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Writing Effective Goals and Objectives. Given examples of the various objectives, the students will be able to accurately identify “types” of objectives and label their main components (i.e., audience, behavior condition , and degree ) within the allotted
Writing Effective Goals and Objectives Given examples of the various objectives,the students will be able to accurately identify “types” of objectives and label their main components(i.e., audience, behaviorcondition, anddegree) within the allotted time designated by the instructor. ~ Cognitive (comprehension level)
Tips for Writing ObjectivesObjectives should specify four main things:Audience - Who? Who is this aimed at?Behavior - What? What do you expect them to be able to do? This should be an overt, observable behavior, even if the actual behavior is covert or mental in nature. If you can't see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, or smell it, you can't be sure your audience really learned it.Condition - How? Under what circumstances will the learning occur? What will the student be given or already be expected to know to accomplish the learning?Degree - How much? Must a specific set of criteria be met? Do you want total mastery (100%), do you want them to respond correctly 80% of the time, etc. A common (non-scientific) setting is 80% of the time. This is often called the ABCD's of objectives, a nice mnemonic aid!
Psychomotor(physical skills)"Given a standard balance beam raised to a standard height,the student (attired in standard balance beam usage attire)will be able to walk the entire length of the balance beam (from one end to the other)steadily, without falling off, and within a six second time span.“Audience - GreenBehavior - RedCondition - BlueDegree - Pink
Cognitive (comprehension level) "Given examples and non-examples of constructivist activities in a college classroom, the student, will be able to accurately identify the constructivist examples and explain why each example is or isn’t a constructivist activityin 20 words or less.”Audience - GreenBehavior - RedCondition - BlueDegree - Pink
Cognitive (application level)"Given a sentence written in the past or present tense,the studentwill be able to re-write the sentence in future tense with no errors in tense or tense contradiction(i.e., I will see her yesterday.).”Audience - GreenBehavior - RedCondition - BlueDegree - Pink
Cognitive (problem solving/synthesis level)"Given two cartoon characters of the student’s choice,the studentwill be able to list five major personality traits of each of the two characters, combine these traits (either by melding traits together, multiplying together complimentary traits, or negating opposing traits) into a composite character, and develop a short (no more than 20 frames) storyboard for a cartoonthat illustrates three to five of the major personality traits of the composite character.” Audience - GreenBehavior - RedCondition - BlueDegree - Pink
Affective(Attitudes, Appreciation, Relationships)“Given the opportunity to work in a team with several people of different races,the studentwill demonstrate a positive increase in attitude towards non-discrimination of race,as measured by a checklist utilized/completed by non-team members.” Audience - GreenBehavior - RedCondition - BlueDegree - Pink
Cognitive Objectives (comprehension level) • (C) Given a paragraph in a newspaper article,(A) the student(B) will be able to accurately identify the grammatical subject of each sentence and explain his or her decision (D) for all sentences given. • 2. Cognitive Objectives (comprehension level) • (C) Given a list of meteorological terms(A) the student (B) will be able to accurately explain what each term means in one or two sentences(D) for all terms given.
3. Cognitive Objective (application level) • (C) Given a foreign language sentence • written in the past or present tense,(A) the student(B) will be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense(D) with no grammatical errors
Psychomotor (physical skills) • (C) Given a geometric object in Photoshop software,(A) the student(B) will be able to use the computer mouse and lasso tool to trace a usable outline(D) which can be used to define the • object for a montage.
Affective Objective • (C) Given the opportunity to work in a team with several people of different ethnic backgrounds, (A) the student(B) will demonstrate a willingness to participate in positive, non-discriminatory interactions with all team members, (D) as measured by a checklist • utilized/completed by non-team members.
Cognitive Objective (problem solving/synthesis level) • (C) Given a current-events topic(A) the student(B) will be able to write a grammatically-correct, well-craftedopinion essay of three-five pages(D) over two to three days. • 7.Cognitive Objective (problem solving/synthesis level) • (C) Given a set of current meteorological conditions • taken from a weather station • the student • (B) will write a weather forecast • (D) covering the next six hours.
Can you locate the problem in this objective? Psychomotor (physical skills) After opening Photoshop software and locating a geometric object from the pull-down menu labeled “Shapes”, the student will be able to use the computer mouse and lasso tool to trace a usable outline which can be used to define the object for a montage (i.e., mixture). Given a geometric object in Photoshop software,the studentwill be able to use the computer mouse and lasso tool to trace a usable outlinewhich can be used to define the object for a montage.
Can you locate the problem in this objective? Cognitive Objectives (comprehension level) Given a paragraph in a newspaper article, the student will be able to accurately identify the parts of speech of all the words in each sentence and explain his or her decision for all sentences given. • Given a paragraph in a newspaper article, the studentwill be • able to accurately identify the grammatical subject of each • sentence and explain his or her decision for all sentences • given.
Can you locate the problem in this objective? Cognitive Objective (application level) Given a foreign language sentence written in the past or present tense, the student will be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense. Given a foreign language sentence written in the past or present tense, the studentwill be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense with no grammatical errors
Can you locate the problem in this objective? Cognitive Objective (problem solving/synthesis level) • Given a set of current meteorological conditions taken • from a weather station, the student will monitor the • weather covering the next six hours. • Given a set of current meteorological conditions • taken from a weather station, the studentwill write a weather forecastcovering the next six hours.
Can you locate the problem in this objective? Affective Objective Given the opportunity to work in a team with several people of different ethnic backgrounds, the student will demonstrate a willingness to participate in positive non- discriminatory interactions with all team members. Given the opportunity to work in a team with several people of different ethnic backgrounds, the studentwill demonstrate a willingness to participate in positive non-discriminatory interactions with all team members, as measured by a checklist utilized/completed by non-team members.
Now it's Your Turn With your team, write two clear objectives, using the knowledge you gained today, for your 5-E Group Lesson Plan.