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Universal Design for Learning Rachel McBroom Heather Stewart

Universal Design for Learning Rachel McBroom Heather Stewart. Objectives. Review the Summer Institute 2012 theme of “Addressing Student Needs in an Era of New Content Standards” Teaching the whole child allows us to address student needs in the context of new standards.

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Universal Design for Learning Rachel McBroom Heather Stewart

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  1. Universal Design for LearningRachel McBroomHeather Stewart

  2. Objectives Review the Summer Institute 2012 theme of “Addressing Student Needs in an Era of New Content Standards” Teaching the whole child allows us to address student needs in the context of new standards. By thinking about the purpose and role of each content area, how it connects to other areas of learning, and how students’ needs are met, we are able to ensure that students receive the appropriate instruction to allow them to be successful.
  3. Region 4 Wiki http://rt3region4.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
  4. Introductions
  5. Graphing Me
  6. Why it Matters In general, it’s true that no one has bars that all the same height Some people are good at some things and not so terrific at other things What does FAIR mean? Everyone doesn’t always get the same. Everyone gets what he or she needs! One size fits all instruction does not address the needs of many students Kids come in different shapes and sizes as well as interests, learning profiles, and readiness levels
  7. NCDPI Arts Education Literacy Institute 2004 Universal Design for Learning
  8. Universal Design
  9. UniversalDesignfor Learning (UDL) is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) A set of principles for curriculum development that applies to the general education curriculum to promote learning environments that meet the needs of all learners
  10. A Different Way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDvKnY0g6e4
  11. Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners
  12. Summer Institute 2012 How does this content area prepare students to be future ready? How does this area connect to other content areas? What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to this content area?
  13. Universal Design
  14. UDL UDL Principles
  15. Principle I: Multiple Means of Representation: The what of learning To give diverse learners options for acquiring information and knowledge Present content in a variety of formats and modalities
  16. UDL requires:Multiple Means of Representation Artifacts Videos Music Movement Text Readers Multiple Means of Representation Examples: Manipulatives Visual Displays Anticipatory Guides Graphic Organizers
  17. Principle II: Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Judy Augatti
  18. UDL requires:Multiple Means of Action and Expression and Examples: Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Gallery Walks Pair/Share Chalkboard/Whiteboard Splash Response Hold-Up Cards Quick Draws Numbered Heads Together Line-Ups
  19. Principle III: Multiple Means of Engagement Taps into learners’ interests, offers appropriate challenges, and increases
  20. UDL requires:Multiple Means of Engagement Examples: Bounce Cards Air Writing Case Studies Role Plays Concept Charades Response Hold-Up Cards Networking Sessions Simulations
  21. With UDL more students are: Achieving Motivated Engaged Learning
  22. Summarize Learning Work with a partner to summarize what you have learned for the group: Poster Skit Tech Tool – Go Animate - http://goanimate.com http://goanimate.com/videos/0GGwDItW90iE?utm_source=linkshare
  23. Take a Break
  24. What child in your building/classroom comes to mind?
  25. Differentiated Instruction Discover your learning style Complete the online survey: http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/mi/w1_interactive1.html Learning Styles Inventory Test: http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/lsi/lsitest2.html Learning Styles Test: http://faculty.ucc.edu/business-greenbaum/LearningStlyes.htm Multiple Intelligences: http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/index.htm
  26. Differentiated Instruction
  27. Multiple Means of Representation for ELLs Non-verbal Language Support Word banks Word walls Labels Graphic organizers Sentence starters Sentence frames Modeling Pictures Realia/Concrete objects Gestures Manipulatives Demonstrations Hands-on Picture dictionaries
  28. Multiple Means of Expressing for ELLs Role-play Illustrations/ Drawings / Visuals Gestures First language
  29. Multiple Means of Engagement Student Interaction Oral comprehension supports reading and writing development Differentiate Collaborative Activities
  30. Learning about Language What does it say? What does it mean? What does it matter?
  31. Implications for the Classroomexplicit teaching of language Create a language-sensitive classroom Deconstruct/reconstruct complex text View other languages as assets
  32. Just as there are strategies for assisting the ELL student, there are strategies to move the AIG student even farther…
  33. Gifted Education and new NCSCOS An opportunity for growth and collaboration with regular education and within the field of gifted. Students may access more rigorous standards throughout the day, which would impact direct gifted education services and ensure access to more advanced education throughout the day. A rising tide raises all ships. CC/ES standards align with and validate gifted education best practices, such as concept-based learning, integration of disciplines, and inquiry-based options.
  34. Why Gifted Students Need Differentiated Learning For most.… Faster pace of learning (2-3 repetitions) Precocity for information Ability to synthesize information within and across disciplines (conceptual understanding) Intensity of learning in area of interest Asynchronous development
  35. What do gifted learners need in order to maximize their learning?
  36. Learning Needs of Gifted: Some, Not All Complexity: Abstract-thinking, Variety of concepts, subjects and strategies Depth: Higher levels of thinking, concepts Creativity: Open-endedness, choice Acceleration: Rapid pacing, Focus on Growth Relevance: Personal interest, Real-world problems and audiences, Connections
  37. What does this mean for my classroom? Enrich, extend and accelerate the SCOS. Differentiate through content, process and product.
  38. Tools and Strategies for Challenging Gifted Learners Concept-Based Teaching Tiered Assignments Project-Based Learning Curriculum Compacting Independent Study with Rubrics Seminars Other: All with appropriate challenge!
  39. Non–Negotiables for Gifted Learners Gifted Children Vary in Needs and Strengths Mindset of Differentiation in Class, School, LEA Pre-assessment to understand needs and strengths; Flexible Grouping Social and Emotional Needs Addressed Academic and Cognitive Growth Addressed AIG: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY
  40. Best Practices Brain Dump Grab a marker ‘Dump’ your best ideas on charts Put your initials next to the one you will describe for the group Optional – http://linoit.com/users/hezstewart/canvases/Brain%20Dump%20UDL
  41. Lunch
  42. Serving All is a Process NCDPI Arts Education Literacy Institute 2004
  43. Individualized Instruction
  44. Discussion: Read the quote below: “The quality of a school as a learning community can be measured by how effectively it addresses the needs of struggling students.”--Wright (2005) Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Source: Wright, J. (2005, Summer). Five interventions that work. NAESP Leadership Compass, 2(4) pp.1,6.
  45. RtI NC DPI has identified RtI as a research-based school improvement model and provides support to district and school implementation through professional development, technical assistance, and coaching.
  46. What is ‘Response to Intervention’ (RTI)? 'Response to Intervention' is an emerging approach to the diagnosis of Learning Disabilities that holds considerable promise. In the RTI model: A student with academic delays is given one or more research-validated interventions. The student's academic progress is monitored frequently to see if those interventions are sufficient to help the student to catch up with his or her peers. If the student fails to show significantly improved academic skills despite several well-designed and implemented interventions, this failure to 'respond to intervention' can be viewed as evidence of an underlying Learning Disability.
  47. What are advantages of RTI? One advantage of RTI in the diagnosis of educational disabilities is that it allows schools to intervene early to meet the needs of struggling learners. Another advantage is that RTI maps those specific instructional strategies found to benefit a particular student. This information can be very helpful to both teachers and parents.
  48. The steps of RTI for an individual case… Under RTI, if a student is found to be performing well below peers, the school will: Estimate the academic skill gap between the student and typically-performing peers Determine the likely reason(s) for the student’s depressed academic performance Select a scientifically-based intervention likely to improve the student's academic functioning Monitor academic progress frequently to evaluate the impact of the intervention If the student fails to respond to several well-implemented interventions, consider a referral to Special Education
  49. System Prior to Change Special Education Sea of Ineligibility General Education
  50. Changing Special Education: 1990s...Bridging the Gap Special Education Interventions General Education
  51. How We Conceptualize RTI More than identification for LD Emphasizes prevention and early intervention Premised on Data-based Decision-making for all learners within the system Assumes effective environments Requires instructional grouping Employs research-based strategies Operationalized as a fluid, non-static system
  52. Instructional Decision Making for Student Success Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Of longer duration Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 1-5% 1-5% 5-10% 5-10% 80-90% 80-90%
  53. Participant Activity: Take the RTI Readiness Survey Form into pairs or small groups. Together, complete the RTI Readiness Survey. When finished, discuss your results and address these questions: What areas of strength did you identify? What areas did you identify that need work? What would be your group’s top three priorities in starting the RTI model in this school? RTI Readiness Survey available at: http://www.jimwrightonline.com/pdfdocs/survey_rti_wright.pdf
  54. For a comprehensive directory of up-to-date RTI Resources available for free on the Internet, visit RTI_Wire at:http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/rti/rti_wire.php
  55. Why use Assistive Technology? Who is paying attention? In one of the many studies available, students were attentive to a computer-generated lesson 97% of the time (learning 74% of the targeted nouns) but attentive to a teacher-directed lesson only 62%of the time (learning 41% of the targeted nouns) (Moore & Calvert, 2000).
  56. Brain rules! What does the research say? Brain Rules by John Medina Vision trumps all other senses We learn and remember best through visual means 1/3 to ¼ of brain is devoted to visual processing Brain rule #12…we don’t pay attention to boring stuff. Our brains want dynamic, moving images
  57. UDL Resources UDL definition From CAST http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/
  58. Readabilityof Textbooks and Materials Understand the Importance Readability Plays in Learning Tools - Determine the Readability of Text Strategies - bring the readability down without changing the content(auto summary, replace high syllable words - thesaurus, shorten sentences, narrow margins, color backgrounds, spacing, font and size, teach with visuals content specific vocabulary, text-to-speech) Check for supplemental materials that come with your textbook Ifstudents can’t read it They can’t understand it They can’t learn it They can’t practice it They can’t implement it
  59. Format Reading Supports Ability to change the format of text to accommodate student needs: Change background color Change font color Increase character spacing Increase line spacing Enlarge of text
  60. Tools for Reading Text-to-Speech (free downloads) ReadPlease: http://www.readplease.com/ Natural Reader: http://www.naturalreaders.com/ free download, floating text bar, or set to launch when computer comes on WordTalk is a free text-to-speech plug-in for Microsoft Word:http://www.wordtalk.org.uk/Home/ Macintosh Text-to-Speech: http://www.apple.com/accessibility/macosx/literacylearning.html
  61. Tools for Reading Text-to-Speech (cont.) TextHELP: Read&Write Gold, ScreenShot Reader, etc: http://www.texthelp.com/page.asp Kurzweil 3000: http://www.kurzweiledu.com/kurz3000.aspx Text to MP3 VozMe: http://vozme.com/
  62. Tools for Reading / Audio Books Bookshare: http://www.bookshare.org/ Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic: http://www.rfbd.org/info_teachers_educators.htm Tar Heel Reader: http://tarheelreader.org/ Browser Books: http://staff.prairiesouth.ca/~cassidy.kathy/browserbooks/index.htm Children’s Storybooks Online: http://www.magickeys.com/books/
  63. Tools for Reading / Audio Books Proprietary Reading Systems Start to Finish Books (Don Johnston, Inc.): http://www.donjohnston.com/products/start_to_finish/library/index.html …are designed to provide multiple supports (auditory, visual, cognitive). See the Product Demo: How does S2FWork? (then Advance to text structure)
  64. Portable Text Readers Classmate – Don Johnston, Inc. Kindle2 – Amazon.com Sony eBook Reader Intel® Reader iPad Blio Software (Ray Kurzweil)
  65. Symbol Supported Text PictureIt PixWriter Clicker5 Boardmaker Communicate: SymWriter News-2-YouEx of what you get/booklet... Symbol World Slater Software Website– see"free stuff" tab
  66. Create Symbol-Supported Calendars & Schedules Microsoft Word using free graphics, tables,… Remember that line drawings may be advantageous Slater Software Free Symbols: http://www.slatersoftware.com/ (see free stuff tab) Clip Art: http://atresources.org/wiki/Visual_Supports
  67. Academic SupportsFlexible Design / Representation - Examples LitCharts: http://www.litcharts.com/         Provides online and pdf summaries of classic literature with side-by-side summary and analysis. An iPod app for each story is available for purchase (.99). Sparknotes: http://www.sparknotes.com/ Online summaries of classic literature; iPod app. available No Fear Shakespeare: http://nfs.sparknotes.com/ side-by-side translation into plain English. WatchKnow: http://www.watchknow.org/         Videos for kids to learn from.  Thousands of videos. Organized.
  68. Academic Supports Flexible Design / Representation - Examples cont. Read Print:http://www.readprint.com/        A free online book library of classic literature (over 8,000 titles).  Reading Mode places the text in a pop-up window that is easier to read. Librivox: http://librivox.org/newcatalog/ Audio recordings, access to text files, podcasts and artwork of public domain literature. Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ Free download of digital text from public domain literature. Flexbook:http://ck12.org/flexr/ Create custom textbooks online.
  69. Tools for Writing / Presenting Multimedia & Digital Storytelling MakeBelief Comics: http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/ comic strip development utilizing writing skills ToonDoo: http://www.toondoo.com/even more features create a video from audio & visual resources Animoto: http://animoto.com/ Flixtime: http://flixtime.com/ Voice Thread: group conversations around pictures, documents, videos http://voicethread.com/ - home Online Art Tools: http://haugen.wikispaces.com/Art+Tools+Online Six Ways for Students to Create Videos: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/11/six-easy-ways-for-students-to-create.html
  70. Tools For Writing / Presenting Flip Video Camera (discontinued brand) Cell Phone Video YouTube Tooble TeacherTube Flip Video Camera Cell Phone Video Flip Video Camera Cell Phone Video YouTube Flip Video Camera Cell Phone Video YouTube Tooble
  71. Tools for Math Create a Graph: http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: A collection of more than 100 on-line virtual manipulatives and math tools for K-12.   This website offers tools for all areas of Ohio’s Math Content Standardswww.nlvm.usu.edu WebMath: Shows correct answers and computations for most math operationshttp://www.webmath.com/
  72. Tools for Math cont’d. Math Playground: pre-K through 6 math games, activities, etc.http://www.mathplayground.com/ Learning Today: Online math games Included are number and operations, measurement and geometryhttp://www.learningtoday.com/corporate/maths-games.asp Khanacademy by Salman Khan: Khanacademy on YouTube or website: khanacademy.org library of videos covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history. Each video is a digestible chunk, approximately 10 minutes long, and especially purposed for viewing on the computer.
  73. AT and Adolescent Learners article Annotations and study skill features. Literacy software with text-to-speech and study skill features can assist learners to be active readers. Teach readers how to annotate with virtual post-it notes, bookmarking, highlighting, and color coding.
  74. Tools for Science & Social Studies Learning Science.org: http://learningscience.org/ Sharing the best science interactives and resources. Search tied to academic content standards. Windows to the Universe: http://www.windows.ucar.edu/ Covers Earth and Space sciences and includes documents, images, movies, and animations presented at three different reading levels. Science Hack: Videos on numerous science topics. http://sciencehack.com/videos/index WatchKnow: Videos on numerous topics, including Social Studies (1200), Science (2739).http://www.watchknow.org/ Google Earth: http://earth.google.com/ TimeToast: Create online timelines. http://www.timetoast.com/
  75. UDL Tools for Work: Tools for Study Skills Webspiration (Beta), online graphic organizer: Available for purchase at : http://mywebspiration.com Awesome Highlighter, highlighting tool for web pages: www.awesomehighlighter.com Flashcard Machine: free web application that enables users to create interactive web-based study flash cards and share them with others.http://www.flashcardmachine.com/ VocabAhead: over 1000 difficult words explained using Vocabulary Videos and Flash Cards: http://vocabahead.com/ 15 Tools to Help Students Get Organized: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/12/15-tools-to-help-students-with.html
  76. Tools for Collaboration Google Apps – Education Edition:  http://www.google.com/google-d-s/tour1.html Zoho Writer:   http://www.zoho.com/ Diigo: http://www.diigo.com/tools Skype for video conferencing: http://www.skype.com/ Wiki's: http://www.wikispaces.com/ Blog: http://www.blogger.com/home
  77. Tools for This and That Word Magnets: http://www.triptico.co.uk/flashFiles/wordMagnets/WordMagnets.html Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/ Tagxedo: http://www.tagxedo.com/ Online Digital Musical Instruments: http://otot.wikispaces.com/file/view/Online+Digital+Instruments.pdf Online Art Tools: http://haugen.wikispaces.com/Art+Tools+Online LACMA: Families and Children in American Art: http://www.lacma.org/programs/familygame/index.aspx Visual Recipes: http://visualrecipes.com/ WordleExamples
  78. Addressing the whole child prepares future-ready students who are competitive for work and post-secondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century.
  79. Exit Ticket Each participant identifies one significant idea from the day The first person begins by sharing one idea that struck them. In less than three minutes describe why this is important. Each person responds to that idea and what the presenter has said in less than one minute. (The purpose here is to expand on the presenters thinking, providing a different look, clarifying the thinking, or to question the presenter’s assumption about the issue.) After going around the circle once with each person responding, the initial presenter has the “Final Word” on what they are now thinking or on what was said. Repeat the process until everyone has had an opportunity to have the “Final Word”.
  80. Questions?
  81. Planning Review Resources Professional Development Plan Coaching Plan Debrief
  82. Contact Information Regional DPI Staff Donna Albaugh donna.albaugh@dpi.nc.gov Rachel McBroom rachel.mcbroom@dpi.nc.gov Heather Stewart heather.stewart@dpi.nc.gov
  83. Thank You! Digital tools used during the course of this meeting have been helpful to some educators across the state.  However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these tools are the exclusive digital tools for the purposes outlined during the meeting.
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