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Geospatial information for improved water management at RCMRD / SERVIR-AFRICA. Andre Kooiman 1 , , Dr Tesfaye Korme 2 , Ashutosh Limaye 3 , Billy Ishmall 3 1 SERVIR Africa- Nairobi, Kenya 2 RCMRD, Nairobi, Kenya 3 SERVIR Coordination Office, Huntsville, USA.
Geospatial information for improved water management at RCMRD /SERVIR-AFRICA Andre Kooiman1,, Dr TesfayeKorme 2, Ashutosh Limaye3, Billy Ishmall3 1SERVIR Africa- Nairobi, Kenya 2RCMRD, Nairobi, Kenya 3SERVIR Coordination Office, Huntsville, USA 3rd GEOSS African Water Cycle Initiative Workshop (AfWCCI,) February 4 - 5. 2013, El Jadida, Morocco
Established: • in 1975, by UNECA & AU • Aim • To be a premier Centre of excellence in the provision of Geo-Information and Information Technology applications in Africa and beyond • 19 contracting member states: • Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Seychelles, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia • Governing council: • Permanent Secretaries of Min. Lands/Env. member States • Funding: • Annual contributions contracting member States, projects and services
Water related projects Surface Water: Lakes: • Water quality • lake water level monitoring Rivers: • Water quality monitoring • Discharge monitoring • Management of catchment areas Groundwater • Availability of groundwater • Monitoring of groundwater quality Training
Mapping surface water quality using RADAR images: Water Hyacinth Area Covered by Hyacinth Hyacinth movement Movement
Water quality assessment 0 mg/m3 20 0 gr/m3 65 Total suspended matter Chlorophyll Yellow matter (Gelbstoff) Total suspended matter derived from Envisat-MERIS Sensor Total Chlorophyll derived from Envisat-MERIS Sensor
Decrease in lake water levels since 1997/98 El Nino Lake Turkana Lake Victoria Lake Tanganyika Regional drought and lake levels in East Africa http://www.pecad.fas.usda.gov/cropexplorer/global_reservoir/
Groundwater quality: map of fluoride content in groundwater samples
INTRODUCTION • SERVIRglobal.net: • an online “one-stop shop” for geospatial information on the region. • Includes: • Data catalog • Web mapping tools • Online geospatial data feeds from a variety of sources • Customized applications for mapping and Earth observations • Training and other capacity building materials • Knowledge base: Base-info on projects, examples of success stories, news from the user community
Interactive mapper • SERVIR Interactive Mapper displaying a land cover map for 2008 derived from MODIS imagery
CLIP, ZIP, SHIP TOOL Download data from SERVIR Geospatial One Stop: select layers of interest, give email address, specify AOI and an email with the download link will be sent: http://servir.rcmrd.org/geoapps/ecosystems/
GIS FLOOD TOOLS GFT ArcMap extension analyzing flood extend using DEM and discharge value
SERVIR- NASA Science Applications 2012-2016 Hydrology: SERVIR Water Africa-Arizona Team (SWAAT) Hydrological modeling of larger basins (Lake Victoria and Limpopo or Zambezi). University of Arizona: Water Depts, Basin authorities, DRR organizations. Health: Flood risk mapping, water bodies monitoring and climate information for disaster management and human health. Columbia University/ WHO, Min Health Tanzania, Ethiopia Climate scenarios: Leveraging CMIP5 and NASA / GMAO Coupled Modeling Capacity for SERVIR Africa Climate Projections, Marshall Space Flight Center/ KMD, Botswana Met Dept. (tentative) Climate historical data: A Long Time-Series Indicator of Agricultural Drought for the Greater Horn of Africa; US Geological Survey / (tbd) Agriculture East Africa Drought and Agricultural Productivity Assessment and Prediction System NASA -Jet Propulsion Laboratory/ Min Agriculture Kenya, Ethiopia Carbon : Forest Carbon Assessment for REDD in the East Africa SERVIR Region -Woods Hole Research Center/ Forestry and Min Env. Of DRC, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda
SERVIR- CAPACITY BUILDING and TRAINING Needs assessment in member states Priorities for training and capacity building Short courses: CREST, Open source, Web mapping, Data management Project based training / on the job training / backstopping: Meta data management and Land cover mapping GHG MyCOE: exchange of 17 students and 17 mentors, linking 13 Universities from 9 countries in the region.
FLOODING: ‘CREST’ STREAM FLOW PREDICTION MODEL • SERVIR-Africa has been running a water resource assessment tool, a distributed hydrologic model called CREST, for a large domain in East Africa using NASA remotely sensed datasets. • The purpose of the modeling effort is to empower the decision makers with timely information about the water resources conditions. SERVIR-East Africa has engaged the Ministry of Water Resources in Kenya and is reaching out to other countries. • SERVIR-East Africa has generated historic hydrologic model runs, is running the model in near real time and is working on getting the seasonal forecasts in a few months.
Hydrologic Modeling with TRMM Data • Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite provides a 3-hr snapshot of rainfall estimates for virtually every part of the globe. • We are using near real time TRMM products to generate CREST model output for the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) domain. • Our model runs every time we receive new TRMM data TRMM Near Real time Rainfall Data CREST Model Runs Spatial Output Datasets * Streamflow * Soil Moisture
Historic Data Perspective • We have used 10-year historic satellite rainfall data to drive the CREST model. We have generated daily streamflow every 1 km pixel. • Those historic and near real time data are shared with Kenya Department of Water Resources (KDWR) at nearly 850 stream gage locations of their choice. We also make the data available on our web portal. • Working with KDWR to incorporate their streamflow observations to improve the model runs. • We have used the historic data to assess 5th, 20th, 80th and 95th percentiles for each 1 km pixel. Based on the four quantiles, we assess whether the near real time model output is extremely dry, very wet or in between.
Mobile applications Mobile phones are everywhere in Africa. In Kenya, in fact there are 74 mobile phones for every 100 and nearly 99% of the internet subscriptions are on mobile phones! SERVIR works on text based alerting systems and on smartphone applications.
The Adaptation SERVIR has adapted CREST model products to fit the mobile needs. CREST Models can run On all iOS and Android devices.
SERVIR Geospatial Onestop Tools • Interactive Mapper: • Core viewer that enables access and display of datasets from different sources https://servirglobal.net/EastAfrica/MapsData/InteractiveMapper.aspx • Data Catalog: • Interface for discovering geospatial resources using keyword searches https://servirglobal.net/EastAfrica/MapsData/DataCatalog.aspx • CREST Viewer: • Interface for displaying flood model outputs in near real time • Biodiversity Maps: • Interface for displaying and querying species distribution maps http://servir.rcmrd.org/geoapps/biodiversity/ • Clip/Zip/Ship: • Interface for downloading SERVIR datasets based on a user-defined area of interest http://servir.rcmrd.org/geoapps/ecosystems/