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Welcome!. Transformational t rends. new social & app patterns. cloud computing. consumerization of IT. compute. storage. network. data explosion. Modern platform for the world’s apps. transforms the datacenter enables modern apps unlocks insights on any data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome!

  2. Transformational trends new social & app patterns cloud computing consumerizationof IT compute storage network data explosion

  3. Modern platform for the world’s apps transforms the datacenter enables modern apps unlocks insights on any data empowers people-centric IT Cloud OS

  4. Modern platform for the world’s apps Cloud OS

  5. What makes the Cloud OS unique flexibledevelopment unifieddev-ops & management common identity & security integratedvirtualization complete data platform MICROSOFT 1 Cloud OS CONSISTENTPLATFORM ON-PREMISES SERVICE PROVIDER

  6. Windows Azure Windows Server

  7. announcing available today

  8. Customer Video

  9. Modern platform for the world’s apps transforms the datacenter enables modern apps unlocks insights on any data empowers people-centric IT Cloud OS

  10. Cloud OSTransforms the datacenter Scalable & elastic Shared resources Enterprise-class scale and performance Virtualization across compute, storage, and networking Always up, always on Continuous availability with management efficiency Automated & self-service

  11. Customer Video

  12. Cloud OSEnables modern apps Cloud scale Windows Server Flexible & easy Flexibility to build on-premises and in the cloud Open web and app development environment Hybrid & extensible Scalable and elastic infrastructure Windows Azure Rapid dynamic lifecycle

  13. Customer Video

  14. Cloud OSUnlocks insights on any data Any data, any size, anywhere Complete data platform from Excel to SQL to Hadoop Connecting with world‘s data Integrated data reaching beyond your organization Analysis and insights with familiar tools Immersive data experiences

  15. Cloud OSEmpowers people-centric IT Personalized experience Active Directory at the core Any device, anywhere Dynamic Access Control for information protection Comprehensive VDI solution with simplified deployment Secure & well-managed

  16. Customer Video

  17. Demo

  18. The Industry is Ready hardware vendors service providers logo-certified servers deploying to datacenters globally system integrators software vendors strong pipeline of apps thousands trained to deploy

  19. Ushering in the era of the Cloud OS transforms the datacenter enables modern apps unlocks insights on any data empowers people-centric IT MICROSOFT 1 CONSISTENTPLATFORM ON-PREMISES SERVICE PROVIDER

  20. Today and beyond • Visit Microsoft Virtual Academy for free online readiness • http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/tracks/windows-server-2012-first-look • Explore Microsoft Learning certifications on Windows Sever • http://www.microsoft.com/learning/ • Learn and Get Certified • Evaluate Windows Server 2012 • Download Windows Server 2012 • http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver/ • Evaluate Windows Azure • Take the free 90-day trial • http://www.windowsazure.com/ • Engage in Launch • Join the online launch experience • http://www.windows-server-launch.com/

  21. Thank You

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