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Access. NOUN 1 . the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use : They have access to the files . 2 . a way or means of approach: The only access to the house was a rough dirt road. 3 . an attack or onset, as of a disease. VERB

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  1. Access NOUN 1.theability,right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use : They have access to the files. 2. a way or means of approach:The only access to the house was a rough dirt road. 3. an attack or onset, as of a disease. VERB 1. to makecontact with or gain access to; to be able to reach, approach,enter,etc. SYNONYMS Admission, admittance FORMS Accessed, accessing, accessible

  2. Auxiliary Adjective 1.Giving help or support; assisting 2. Used as a substitute or reserve in case of need Synonyms: backup, ancillary, and secondary

  3. BALM • Any of various oily fragrant, resinous substances, often a medicinal value, exuding from certain plants, especially tropical trees of the genus • A plant or tree yielding such a substance • Any aromatic or fragrant ointment Noun: balm Adjective: balm-like Adjective: balmy Synonyms-lotion, medicine, ointment, prescription, soother

  4. 1 9 . B L I G H T Nouns- 1.disease of plants that causes leaves, stems, fruits and tissues to wither and die. 2. bacterium, fungus or virus that causes such a disease 3.anything that withers hope or causes destruction or ruin 4.decay or deterioration Verbs- 1.cause to wither or die 2. to destroy or ruin 3. to suffer from blight; to be blighted Word forms- blighted

  5. Commandeer • Definition=to seize formilitaryorotherpublic use • Forms=commandeered • This word is a verb • Synonyms are seizeand hijack

  6. Crotchety Adjective 1. irritable 2. given to odd emotions Other forms: crotchetiness Synonyms: fussy,eccentric, grouchy By: AjeetKalepu

  7. Discharge VERB • to getridofaburdenor load(to be discharged from the army) • to deliver a charge or load. • to pour forth • to go offorfire,as a firearm or missile. NOUN • theact of discharging a ship, load, etc. • the actoffiring a weapon. • a sending or coming forth, (the discharge of water from a pipe) • something sent forth or emitted. Forms: discharged, discharging, dischargeable, discharger

  8. encroach [en kroch] verb 1. to go beyond proper or usual limits 2. to trespass or to intrude forms: encroacher or encroachment

  9. Function NOUN 1. the purpose for which something is designed orexists;role, job, meaning 2. any ceremoniouspublicorsocialgatheringoroccasion.We attended a holiday function for my workplace. 3. a factor related to or dependent upon other factors: Price is a function of supplyanddemand. 4. Mathematics—a relation between two sets or a set of ordered pairs. In Geometry, a formula expressing a relation between the angles of a triangle and its sides VERB 1. to perform a specified action or activity; work; operate: The computer isn't functioning now. He rarely functions before noon. FORMS Functional, functioning, malfunction, nonfunctioning, multifunction(al)

  10. FURTIVEBy: Michael Zemanek Adjective 1. taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret: a furtive glance. 2. Sly; shifty: a furtive manner furtively, adverb furtiveness, noun Synonyms Artful, calculating, cautious

  11. grovel To behave in a demanding manner To plead or beg

  12. impervious ADJECTIVE Incapable of being penetrated. Incapable of being affected. Synonyms: Impermeable, resistant, unbending, unyielding

  13. Incessant Adj-describing something unpleasant that continues without pause. Synonyms: ceaseless, constant, unending Forms: incessantly

  14. Indolent • Disinclined to work or exertion. • Synonym: lazy • Antonym: active

  15. LUNGE Definition: Any sudden movement such as a thrust with a sword or other weapon. Move with a lunge. ; a sudden forward movement, trust . Synonyms: thrust, pounce, drive, jump, spring Forms: Lunged, lunging, and lunger.

  16. MISGIVING n. A feeling of doubt or concern Synonyms Qualm Doubt Suspicion Hesitation Worry Unease

  17. OBLITERATE • Verb • 1. To do away with completely; destroy; • 2. To cover or hide from view Forms of the word Obliteration Obliterator

  18. Permeate:Verb Definition: To spread throughout something; pervade Other forms: permeates, permeated, and permeating Synonyms: Pervade, spread through, fill, filter, imbue, filter, and penetrate

  19. 4. Pitfall [ pit-fawl] Noun A hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty A covered pit for use as a trap Synonyms: hazard, danger, difficulty , problem, issue.

  20. Potentate po·ten·tate noun a monarch or ruler synonyms: ruler, monarch, sovereign, king, queen, emperor, empress, sultan, shah, raja, pharaoh Other word forms: potentate, potentates

  21. Recoil (verb) Shrink away To draw back; start or shrink back, as in alarm, horror or disgust To spring or fly back, as in consequence of force of impact or the force of the discharge, as a firearm Backfire, balk, flinch, turn away

  22. Revelry Noun. Revelries, Revel Boisterous merrymaking. Festivities, celebrations, partying

  23. SECLUDED adj. -removed or distant from others -screened or hidden from view -not seen or visited by many people -withdrawn from human contact -screened from view Synonyms: sheltered, private, concealed, hidden, unfrequented, sequestered Present tense: seclude

  24. SWAGGER VERB To walk or strut with a defiant or insolent air To boast or brag noisily NOUN A manner, conduct, or walk that suggests arrogance

  25. Translucent Adj: permitting light to pass through Easily understandable Clear, transparent forms: translucence. Synonyms: transparent, see-through, clear

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