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The Roman Period

The Roman Period. By : Kyle Menant & Tommy McConnell. Democracy. The Romans were the first civilization to employ this type of government. Contexts. The Etruscans The Roman Republic The Roman Empire. The Etruscans.

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The Roman Period

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  1. The Roman Period By : Kyle Menant & Tommy McConnell

  2. Democracy • The Romans were the first civilization to employ this type of government.

  3. Contexts • The Etruscans • The Roman Republic • The Roman Empire

  4. The Etruscans • The civilization that would become the Roman one arose at the same time as that of ancient Greece. • This set the Romans on a 900-year course that would lead them to all corners of the then known world.

  5. The Roman Republic • Senatus Populusque Romanus( The Senate and the Roman People)- reflected the early Roman political and social order, and remained the watchword of Roman society until Imperial times. • Military Expansion • The Roman Civil War

  6. The Roman Empire • The Roman Empire was ruled by several key figures such as: Julius Caeser, Augustus Caeser, and Gaius Julius Caeser Octavian. • Pax Romana( The Roman Peace)- lasted for 200 years.

  7. Roman Law Stoicism Neo-Platonism Divinities and Mystery Cults Classicism Utilitarianism and Pragmatism Concepts

  8. Roman Law • Probably the most influential concept developed by the Romans in any field involved the techniques for deciding how general laws could be applied to specific cases( jurisprudence).

  9. Stoicism • For the Stoic, reason, or logos, governed the world, and the Great Intelligence was god. • The Great Intelligence controlled all things, and a person could do nothing but submit to this greater will.

  10. Neo-Platonism • Plotinus, an Egyptian-born philosopher, professed neo-Platonic doctrines with additions from Stoic and Epicurian teachings. • According to Plotinus, beauty in art and nature reflect a unified universe where individual beauty reflects harmony in the universe and a higher “reality” on which all experiences of beauty depend.

  11. Divinities and Mystery Cults • As Rome’s influence spread outward and interacted with other cultures, other divinities took their place in the Roman pantheon, some cases displacing and in other cases merging with earlier Roman gods and goddesses.

  12. Classicism • The principles, historical traditions, aesthetic attitudes, or style of the arts of ancient Greece and Rome, including works created in those times or later inspired by those times. • While the concepts of classicism originated in Greece, and Rome amplified these concepts, the term “classicism” as a label for those principles did not appear until late in the Middle Ages.

  13. Utilitarianism and Pragmatism • The two concepts, utilitarianism and pragmatism, arose as formal philosophical entities in the eighteenth and late nineteenth centuries respectively • Utilitarianism was considered “the greatest good for the greatest number”. • In pragmatism, truth has its sole determination in utility or cash value.

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