Office National Agenda • Environment • Social Equity - Gender Mainstreaming - HIV/AIDS • Development Cooperation

  14. UNDP Korea as a Country Office Regional Agenda • Promotion of North-East Asia Cooperation • Tumen River Area Development Programme • Gender Equality through Science & Technology • Regional Programme

  15. UNDP Korea as a Country Office Global Agenda • ROK as a global development partner/MDG Goal 8 • Technology Transfer • Training • Integrated Project

  16. Women’s Empowerment • Through Project - Inside UNDP : UNDP as an equal opportunity employer - Outside UNDP : Most Recently UNDP empowers women in Tsunami-affected areas

  17. Women’s Empowerment • Through Advocacy and Reporting - Global Human Development Reports - The Millennium Development Goals Reports

  18. Women’s Empowerment • Through Support and Coordination of UN Agencies - Done by Resident Coordinator (RC) - The United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) - The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) - The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

  19. Performance Evaluation Mechanisms • UNDP’s Evaluation Office Repositioning, Relevance, Effectiveness, result based management, implementing changes, accountability, strategic partnerships. • OECD/DAC network on Development Evaluation Assess performance evaluation programmes of development agencies to ensure effectiveness, encourage exchange of information, cooperation among members, provide advice and support, promote evaluation capacity development in countries. • Country Office Performance Assessment The Strategic Results Framework/ SRF and the Result-Oriented Annual Report/ ROAR to control fund spending and assess results.

  20. Thanks for Listening Q & A

  21. Broad scope of UNDP’s work - Increased questions about the effectiveness of development - Diluted profile of the org. Controversies and acceptance on HDI - appealing as well as controversial HDI(Human Development Index) : a measurement of Human Development using longevity, education and standard of living Introducing five practice area Decentralizing to the country-level e.g) SURFs Results-based management Criticism over broadness and HDI

  22. Criticism over inefficiencies • Funding issues • -Donor power and influence • -Arrears in payments • Bureaucracy • -Lack implementation efforts • Implementation weaknesses • -Lack of enforcement authority/ autonomy • Ambivalence towards Human Rights • -Lack of Clearly set mechanisms and • formal HR reporting requirement • -Lack of outspokenness toward governments • Multi Funded Environment • Performance evaluation • UNDP designated as Ad Hoc organization

  23. “Real” Q & A To 1059039 Ji Young Do 1069053 Eun Kyung Park 2019016 Soon Wook Jeong 2059088 Yoon Jeong Na 2059094 Ng Pak Sun Anson

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