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Google map for 21 st Century Learning カナダの日本語学習者のために

Google map for 21 st Century Learning カナダの日本語学習者のために. Ayumi NAGATOMI Alberta Education (Japan Foundation) ayumi.nagatomi@gov.ab.ca. 1. Japanese language & culture for learners in Canada?. Increasing diversity Learning Japanese outside Japan Definition of “culture”

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Google map for 21 st Century Learning カナダの日本語学習者のために

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  1. Google map for 21st Century Learningカナダの日本語学習者のために Ayumi NAGATOMI Alberta Education (Japan Foundation) ayumi.nagatomi@gov.ab.ca A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  2. 1. Japanese language & culture for learners in Canada? • Increasing diversity • Learning Japanese outside Japan • Definition of “culture” Learn a target language & culture AND Complete tasks in the target language A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  3. 2. Essential Skills in Today’s World? Inspiring Action on Education (June 2010) Government of Alberta • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and Innovation • Social Responsibility and Cultural, Global and Environmental Awareness • Communication • Digital Literacy • Lifelong Learning, Self-Direction and Personal Management • Collaboration and Leadership A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  4. 3. Why “TECHNOLOGY” … in classroom? A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  5. 家族 (1) Makino, Seiichi, Yukiko Abe Hatasa and Kazumi Hatasa (1998: p. 315) A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  6. 国際交流基金(2010: p. 32) ,みんなの教材サイト(国際交流基金) (2a. ) (2b.) A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  7. A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  8. “Gift-giving”…? … when giving someone a gift one has chosen or made, one will always say that it is an insignificant gift, even if one has taken great care and effort to make or select it, or has spent a large sum of money for it. (Peterson, 2004: p. 107) A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  9. Dialecthttp://web.mit.edu/kansai/ A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  10. 複数の言説がせめぎ合い、縫合していくポストモダン社会では、「情報の客観的な正確さ」を求めることは難しいということを理解することが必要・・・複数の言説がせめぎ合い、縫合していくポストモダン社会では、「情報の客観的な正確さ」を求めることは難しいということを理解することが必要・・・ 教師も学習者も様々な角度からものの見方を探求し、文化的事実がどのように複数の方法によって表象されているのかを批判的に検証すること・・・(久保田, 2008: p. 170) A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  11. 実践例 Sample Activities • Summer Intensive Course in Japan • 7 weeks • “Novice” • 16 students • Canada, USA, Mexico, China, Thailand, Singapore, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Germany, Belgium A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  12. Writing Exercises FeedbackUploadPeer EditingPresentation • Kana, Greetings & Useful expressions • Name, School/Major • Hometown • Daily routines • Visitor session (Q & A about hobbies, with Japanese visitors) • Field trip • Future plan A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  13. http://maps.google.ca/ Sign in  Gmail account “Create new map” Title and description of Map Setting (public/unlisted?) “Save” Drag icon onto Map(change icon?) Text in balloon→ “OK” “Save” → “Done” “Edit” (“Save” → “Done”) “Collaborate” (add collaborators’ email addresses)

  14. Googlemaps http://maps.google.ca/ A. Nagatomi SLIC2010

  15. Sign in (Gmail account)

  16. “Create new map”(or choose the map to be edited)

  17.   (new map)title, description, setting

  18. Drag icon onto Map

  19. Balloon

  20. Text in Balloon OK save done

  21. Link (“Rich Text”  highlight)

  22. URL

  23. (1a) Photohttp://www.flickr.com/ “Share this”

  24. (1b) Grab the HTML/BBC Code

  25. Copy Code

  26. “Edit HTML”  Paste(→Save →Done)

  27. (Uploaded photo)

  28. (2a) Movieyoutube <Embed>

  29. (2b) Copy <Embed> Code

  30. (2c) “Edit HTML” paste(→Save →Done)

  31. Uploaded movie

  32. Collaborate  Add email address

  33. e.g., Plan a school trip 1. Discuss where each group wants to visit 2. Gather information on the place (homepage, hours, fee, etc.) 3. Find out how to get there from __(directions, time, cost, etc.) 4. Write why it is worth visiting there (What’s there?Description? What can you do there?… to convince other groups) 5. Upload information and writings to “My(Class) Map” 6. Group presentation 7. Edit “My(Class) Map” together to plan the whole trip

  34. e.g., after the trip … Upload (add) -photos and video clips taken during the trip -writing (what s/he found out… similarities and differences …what s/he thinks may have entailed them… ) Presentation (beyond classroom)

  35. http://dokkai.mit.edu/index_ENG.cgi

  36. References Government of Alberta. June 2010. Inspiring Action on Education http://engage.education.alberta.ca/uploads/1006/inspiringactiononedu19828.pdf 国際交流基金 2010.『日本語教授法シリーズ 第11巻 日本事情・日本文化を教える』ひつじ書房 久保田竜子 2008. 「日本文化を批判的に教える」 『文化、 ことば、教育—日本語/日本の教育の「標準」を越えて』明石書店 Makino, Seiichi, Yukiko Abe Hatasa and Kazumi Hatasa. 1998. Nakama 1: Japanese Communication, Culture, Content. Houghton Miffrin Company. Nagaya, Yoshimi and Medlock Mariko. Dokkai Assistant http://dokkai.mit.edu/index_ENG.cgi Peterson, Hiromi and Naomi Omizo. 2004. Adventures in Japanese 1: Textbook. Cheng & Tsui Company. Shingu, Ikue. Kansai-ben: Kansai Dialect Self-study Site http://web.mit.edu/kansai/

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