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Lotus Notes eMail Signature

Lotus Notes eMail Signature. Lotus Notes eMail Signature. eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt. <table width=870 border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3">__________________________________ </td> </tr> <tr>

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Lotus Notes eMail Signature

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  1. Lotus NoteseMail Signature

  2. Lotus Notes eMail Signature eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt <table width=870 border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3">__________________________________ </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="340"><font color="#000066" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong><font size="1"> Peter E. LaHaye </font></strong></font><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br> <strong> Distribution Sales Manager | Commercial Ceiling Systems </strong><br> Professional Title <br> Phone: 1-877-ARMSTRONG, Option 8, Ext. 8091 <br> cell: 123-456-7890 <br> Personalize red copy Green copy is optional. Delete all green if you do not want this info listed

  3. Lotus Notes eMail Signature eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt fax: 518-674-0212 <br> <a href="mailto: palahaye@armstrong.com "> palahaye@armstrong.com </a> | <a href=“paste your website address inside these quotes">Visit my website. </a></font></td> <td width="50"></td> <td width="200"><img src="http://www.armstrong.com/common/c2003/images/logo_small.gif"></font></td> </tr> </table>

  4. Lotus Notes eMail Signature eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt

  5. Lotus Notes eMail Signature eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.html

  6. Lotus Notes eMail Signature

  7. Lotus Notes eMail Signature • Signature tab • Check to ‘automatically append. . .’ • Select HTML or Image File • Browse for the HTML file you just saved.Modify “Files of Type” to read HTML Files • Click OK.

  8. Lotus Notes eMail Signature

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