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Offer versus Serve

Offer versus Serve. Alaska Child Nutrition Programs. What Must Be Offered in NSLP. 5 food components Meat/meat alternate Bread/Grains Fruits Vegetables Milk Students are allowed to decline 2 of the 5 required food components, but must select at least ½ cup of either fruit or vegetable.

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Offer versus Serve

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Offer versus Serve Alaska Child Nutrition Programs

  2. What Must Be Offered in NSLP • 5 food components • Meat/meat alternate • Bread/Grains • Fruits • Vegetables • Milk Students are allowed to decline 2 of the 5 required food components, but must select at least ½ cup of either fruit or vegetable.

  3. OVS • Only required for senior high schools for the NLSP • Optional for lower grades for the NSLP • Optional for the SBP at all grade levels • Student’s option to decline item(s) • Same price if child declines item(s)

  4. OVS • Full amount of each component must be available to choose

  5. The Benefits of OVS • Waste reduction

  6. Lunch Example • The lunch offered: turkey, mashed potatoes, peaches, roll and milk • OVS in action • Turkey, roll and milk ≠ reimbursable lunch • To be reimbursable, must add mashed potatoes or peaches

  7. Meeting Minimum Serving Sizes

  8. Combining Fruit and Vegetable Components

  9. Combination Foods • Must take at least 3 of 5 components • Must take at least ½ cup serving of the fruit or vegetable component • Student may take two ¼ cup servings of the same item fruit or vegetable to meet the requirement

  10. Combining Fruits and Vegetable Requirements • Can you mix fruit and vegetables to meet the minimum required serving • All serving lines must met daily minimum requirements on all offerings

  11. Multiple Serving Lines • Each independent serving line must meet the daily and weekly requirements (including subgroups).

  12. Preplated Meals • Is pre-plating allowed under OVS?

  13. What Has to be Posted Before the Serving Line? • The food components that are part of a meal must be labeled, listed or otherwise identified near or at the beginning of the serving line and prior to the point of service. • When food components or food items are located in an approved location beyond the POS, they must be labeled, listed on the menu, or otherwise identified so the students can easily identify all the components for a reimbursable meal and select the correct quantities.

  14. Beginning of the Serving Line Signage

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