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In The Name of Allah

In The Name of Allah. UNIT: 5 Lesson:5. Common - indemand -frame - decline - slanted. Quran - kufic - and - copy - on - to - Like - in – popular. calligraphy. calligraphy. calligraphy. Calligraphy. Calligraphy. Calligraphy. calligraphy. Dec-o-rate. Framed. Pop-u-lar. Slent-ed.

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In The Name of Allah

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In The Name of Allah

  2. UNIT: 5 Lesson:5

  3. Common - indemand -frame - decline - slanted Quran - kufic - and - copy - on - to - Like - in – popular

  4. calligraphy calligraphy calligraphy Calligraphy Calligraphy Calligraphy calligraphy

  5. Dec-o-rate Framed Pop-u-lar Slent-ed Frame Inde-mand Ver-sion Na-tive speak-er il-lus-trate Dec-o-ra-tion Com-mon Em-pha-size De-cline Print-ing

  6. Common (adj) 1- Belonging to Several people ,not to one person . 2- Found in many places e.g.That bird ,the pigeon, is common all over Europe. 3-Usual; it is common for a women to leave her parent’s house when she gets married. not polite ; We did not like him because he was a very Common. 4-

  7. De-cline (vt / j-reg) 1-Say no to something which is offered ; say that you do not Want somethingwhich has been offered . De-cline 2-become weaker or Lees.

  8. Dec-o-rate (vt-reg ) Make something more beautiful By adding things to it . Dec-o-ra-tion (n) Something used to decorate .

  9. em- pha-size ( ) vt- reg Make people notice something ;make somethingNoticeable ; stress.

  10. farme (n) 1-the edge of the metal or wood around a picture Or the glass of a window. 2-the structure which supports A house ,a plane or a ship.

  11. farmed (adj) With a frame around.

  12. il-lus-trate (vt-reg.) Use pictures, photographs or Diagrams in a book or a lesson . He illustrated his lecture about France with photographs of Paris.

  13. (adj phr) Inde-mand Wanted. Ink(n)

  14. Na-tive speak-er (n) Someone who has spoken a language since he or she was born .

  15. Pop-u-lar (adj) Liked by many People .

  16. Print-ing (n) The business of copying letters , words and books by machine . What are these machines ? printers

  17. slant-ed (adj) Not vertical but at an angle from vertical. Look at these arrows: Horizontal Vertical Slanted

  18. handwriting Ver-sion (n) A from of something which has been Changed a little from the original.

  19. Trs. Faten mohef AL otaibi Abeer Abdul Aziz AL-ghamadi. class: 3L3

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