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Google Docs

Google Docs. Presented By: Ray Pastore Penn State University and Dr. Ray Pastore Bloomsburg University. Trends in technology. - Open source - Web 2.0 - Software on the web - Blogs, wikis, forums, and now word processing - Myspace/Facebook - Youtube

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Google Docs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Google Docs Presented By:Ray PastorePenn State UniversityandDr. Ray PastoreBloomsburg University

  2. Trends in technology - Open source - Web 2.0 - Software on the web - Blogs, wikis, forums, and now word processing - Myspace/Facebook - Youtube - Lots of competition, Google is the frontrunner

  3. What are google docs? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqUE6IHTEA"Google Docs is a free, Web-based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation application offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users. Google Docs combines the features of two services, Writely and Spreadsheets, which were merged into a single product on October 10, 2006. A third product for presentations, including technology designed by Tonic Systems, was released on September 17, 2007." - wikipedia

  4. Registering/Accessing Google Docs Registering:How to register for Google Docs.....Accessing:http://docs.google.com

  5. Interface - Create new files- Share files- View all current files- See who was the last to edit files- Help and features: http://documents.google.com/support/

  6. Documents - Documents saved on Google Servers - Invite Collaborators- Save as .doc and .pdf- Insert images, tables, and comments- View changes- Print- Has most features of Microsoft WordSources:http://www.webware.com/8301-1_109-9732473-2.htmlhttp://www.google.com/google-d-s/whatsnew.html

  7. Spreadsheets - Similar to Microsoft Excel- Save as .xls, .pdf. .html- Perform calculations and functions- Create charts- Create sheets

  8. Presentations - Save as .pdf- Publish to web- upload .ppt files- change background- insert images

  9. Mobile Mobile: http://docs.google.com/m- Docs and Spreadsheets work on all cell phones with browsers and internet connections- Presentations do not- Presentations will work on iPhone as it has a web browser, Safari - Can only view, cannot edithttp://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2007/10/mobile-google-docs.html

  10. Uses Project -based LearningCollaborationReportsGroup Presentations

  11. Advantages/Disadvantages Advantages- Free- Ubiquitous- Clean, easy, user-friendly- When new features are available, they are offered immediately, no more waiting for upgrades- Supports revisions from multiple users- Nothing to download/install- Publishes .doc, .xlsDisadvantages- Google has your files- Cannot handle large complex files- Have to be online, with high speed internet, or else data can be lost - will be corrected with Google gears, an opensource extension- Does not publish .ppt

  12. Alternatives Open-OfficeMicrosoft OfficeNeo-OfficeAbi Word* - None of these are online* - None of these offer revisions from other users* - All of these require software to install

  13. Dr. Pastore's Links

  14. End of presentation: Google and Microsoft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjeQUEJ5Yp4

  15. Resources http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,2209724,00.asphttp://googledocs.blogspot.com/2007/10/docs-on-go.htmlAct 48 Code: A211300

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