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Performance Indicators Presentation September 2011

Performance Indicators Presentation September 2011. Increase academic achievement of each significant subgroup on CST, API, and AYP Data Increase percentage of students making annual progress and attaining English fluency as measured by CELDT

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Performance Indicators Presentation September 2011

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  1. Performance Indicators PresentationSeptember 2011

  2. Increase academic achievement of each significant subgroup on CST, API, and AYP Data Increase percentage of students making annual progress and attaining English fluency as measured by CELDT Increase percentage of kindergarteners who master phoneme segmentation on DIBELS assessment Increase the percentage of students in grades 1-3 reading at grade level on Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment Performance Indicators 2010-2011

  3. Increase percentage of students proficient in Algebra 1 on CST Increase percentage of 10th graders passing CAHSEE Increase percentage of students meeting A-G requirements Increase Advanced Placement qualifying rate Increase number of students on track for PACE Promise Performance Indicators 2010-2011

  4. K – 12 IndicatorsIncrease academic achievement of each significant subgroup • District Subgroups (100 or more students with valid scores) • White (4,468 = 41%) • Hispanic/Latino (4,983 = 46%) • Asian ( 549 = 5%) • Black/African American ( 352 = 3%) • Filipino ( 344 = 3%) • English Learners (3,798 = 35%) • Economically Disadvantaged (2,989 = 27%) • Students with Disabilities (1,472 = 13%)

  5. Purpose, Report and Target for…

  6. 2011 CST Performance Comparison with County and State

  7. CST/CMA English Language Arts Performance by Ethnicity +5 +2 +6 +5 +5 +3

  8. CST/CMA English Language Arts Performance by Program +5 +6 +3 +3

  9. CST/CMA Mathematics Performance by Ethnicity -2 -1 -1 +1 -1 -3

  10. CST/CMA Mathematics Performance by Program -2 -1 -4 -6

  11. Academic Performance Index

  12. 2010 API Results - County Context Only 4 out of 12 Unified Schools in San Diego County have an API over 850. Coronado Unified 896(+9) Poway Unified 887(+5) Carlsbad Unified 867 (+8) San Marcos Unified 865 (+11) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramona City Unified 820 (+11) Valley Center-Pauma Unified 805 (+6)

  13. Surrounding North County District APIs San Dieguito Union High 886 (+9) Carlsbad 867 (+8) SAN MARCOS UNIFIED865(+11) Ramona City Unified 820 (+11) Valley Center Unified 805 (+6) Vista 792 (+6) Oceanside 779 (+6) Escondido Union Elem 751 (+16) Escondido Union High 737 (+11)

  14. District API Increase Academic Achievement of each Significant Subgroup

  15. Subgroup API Comparison: % of STAR Population and API

  16. Unified School Districts 2002-2014 AYP Targets

  17. District Program Improvement in SD

  18. 2011 SMUSD English Language Arts AYP Performance

  19. 2011 SMUSD Mathematics AYP Performance

  20. Safe Harbor: an alternative means to meet AYP. If the number of students who are not proficient decreases by 10% of the number from the previous year, safe harbor may be applied. Example: 100 students in the subgroup • 60% of these students (60 students) were not proficient in 2008-2009 • If 10% of the 60 students (6 students) reached proficient in 2009-10, safe harbor is applied.

  21. Adequate Yearly Progress 2010-11

  22. K – 12 Indicators Increase English Acquisition rates for English Learners California English Language Development Test (CELDT) • The CELDT • Assesses Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. • Reports five levels: Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, Early Advanced, Advanced • For NCLB there are 3 Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs), or targets, for the CELDT: • AMAO 1: The percentage of students making annual progress in learning English. • AMAO 2: The percentage of students attaining English Proficiency(Level 4 or 5 on CELDT). • AMAO 3: Adequate yearly progress for English Learner subgroup.

  23. CELDT AMAO 1- % of Students Making Annual Progress in Learning English AMAO 2 - % of Students Attaining English Proficiency on CELDT 54.6% 43.2% 18.7%

  24. Phoneme Segmentation FluencySegmenting single syllable words into their components Example: cat = c/a/tOne of the top predictors of future reading success Proficiency based upon number of sounds segmented in 60 seconds K – 12 Indicators Increase Percentage of Kindergartners who Master Phonemes Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)

  25. DIBELSDynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

  26. Fountas and Pinnell Increase the percentage of students in grades 1–3 reading at grade level Fountas & Pinnell is a reading assessment that measures decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills • The information from this assessment enables teachers to: • Determine students’ independent and instructional reading level • Group students for reading instruction • Select texts that will be productive for a student’s instruction • Identify students who need intervention and extra help • Document student progress across a school year and across grade levels

  27. Fountas & Pinnell Percent of Students Reading at Grade Level

  28. Algebra IPercent of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced

  29. In 1999, state law authorized the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Students in California public schools must pass CAHSEE in order to earn a High School diploma. Only 10th grade pass rate is calculated in AYP. Pass rate for 10th-12th is included in API calculation. 9 – 12 Indicators Increase Percentage of 10th Graders Passing the CAHSEE

  30. Percent of 10th Graders Passing California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)

  31. 9 – 12 Indicators Increase Percentage of Students Meeting A – G Requirements A – GStudents meeting UC / CSU entrance requirements. These requirements are greater than those needed for graduation.

  32. Students Meeting A-G Requirements

  33. Qualifying Rate: 9 – 12 Indicators Increase Advanced Placement (AP) Test Qualifying Rate Number of AP Exams Passed (Score of 3 or better on a 5 point scale) 11th and 12th Grade Enrollment

  34. Advanced Placement (AP) Test Qualifying Rate

  35. PACE Promise San Marcos Unified School District CSUSM Enrollees by Semester

  36. SMUSD System-Wide Priorities Deep Implementation of … • Standards-Based Instruction • The Essential Elements of Instruction • A Culture of Collaboration and Inquiry

  37. Focus on Essential Standards/Common Pacing Guides Test Score Analysis and Goal Setting Ongoing Monitoring-Common Interim Assessments Disaggregated Data: “Know Students by Name and Need” Targeted, Focused and Timely Intervention Programs District-wide Articulation: Teacher Leaders (EEI, Technology), Secondary Curriculum Council, Elementary Team Leaders Structured Teacher Planning/Collaboration Time Instructional Leaders as Administrators/Feedback Focused on Standards and EEI Continued Professional Development Continuous Improvement Strategies

  38. Congratulations to the San Marcos Team for building a program that generates student

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