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27-28 June 2011 in Hangzhou, China

Resea r ch Profiling of 'Standards and Innovation', Is it Diverging or Conveging? (2011 ICES Workshop ). 27-28 June 2011 in Hangzhou, China Choi, Donggeun (dgchoi@ksa.or.kr) Chief Manager, International Standards Team, KSA Secretariat, ICES. CV: Donggeun Choi.

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27-28 June 2011 in Hangzhou, China

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  1. Research Profiling of 'Standards and Innovation',Is it Diverging or Conveging?(2011 ICES Workshop ) 27-28 June 2011in Hangzhou, China Choi, Donggeun (dgchoi@ksa.or.kr)Chief Manager, International Standards Team, KSA Secretariat, ICES

  2. CV: Donggeun Choi • Dong-Geun Choi is Chief Manager at Korean Standards Association (KSA). With eleven years of experience in KSA, Dong-Geun ’s research has focused on standardization and innovation, standardization and IPR, and standards education. • Dong-Geun initiated and managed several international projects of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Dong-Geun has served as project proponent/editor for APSC SCSC Education Initiatives in 2007-2011, and also served as Secretariat of International Cooperation of Education about Standardization (ICES) in 2009-2011. • In these international projects, Dong-Geun authored/edited several policy reports and guidelines: the first joint project between APEC-ISO joint project published as ISO TR 28682:2008, and the APEC SCSC Education Guidelines Series including the textbook about standardization for higher education, “Standardization: Fundamentals, Impact, and Business Strategy”. • Dong-Geun received a Bachelor’s degree in transport engineering from Hanyang University, and Master’s degree in transportation management from Seoul National University. He is now a PhD candidate in Technology Innovation and Management at Sungkyunkwan University. • Dong-Geun is a Program Committee Member for 2011 ITU-T Kaleidoscope Conference and 2011 IEEE International Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT) . Donggeun’ academic publications have appeared in such journals as Scientometrics (SSCI), International Journal of Technology and Design Education(SCI-E), International Journals on IT Standards and Standardization Research(Scopus SSCI), and ISO Focus.

  3. Summary • This presentation includes two sections about standardization and innovation research. • Section I includes the review of author’s recently published paper “Research profiling for standardization and innovation” (Choi, Lee & Sung, 2001; Scientometrics 88(1), page 259-278). This paper demonstrates that the standardization and innovation research has continuously grown from publication of 13 papers in 1995 to 68 papers in 2008; the majority of these papers have been published in the six subject group domains of management, economics, environment, chemistry, computer science, and tele-communications. Technology innovation management specialty journals are the most central sources favorable for these themes. We also present an exploratory taxonomy that offers nine topical clusters to demonstrate the contextual structures of standardization and innovation. • Section II raises a question to standardization community if the studies on ‘standardization and innovation’ are diverging or converging. Although standardization and Innovation research is clearly emerging, it is not certain if it is converging as an academic discipline.

  4. Contents

  5. I. Review of “Research Profiling of Standardization and Innovation This section I includes summary of author’s published paper: “Research profiling of Standardization and Innovation” Choi, Lee & Sung, 2011; Scientometrics 88(1), page 259-278)available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/f5p95542u30u26q0/)

  6. Standardisation is a key factor in support of a number of government policies, including competitiveness, innovation, science and technology. Its importance is growing with the globalisation, the convergence of technologies and a growing knowledge economy. The UK Government Public Policy Interest in Standardisation (2009) – DIUS (Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills)

  7. 1-1. Background- What is the relationship of SI-R? - What strategy/policy should we develop? Standardization Innovation **SI-R: Standardization and Innovation Research

  8. 1-2. Results – Subject Domains - Variety of 135 Domains: Management..

  9. 1-3. Results – Subject Domain Groupings - Major Groups

  10. 1-4. Results – Subject Domain Groupings - CAGR in 1997-2008

  11. 1-5. Results – Subject Domain Groupings - CAGR in 1997-2008

  12. 1-6. Results – Journals- published more than 5 papers

  13. 1-7. Results – Exploratory Taxonomy - 4 Groups – 9 Clusters - Factor Analysis & Clustering

  14. 1-8. Results – Exploratory Taxonomy - 4 Groups – 9 Clusters

  15. 1-8. Results – Exploratory Taxonomy - 4 Groups – 9 Clusters

  16. 1-10. Epilogue • Standards are Diverse in its Definition or Scope • Metrology, Industry Standards, Conformity Assessment • Agriculture, Building, ICT Technology, Service, QMS, SR • Innovation is Varying in its Definition or Scope • Launch of new products or process • Implementation of new solutions to technological, economical and social problems within an enterprise  Rethinking about the nature of Standards & Innovation

  17. II. Unsolicited Rethinking about Standards as Knowledge Asset

  18. Standards, Perceived Images are Different • What ARE standards? • What are IN standards? • What are standards FOR? • What are IMPACT of standards? • WHO and HOW should develop and implement standards? • HOW should we look at and strategically utilize standards?

  19. Diversity of Standards- measurement, tech & non-tech.

  20. Diversity of Innovation in different fields (Gamber 2008) • The term innovation has been examined by representatives of various fields of study, a number of varying definitions exist in literature. • In economics, innovation refers to the technological, social and economic changes. • In the field of political economics, innovation is referred to as a first commercial use of improvements, or in other words, the launch of a new product or process onto the market (acc. to [HOTZ-HART, 2001]). • From a business management point of view, innovation is the implementation of new solutions to technological, economical and social problems within an enterprise. In this case, innovation is aimed at finding new ways of fulfilling enterprise goals (cf for example [PLESCHAK & SABISCH, 1996]).

  21. Standards and Innovation Research- Converging or Diverging? • Are the studies on ‘standardization and innovation’ are converging or diverging? • Although standardization and Innovation research is clearly emerging, it is not certain if it is converging as an academic discipline.

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