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Unit I: From Medieval to Modern through Expansion and Division

Unit I: From Medieval to Modern through Expansion and Division. Welcome to Ms. Crain’s World History Class!. Date- Wednesday September 4, 2013 Find a seat 2 . Please grab the papers up front. 3. Relax and wait for the bell to ring! Happy first day of high school!!. Agenda:.

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Unit I: From Medieval to Modern through Expansion and Division

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  1. Unit I: From Medieval to Modern through Expansion and Division

  2. Welcome to Ms. Crain’s World History Class! Date- Wednesday September 4, 2013 • Find a seat • 2. Please grab the papers up front. 3. Relax and wait for the bell to ring! Happy first day of high school!!

  3. Agenda: This Year’s Class - Seating • Content • Expectations • Classroom routines/Procedures Questionssss?? About Me

  4. About Me Ms. Crain . . . Graduated FDU Masters of Arts in Teaching History Major Psych Minor

  5. Athletic Running Soccer/sports

  6. Music Reading HISTORY OF COURSE!

  7. To Do Responsibilities: • Bring in needed class supplies (See Syllabus) • Have parents/guardians complete contact list and return to class on Friday • Complete About Me Profile and bring in for class on Monday. Homework: 1. Current Events assignment

  8. Friday Sept. 6, 2013 • Find your name and take a seat • Please take out your Current Events Assignment. • Please place your Parent contact sheet up front. • Copy HW Do Now: Share your article with the person next to you

  9. Current Events Groups of Four Presentation While listening Write: 2 facts about the event in their article The relation to “history” 1 question to ask the presenter about their article.

  10. Journal When you hear that history repeatsitself, it may not always be the case. However, it is very true to state that the present is always connected to and often reflects the past. How can we say this is true? What evidence you you/we have?

  11. Intro to Middle Ages… Previewing the chapter- Scavenger Hunt Something to do with: (3-5 sentences) Daily life Leaders Religion Other

  12. Closing Letter to the Middle Ages: Using the words from today create a 5 sentences of a letter they would send back in time to the Middle ages to ask about the lives of people in that time.

  13. Home Work “If you were a Serf” Text Book Pages

  14. Mon. Sept 9, 2013 • Place About me, Current Event and Parent forms in bin at front • Copy tonight's homework • Complete textbook form Do Now- If you had a land to rule how would you choose to organize it.

  15. Agenda: Vocab- Feudalism Vassals Fief Knight Manor Serfs Magna Carta

  16. High Middle Ages- after AD 1000 • Feudalism • Manorialism • Knights • Crusades

  17. Early Middle Ages-Europe 900 AD Kingdom divided into smaller and smaller states Large landowners eventually came to hold the most power

  18. A dangerous time • A time of confusion • Many invasions • Vikings from the north • Magyars from the east • Sarcens from the south • All plunder the continent

  19. Landowners offer protection • Raised their own armies • Built castles to protect people • Became LESS dependent on kings/ central government What issues or advantages would an empire have if the landowners/people of the land became less dependent on a central government

  20. Feudalism emerges • A political, economic, military, and social arrangement • complex set of relationships • Everyone had a place and role in society

  21. Feudal System Simulation Centralized Fragmented/ Decentralized Many land owners with their own rules and armies One Leader, One Law UNIFORM COMPETING

  22. 1st class workers 2nd class workers The Feudal Social Order

  23. Vassalage seals the relationship • Involved fealty • Oath of loyalty taken • Military service and advice given to lord • Usually vassal gave 40 days a year of service

  24. Limiting the Monarch Magna Carta- 1. designated the rights of nobles that limited the power of the monarch 2. monarchs must also obey the laws

  25. A Manor * After a lord receives a fief (an estate of land) he places a manor on it. * Serfs (peasants) work and maintain the land in return for protection.

  26. How did this feudal system work Power and debt! 1. Lords have the power to grant land to nobility/knights ... Once they have the land, they become labeled as a vassal 2. The Vassals allow peasants to work on the land in exchange for protection. Many become serfs, which means they are indebted to the vassal and all their work-product is given up. REGIONAL POWER…

  27. Summary Read “If you were a Serf” and answer • What power did the “people” of The Feudal system have in their own life? • Write a brief journal entry describing life on a manor.

  28. HW • Read pgs 26-27 answer questions 2-4

  29. Tues Peasants and the Feudal system cont’

  30. P 4

  31. What is the difference… Between serfs and peasants.. Create a 5 sentence summary detailing the difference

  32. No matter which you are.. This is your life… Read the handout and answer the questions given

  33. High Middle Ages- after AD 1000 • Feudalism • Manorialism • Knights • Crusades

  34. Remember… In the early middle ages, -There was no strong government -too much land and too little man power of one king to handle it -Chaos and confusion - Violent and threatening invasions

  35. Now that land owners have more power…..Feudalism emerges • A political, economic, military, and social arrangement • Based on land division and ruling of separate “landlords” • complex set of relationships • Everyone had a place and role in society

  36. Feudal Simulation Being a part of Medieval Times!! Who are you??!! Reflection.. What was the purpose

  37. P8 Reflect… Explain why we can call feudalism a social and economic system?

  38. Remember… In the early middle ages, -There was no strong government -too much land and too little man power of one king to handle it -Chaos and confusion - Violent and threatening invasions

  39. Vassalage seals the relationship • Also called fealty • Oath of loyalty taken • Military service and advice given to lord • Usually vassal gave 40 days a year of service

  40. Limiting the Monarch Magna Carta- 1. designated the rights of nobles that limited the power of the monarch 2. monarchs must also obey the laws

  41. No matter which you are.. This is your life… Read the handout and answer the questions given

  42. Feudal Simulation Being a part of Medieval Times!! Who are you??!! Reflection.. What was the purpose

  43. Study Guides

  44. Medieval Church Speed Dating! 3 Stations About 5-7 minutes at each station to read the given handout and complete the matching page in your packet. 1. The Church and The State 2. Salvation and Damnation (Church for the common People) 3. The Church’s Power

  45. Packet Correction Page 1 Question 3 Replace the word KING with CHURCH

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