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Learning Theory and Technology

Learning Theory and Technology. Subtitle: It’s important to know why we do the things we do!. What drives your teaching?. A car mechanic goes to work each day to fix cars, knowing that the principle of the four-stage internal combustion engine underlies everything that he does.

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Learning Theory and Technology

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  1. Learning Theory and Technology Subtitle: It’s important to know why we do the things we do!

  2. What drives your teaching? A car mechanic goes to work each day to fix cars, knowingthat the principle of the four-stage internal combustion engineunderlies everything that he does. What underlies your teaching?

  3. What is a theory? • (Please write down FOUR characteristics of a theory) • General explanation for observations made over time • Explains and predicts behaviour • Can never be established beyond all doubt • Can be modified Theories seldom have to be thrown out completely if thoroughly tested but sometimes a theory may be widely accepted for a long time and later disproved. Examples? Name any two disproved theories.

  4. Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism Behaviorism: based on observable changes in behaviour. It focuses on a new behaviour pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic Early beginnings of behaviorism started with Aristotle’s“Memory” essay which associated events such aslightning and thunder. The key behaviorists include Pavlov (his dogs), Watsonand Thorndike (stimulus/response experiments) andSkinner (reinforcement of behaviours).

  5. Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism Cognitivism: based on the thought process behind the behaviour. Changes in behaviour are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner’s mind. Much learning involves learners making associations with existing cognitive structures. Schema - internal knowledgestructure New knowledge is comparedto existing structures whichmay be extended, altered orcombined to accommodatenew information

  6. Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism Constructivism: based on the premise that we all construct our own reality of the world through individual (reflection) and social (conversation) experiences. Jean Piaget had the most influence. Social Constructivism Cognitive Constructivism Learners construct mental structures similar to external ones via cognitive processes Learning occurs through the negotiation of meaning and multiple perspectives in groups

  7. Constructivism 1930’s + Cognitivism Early 1900’s Behaviorism Early 1800’s Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism - Timeline Present Day With the onset of scientific inquiry, only observable behaviours could beperceived and explained. However, things do occur inside people’s minds that are not overtly observable. Processes in human minds affect learning and overt behaviour. Builds upon former theories – each individual is unique and in “flux”.Evaluation is the key difference – it must be integrated with the task. The Greeks

  8. Skills and knowledge are bestacquired within realistic contexts. Grabinger, 1996 Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism New assumptions Old assumptions People transfer learning withease by learning abstract anddecontextualized ideas. People transfer learning withdifficulty needing both contentand context learning. Learners are active constructorsof knowledge. Learners are receivers ofknowledge. Learning is cognitive and in aconstant state of growth andevolution. Learning is behavioristicand involves the strengtheningof stimulus and response Learners bring their own needsand experiences to learningsituations. Learners are blank spaces readyto be filled with knowledge. Skills and knowledge are bestacquired independent of context.

  9. Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism –Implications for Technology • Bloom’s Taxonomy, LOGO and Multimedia • Read, and where appropriate, complete any tasks. • Answer the following questions: • Which resource best exemplifies each learning theory? • 2. Can you see influences from the other learning theories?

  10. Present Day Multimedia LOGO Drill and practice The Personal Computer 1980’s Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism – Link to Technology Applications Constructivism Cognitivism Behaviorism Drill and practice software requires a low degree of cognitive processing eg. paired associations and rotememorization invoke behavioralstimulus-response, reinforcement, etc LOGO and the maths software PLATOrequire increased levels of cognitiveprocessing.They are associated with schematicorganization, reasoning and problem-solving. Demanding high levels of cognitiveprocessing, multimedia software enablesconstructivist perspectives such as situated learning and social negotiationas well as schematic organization.

  11. Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism Strengths and Weaknesses BehaviorismWeakness – missing stimulus for a correct response means no learning Strength – clear goals and automatic response eg. WWII pilots CognitivismWeakness – task accomplishment may not be the best way to learn Strength – enables consistency, exact routines eg. logging on to PC ConstructivismWeakness – divergent thinking encourages unconformity Strength – real-life situations are better dealt with, problem-solving

  12. high Level of learner’staskknowledge Constructivist strategies Cognitive strategies Behaviorist strategies low low high Level of cognitive processing required by the task Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism Is one learning theory the best? If so, which one?

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