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Chapter 2

Chapter 2. 1- Summary task: Task 2- Milestone. Insert task information :. Subtask. Cost. Duration. 1. 2. Sample Project. 3. 4. ID. New Task. Gant Chart Bar. Type Planning. Duration ( Default is 1Day). 1. 3. 2. With Set 40 Hours Weekly Work

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Chapter 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 2 1- Summary task: Task 2- Milestone Insert task information : Subtask Cost Duration

  2. 1 2 Sample Project 3 4

  3. ID New Task Gant Chart Bar Type Planning Duration (Default is 1Day)

  4. 1 3 2 With Set 40 Hours Weekly Work Duration of 3Day is: 120 Hours With Set 8 Hours Daily Work Duration of 2 Day is: 16 Hours ? ? With Set 20 Days Monthly Work Duration of 1Month is: 160 Hours ?

  5. Insert a Milestone: 1

  6. Double Click

  7. Top-Down Planning Summary Task: Bottom-Up Planning

  8. Summary Task Sub Task Summary Task Sub Task

  9. Task conection: • Sequence: when we have two different task and task 2 is happen after task1 ;then we have Sequence. • Dependency: task 2 can start when task 1 is finished. • Predecessor: in asequence task 1 is predecessor for task2. • Successor: in asequence task 2 is Successorfor task1. • * Each task can be Predecessor& Successor for one or more than one task as a same time.

  10. Task Connection in M.S. Project

  11. Double Click

  12. Exercise: Do it.

  13. Task Notes: Type

  14. Hyperlink:

  15. Control Duration of Project:

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