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Splash Screen. Chapter Introduction Section 1: American Nationalism Section 2: Early Industry Section 3: The Land of Cotton Section 4: Growing Sectionalism Visual Summary. Chapter Menu. Can Economics Shape Politics?

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  1. Splash Screen

  2. Chapter Introduction Section 1:American Nationalism Section 2:Early Industry Section 3:The Land of Cotton Section 4:Growing Sectionalism Visual Summary Chapter Menu

  3. Can Economics Shape Politics? • After the War of 1812, a new spirit of nationalism took hold in American society. New roads and canals helped connect the country. Industry developed in the North, while agriculture based on slave labor grew strong in the South. By the 1830s, the two regions were increasingly at odds with each other. • Why do you think roads and canals helped build nationalism? • How did the economic differences between North and South cause tensions? Chapter Intro

  4. Chapter Timeline

  5. Chapter Timeline

  6. American Nationalism Nationalism affected what three aspects of U.S. government? Chapter Intro 1

  7. Early Industry What technologies contributed to early industry in America? Chapter Intro 2

  8. The Land of Cotton What were the major industries of the South? Chapter Intro 3

  9. Growing Sectionalism How did the Missouri Compromise address growing sectionalism? Chapter Intro 4

  10. Chapter Preview-End

  11. Big Ideas Past and PresentIncreased national pride marked the years following the War of 1812. Section 1-Main Idea

  12. Content Vocabulary • revenue tariff • protective tariff Academic Vocabulary • interpret • finalize Section 1-Key Terms

  13. People and Events to Identify • Era of Good Feelings • John C. Calhoun • Seminoles • Adams-Onís Treaty • Monroe Doctrine Section 1-Key Terms

  14. A B Can you think of a time when you felt extremely proud to be an American? A. Yes B. No Section 1-Polling Question

  15. Economic Nationalism The surge of nationalism and the survival of only one political party created an atmosphere in which some economic proposals of the Federalists were enacted. Section 1

  16. Economic Nationalism (cont.) • After the War of 1812, a strong sense of national pride swept the United States. • The Columbian Centinel called this time the “Era of Good Feelings.” • Partisan infighting had largely ended in national politics because only the Republicans remained. • James Monroe was president during this time. Building the National Road, 1811–1838 Section 1

  17. Economic Nationalism (cont.) • Due to problems that arose without a national bank, John C. Calhoun introduced a bill proposing the Second Bank of the United States. • The bill passed in 1816. Section 1

  18. Economic Nationalism (cont.) • After the war, British goods flowed into the U.S. at such low prices that they threatened to put American manufacturers out of business. • Congress responded with the Tariff of 1816, a protective tariff as opposed to a revenue tariff. Section 1

  19. A B C D The Republicans wanted to improve what other aspect of the U.S. after the War of 1812? A.Housing B.Transportation C.Shopping D.Education Section 1

  20. Judicial Nationalism Under Chief justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court issued decisions that helped strengthen the national government. Section 1

  21. Judicial Nationalism (cont.) • Between 1816 and 1824, the Supreme Court issued rulings that established the dominance of the nation over the states. • Three important rulings by the Supreme Court: • Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee—the Court decided that it had the authority to hear all appeals of state court decisions in cases involving federal statutes and treaties. Section 1

  22. Judicial Nationalism (cont.) • McCulloch v. Maryland—the Court ruled that the Second Bank of the United States was constitutional, even though the Constitution did not specifically give Congress the power to create one. • It also ruled that taxing the national bank was a form of interference and, therefore, unconstitutional. Section 1

  23. Judicial Nationalism (cont.) • Gibbons v. Ogden—the Court ruled that the monopoly controlling steamboat traffic in New York, and thus New Jersey, was unconstitutional. Section 1

  24. A B C Which case centered on the “necessary and proper” clause? A.Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee B.McCulloch v. Maryland C.Gibbons v. Ogden Section 1

  25. Nationalist Diplomacy The surge of national pride and confidence after the War of 1812 led the United States to push to expand its borders. Section 1

  26. Nationalist Diplomacy (cont.) • In the early 1800s, Spanish-held Florida was a source of anger and frustration for Southerners. • Many runaway slaves and Creek groups retreated there—calling themselves Seminoles. • After Andrew Jackson invaded Florida, Spain finally gave in and ceded Florida to the U.S. in the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819. Nationalism and Diplomacy, 1818–1823 Section 1

  27. Nationalist Diplomacy (cont.) • Secretary Adams urged Monroe to avoid working with the British when dealing with Spain and Russia. • In 1823, President Monroe proclaimed that the American continents were “henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power.” Section 1

  28. Nationalist Diplomacy (cont.) • Later called the Monroe Doctrine, this statement marked the beginning of a long-term American policy of trying to prevent European powers from interfering in Latin American political affairs. Section 1

  29. A B C D Why did Andrew Jackson invade Florida? A.The Spanish governor threatened to attack Georgia. B.Seminoles and Americans living in Georgia were fighting. C.Monroe wanted control of Florida due to its gold supply. D.To retrieve any runaway slaves Section 1

  30. Section 1-End

  31. Big Ideas Science and TechnologyNew manufacturing techniques reshaped the way Americans worked. Section 2-Main Idea

  32. Content Vocabulary • free enterprise system • interchangeable parts • labor union • strike Academic Vocabulary • transportation • extraction Section 2-Key Terms

  33. People and Events to Identify • Erie Canal • National Road • Robert Fulton • Industrial Revolution • Francis C. Lowell • Eli Whitney • Samuel F. B. Morse Section 2-Key Terms

  34. A B Do you feel that technological advancements are necessary in order for a society to grow? A. Yes B. No Section 2-Polling Question

  35. A Revolution in Transportation New modes of transportation unified the nation and strengthened its economy. Section 2

  36. A Revolution in Transportation (cont.) • In the summer of 1817, work on the longest canal in the nation—the Erie Canal—began. • This project spurred a wave of canal building throughout the country. • As early as 1806, the nation took the first steps toward a transportation revolution when Congress funded the building of a major east-west highway, the National Road. The Transportation Revolution, 1810–1840 Section 2

  37. A Revolution in Transportation (cont.) • States, localities, and private businesses took the initiative to build hundreds of miles of toll roads. • The steamboat changed river travel—Robert Fulton and Robert R. Livingston chugged 150 miles up the Hudson River in just 32 hours. • Railroads sped the settlement of the American West and expanded trade more than any other form of transportation during this time. Section 2

  38. A B C D As railroads expanded, the need for which two goods increased dramatically? A.Iron and silver B.Coal and gasoline C.Iron and coal D.Gold and silver Section 2

  39. A New System of Production A revolution in manufacturing —the Industrial Revolution—dramatically changed the American economy and way of life. Section 2

  40. A New System of Production (cont.) • The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain in the mid-1700s, consisted of several basic developments: • Manufacturing shifted from hand tools to large, complex machines. • Skilled artisans gave way to often unskilled workers, organized by specific tasks. • Factories replaced home-based workshops. Section 2

  41. A New System of Production (cont.) • Manufacturers sold their wares nationwide or abroad instead of just locally. • Industry developed quickly in the U.S. due to the American free enterprise system. • Industrialization began in the Northeast, where many streams and rivers could provide mills with waterpower. Section 2

  42. A New System of Production (cont.) • The American textile industry took a huge step forward when entrepreneur Francis C. Lowellbegan opening a series of mills in northeast Massachusetts in 1814. Section 2

  43. A New System of Production (cont.) • A wave of inventions and technological innovations further spurred the nation’s industrial growth. • Eli Whitney—most famous for inventing the cotton gin—also popularized the concept of interchangeable parts, transforming gun-making from a one-by-one process into a factory process. Section 2

  44. A New System of Production (cont.) • Communications improved as well. • American inventor Samuel F. B. Morse began work on the telegraph in 1832 and developed the Morse code for sending messages. • Many city populations doubled or tripled during this time. • The publishing industry grew to meet demand for reading materials. Section 2

  45. A New System of Production (cont.) • Factory workers numbered 1.3 million by 1860. • Hoping to improve working conditions, some workers began to join together in labor unions. • Unions had little success during this time—they had little power or money to support strikes to achieve their goals. Section 2

  46. A B C D By 1844, the first long-distance telegraph line connected which two cities? A.Washington D.C. and Philadelphia B.Philadelphia and Baltimore C.Baltimore and Washington D.C. D.Philadelphia and Boston Section 2

  47. Life in the North The rise of industrialization and the growth of cities led to change and reform in American society. Section 2

  48. Life in the North (cont.) • The population growth in urban centers provided many challenges to city leaders. • Some of the problems in cities included: • crime • fires • unsanitary conditions • disease • overcrowding Wealth Distribution in Boston, 1833 Section 2

  49. Life in the North (cont.) • Until the 1850s, public schools did not exist in many cities, or attendance was not mandatory. • Northern cities became havens for runaway slaves as well as free African Americans, but most African Americans remained poor. • Even though industry and cities expanded in the Northeast during the first half of the nineteenth century, agriculture remained the country’s leading economic activity. Section 2

  50. A B Education was equally available for boys and girls. A.True B.False Section 2

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