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LOTUS NOTES 8.5. Ease of Filtering/Message Organization: Sort by Who. Message Organization: Sort by Subject. Message Organization: Sort by Date. Message Organization: Sort by Icon. Mail Searching Full Search. Extended Search Options:. Message Flagging. Flag Preferences. Unread Filters.
Mail Rules Rules offer a wide range of options when dealing with incoming or sent mail. Move to folders Delete messages Forward Copies of messages etc..
Works on Multiple Devices Lotus Traveler enables Android and Apple products to sync with the Domino server: Calendar, Contacts, and E-mail sync wirelessly to the device.
Interface Consistancy Client Inbox Web Based Inbox
Calendars Client Web Based
Delegated Management Giving Access of your mail and calendar to other users
Mail-in Database Allow multiple users to manage a single mailbox Examples are Lotus_Support@roundrockisd.org, Home_Access@roundrockisd.org, LME@roundrockisd.org No limit on quantity of user access, cloud solution limits users:
Resource Reservation Reservation Tool integrated into Lotus Domino Resources and Room can have various reservation options assigned Auto-response from resources Resources can be selected by users as “preferred” making a particular resource a default when creating invitations
Central Repository User Management Database Archiving Financial Information Student Data On Site Hosting All of the above information can be found in mail files or other Lotus Databases. Cloud solution could place all the above information on the internet. Private network, primary data available via district infrastructure Web access can be controlled via network or through security options in Lotus Notes