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SESSION 8 GENDER ISSUES IN THE PROJECT LIFE CYCLE. SESSION GOAL. To enable workshop participants to understand where and how to address gender issues through the project cycle. GENDER ISSUES IN THE PROJECT LIFE CYCLE. Integrating Gender into the Project Life Cycle. Project Life Cycle.

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  2. SESSION GOAL Toenable workshop participants to understand where and how to address gender issues through the project cycle

  3. GENDER ISSUES IN THE PROJECT LIFE CYCLE Integrating Gender into the Project Life Cycle Project Life Cycle

  4. GENDER INTEGRATION IN USAID PROGRAMMING How will gender relations affect the achievement of sustainable results? How will proposed results affect the relative status of men and women? Automated Directive System Gender Questions Identify gender relations at the start of the project through gender analysis and establish an appropriate baseline ↓ (monitor changes) Describe gender relations at the end of the project (results) and start of the next project (new baseline) 4

  5. INTEGRATING GENDER IN PROJECT DESIGN AND APPRAISAL Step 1: EXAMINE PROGRAM OBJECTIVES for attention to gender issues; restate them to strengthen interaction between gender and economic growth goals 1. Project Design and Appraisal Step 2: COLLECT DATA on gender relations, roles, and identities related to program objectives Step 3: ANALYZE DATA for gender differences that may affect the achievement of program objectives

  6. INTEGRATING GENDER IN PROJECT DESIGN AND APPRAISAL Step 1: EXAMINE PROGRAM OBJECTIVES for attention to gender issues to strengthen interaction between gender and economic growth goals

  7. EXAMINE PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Guiding Questions: • Who are the direct participants of the project? • How might differences in participants’ and stakeholders’ sex, age, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity affect their ability to access information and services? • What are the different roles and responsibilities women and men have that will affect program outcomes and allocation of its benefits? • What are the social, legal or cultural taboos or obstacles that might prevent women or men from participating in the project?

  8. EXAMINE PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Information on Gender: Available Resources • Project reports and case studies • Gender assessments and analyses • Ethnographic studies and articles • National and local household and labor surveys

  9. INTEGRATING GENDER IN PROJECT DESIGN AND APPRAISAL Step 2: COLLECT DATA on gender relations, roles, and identities related specifically to program objectives • Sector-specific gender assessment • Project-specific gender assessment (e.g. Value-chain gender assessment)

  10. COLLECT DATA Data Collection Methods • Individual in-depth or structured interviews • Group interviews • Focus groups • Surveys • Observation

  11. Gender Analysis Questions: Who does what, including when and where tasks are done? Who has what (access and ownerships issues)? Who makes decisions and what is the decision-making process? Who gains and who loses as a result of development interventions? COLLECT DATA 11

  12. COLLECT DATA Questions to consider when collecting data? • Have you reviewed relevant published or project studies on the identified activity for data on both men and women? • Have you interviewed both women and men in relevant stakeholder groups across all project components? (e.g. producer association, group ranches, conservation organizations, women’s associations, policy advocacy groups)

  13. INTEGRATING GENDER IN PROJECT DESIGN AND APPRAISAL Step 3: ANALYZE DATA for gender differences that may affect the achievement of program objectives: • Access to Factors of Production and Enterprise Development • Practices and Participation • Knowledge and Beliefs • Laws, Policies, and Regulatory Institutions

  14. GENDER ANALYSIS ACTIVITY Questions to Answer: • What is the income per capita by sex? Fill in the corresponding boxes. • What is the average return per tree/vine by sex? Fill in the corresponding boxes. • What does the data tell us? • What factors might explain these results? • What additional information do we need to explain the results?

  15. INTEGRATING GENDER INTO PROJECT START-UP AND ACTIVITIES Step 1: DESIGN PROGRAM ELEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES to address gender issues (constraints and opportunities) 2. Implement project start-up & undertake activities Step 2: REVISE PROGRAM OBJECTIVE AS NECESSARY to address gender issues (constraints and opportunities)

  16. INTEGRATING GENDER INTO PROJECT START-UP AND ACTIVITIES Step 1: DESIGN PROGRAM ELEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES to address gender issues (constraints and opportunities) • Gender-based constraintsare barriers that inhibit either men’s or women’s access to resources or opportunities of any type • Gender-based opportunities are avenues for change that can improve women’s or men’s access to productive resources or opportunities for advancement

  17. DESIGN PROGRAM ELEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES Determining Strategies for Desired Results: • What activities will the program have to implement to ensure that men and women’s needs are addressed? • How will activities ensure equitable participation by women and men? • In what ways will program activities benefit women and men? • What kinds of strategies will help the program ensure that activities benefit women and men equitably?

  18. Gender Exploitative Gender Accommodating Gender Transformative Continuum of Approaches for Gender Integration

  19. GENDER INTEGRATION MATRIX • Provide management training to women. • Publicize opportunities in supervisory and management positions to men and women. • Provide trainings on sexual harassment to men and women. Social conditions (attitudes, harassment, lack of training) restrict employment opportunities for women, particularly in moving from line jobs to supervisory positions in horticultural production and processing plants. • In households women plant, weed, and harvest; men prepare land • Cultivation tasks vary by crop • Most women have completed primary education • Women are hired into low-paying production & processing jobs • Men are hired as supervisors • Sexual harassment is common Revised project objective: Increase employment opportunities in horticultural production and processing plants, especially in previously underrepresented positions

  20. INTEGRATING GENDER INTO PROJECT START-UP AND ACTIVITIES Step 2: REVISE PROJECT OBJECTIVE AS NECESSARY to address gender issues (constraints and opportunities)

  21. REVISING PROJECT OBEJCTIVE EXERCISE • Does the current objective allow you to carry out activities that would remove or reduce the identified constraints? • How might you modify the objective to address the gender constraints?


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